《The Unknown》Chapter 5:Niflheim
It was six days after she had spoken to her father and sister and she had not returned to their world. Every time she slept and tried to go to their world, she would dream about Cedric and his death. Dreaming about the green light and how he tried to protect her but died doing so, and it made her think about the people that had already died for her or were hurt and she knew now that Voldemort was back, more people were going to get hurt.
As they were on board the Hogwarts Express, they were discussing the Daily Prophet and how they weren't reporting Cedric's death, Rita Skeeter and how she was an Animagus and how she used it to her advantage. They talked about several things but as each second passed, Dahlia just knew that life couldn't get any worse. The Second War had unofficially started, Voldemort was back to full strength, Cedric was dead, the whole world believed that she was a liar when she tried to warn them, her father was still imprisoned, her sister was in another realm, no clues on where her brothers were and she was on the Hogwarts train back to the Dursleys.
It was only once they pulled into King's Cross Station did Dahlia sigh and finally moved out of her seat after being stiff and on guard almost the entire journey. She stopped the twins before they left the train and handed them her prize winning money from the tournament, not wanting it after Cedric. Of course, they were hesitant but eventually took the money, promising not to tell their mother and to buy Ron some dress robes. Dahlia knew that the twins would put the money to good use, making people smile. That's what people needed because of what's to come.
Leaving the train, she stood with the Weasleys as they said goodbye and she walked through the wall of platform 9 3/4 with her trunk to meet the Dursleys. She was near the entrance concourse when she heard the whisper in the wind, "Dahlia".
She froze for a moment, looking around, "Hela?" She whispered.
"Sister, it's me. You're being watched, look natural. There's a restroom to your right, go there," Hela said and Dahlia looked around to notice a single restroom for the disabled not too far away like her sister said.
Dahlia casually pushed her trunk there, glancing around casually for anyone following her, not notcing anyone following or who looked familiar, except a few Muggle-borns pushing their trunks to the entrance. She pushed her trolley into the bathroom before locking the door and as she turned, her sister appeared. "Hela" she sighed.
Hela, who was wearing a cloak, pushed the hood of the cloak down and smiled, "sister".
Slowly, they both took steps towards each other till they were almost touching and Dahlia raised her right hand and touched Hela's left blue decayed cheek and couldn't help but give a joyful giggle when her hand touched her sister for the first time. Both smiled as they pulled each their close in their first embrace, holding tightly, embracing the touch they were forbidden from for so long.
It was a few minutes later that they finally pulled apart and Dahlia asked, "what are you doing here?"
"I needed to see you in person. Dahlia, I want you to come with me. Come to Niflheim".
Dahlia sighed and looked down disappointed, "I told you I can't. I have to go back to Hogwarts and-"
"I'll bring you back", she cut her sister off, "come with me for a few days, a week and I promise I'll bring you back. I just...I want you safe for as long as possible. Please come with me". Hela then did the pouty look which made Dahlia laugh.
"Aren't you a little old to be making that look?"
Hela gasped and said, "just think, in mortal appearances I'm only a couple of years older than you".
Dahlia rolled her eyes and said, "yeah yeah. You're still a Queen though".
"Which is another reason, I only act like this when I'm alone with my family or the people closest to me...so will you come with me?" Hela asked hopefully.
Dahlia thought for a moment and asked, "what about being caught? Wouldn't Heimdall be suspicious of you being here? You said someone was following me?"
Hela held up a hand to stop her sister talking and said, "firstly, I think the person watching you is someone sent to protect you. They seemed to be watching you closely but whenever someone came too close, they would grab their wand".
Dahlia sighed and said, "Dumbledore probably sent someone to watch me".
Hela hummed in agreement, "probably from what you've told me about him and what I already know. Secondly, I've put in every protection spell and charm I know right now so that Heimdall can't see me. Unfortunately, the same spell Papa used on you and Lily won't work on me, so he can sense that I'm on Midgard but even he won't be able to locate me. Finally, everyone in my world won't say a word about you to outsiders. They know how important you are".
Dahlia thought over the offer for a moment and she really wanted to take it but there was one more issue, "Dumbledore will know if I don't go home". Hela smirked and reached into her cloak and pulled out a small pouch. She then pulled a piece of Dahlia's hair, "ouch, what's that's for?" Dahlia asked.
Hela added it to the pouch and said, "an answer to our problem". She placed it on the floor and cut her hand, allowing a couple of drops of blood to land on the bag as she chanted, "tantum animus cum corpore mentem. Nuper mihi volentibus". The bag was glowing with Hela's magic as she chanted.
Dahlia looked confused for a moment as nothing seemed to change with the bag but then it began to expand and after a few moments, another version of Dahlia stood in front of her. Hela laughed as Dahlia looked confused, "wh-wh-what is that?"
Hela stopped laughing and answered, "the answer to our little problem. It is a spell I learned while being Queen. Very old and Very ancient form of magic, took me a while to master it. It's basically an exact copy of you. It will go to the Dursleys and act just as you would, send letters to your friends just as you would. With your memories and everything so no one will notice the difference. It even has slight hints of your magical core, thanks to the hair, so that if anyone does a locator spell they'll see you at the Dursleys...bad part is, it doesn't last forever".
Dahlia let off a small laugh as she said, "are you sure this will work?"
Hela nodded and said, "I'm positive. Come with me and I'll bring you back when you want and reverse the spell".
Dahlia then slowly nodded and said, "let's go then. I wanna be with you".
Hela jumped slightly in joy and shrieked, "perfect. Now, copy Dahlia, you go and live Dahlia's life with the Dursleys".
The copy nodded but Hedwig began to toot when the copy tried to push the trolley and Dahlia gestured for it to stop as she took Hedwig out of her cage and stroked her. She said, "it's okay, Hedwig. This is my sister, we just want to spend some time together but you've got to stay here and pretend that's me".
Hedwig looked between Dahlia and Hela and when Hela reached over to stroke her Hedwig tooted in delight, "I think she likes me".
Dahlia giggled, "so do I. I promise I'll be back, Hedwig". She then opened the cage and Hedwig flew back inside.
Dahlia then felt awkward as she nodded to her copy who then opened the door and pushed the trolley away, heading for the entrance and her life. Dahlia was nervous as she looked to her sister who then handed her a smaller cloak. "Put that on. It is enchanted so that no one will pay us any attention, it'll be like they don't want to look at us and their brain just won't want to accept that we're there".
Dahlia placed on the black cloak and Hela held out a hand and Dahlia took it as she smiled, "let's go".
They left the bathroom and the train station altogether and walked two blocks before Hela pulled her into an alleyway. As they got to the end, Dahlia saw a pentacle marked on the floor. She said, "is that what I think it is?"
"Yes," Hela said, "and no it's not a dark symbol, Odin had people spread that around so that people would tell him if the symbol ever appeared. I created this symbol when I was very young and used a spell so that no one could track me when I travel on it. Transporting on symbols like these mean that no one can detect my magic and where I'm going and where I've been. The pentacle is my mark".
They both stood on the pentacle and Hela squeezed her hand tightly and said, "you have to listen to me very closely. I'm going to open a portal to go to Niflheim but you need to keep hold of my hand till we get there. Do not let go for anything," she said the last part forcefully.
"What happens if I let go?" Dahlia asked curiously.
A few moments passed before Hela answered, "you become lost in space. Dahlia, I can only do this because I'm Queen. I can allow people from Niflheim to come through cause they're dead but the living, anyone not from Niflheim, shouldn't be in the portal. That's why I need you to hold on and not let go so I can link you to me".
Dahlia let off a nervous laugh and said, "no worries then".
"None whatsoever". Hela waved her hand into the air twice as she let her magic flow and a dark blue swirling circular portal then opened and Hela smiled at her sister, hoping she was ready before she pulled her in.
It felt weird for Dahlia entering the portal. The swirls of stars and galaxies were shown in the portal, as if revealing the way to get to Niflheim, and she could see why Hela warned her not to let go as she was tempted to just stay and stare. Entering it, however, felt like every aspect of her body was vibrating, like every cell was trying to keep up with the sudden change and it caused a tingling feeling in her hands and feet. It only lasted moments, however, because as soon as they entered the portal they had left it.
They appeared in a silver and blue throne room. All the floors and pillars and ceiling were silver and when Dahlia looked down, she saw the same pentacle symbol on the floor in blue. Each of the pillars in the throne room also has the pentacle embedded into them in the same colour. There were portraits of who Dahlia believed to be all the past Kings hanging on the walls and as she turned, she finally saw the few steps that led to a beautiful throne that shone even brighter than Dahlia thought possible with the circle of windows surrounding it. Hela smiled at her sister and gestured for her to go to the windows as she could see the curiosity in her little sister's eyes. Dahlia ran to the windows and said in awe, "it's beautiful".
"What were you expecting? Skulls and darkness?" Hela joked.
"No, I-" Dahlia said quickly and turned to look at her sister next to her.
Hela laughed, "sister, I am only jesting. Many people believe it is that way as this is what those of Midgard would call Hell, and Odin does not present me well to the nine realms and the rest of the universe. Valhalla is supposed to be the nice place, not here".
Dahlia reached for her sister's hand and squeezed it and said, "I will happily fight anyone who says this isn't a beautiful place".
Hela nodded in thanks, "there are those who do remember the days I was not Queen. It was different back then but those spirits tell me that I have changed this realm for the better".
"Wow," Dahlia couldn't help but say as she looked back out of the windows and saw a world full of colour, something she did not expect out of the realm of the dead. She saw the bright blue sky with very few clouds in the sky, buildings down below of different sizes, shapes, colours and stalls selling items. It seemed to go on for miles and Dahlia could see mountains in the distance, shining as light passed and a castle near the mountains stood out to her the most .
Hela noticed her gazing there and said, "that's the castle of the old Kings. After every King passes on the thrown after their death, they go there. Basically, just a castle full of old bats who tell their tale and share their knowledge. However, my predecessor, King Alec, resides there so I visit".
"Dad told me he took care of you. King Alec. He said he was grateful for that".
"He did," Hela said in a haze as she looked at the castle. "I was a child when I was sent here, barely knew much about any other world. Alec had died 500 years beforehand and he should have trained his student while he was alive to take over. He was supposed to but he didn't. When he found me, he said he saw something in me that made him choose me. I'm the first Queen to ever rule Niflheim, it's always been men. Alec took that chance and fought all those who said it was unwise to choose me. He cared for me like a daughter".
"And now?" Dahlia asked snapping her out of thought.
Hela looked to her sister and smiled, "I made this land the better and everyone agrees. If you would have been here a thousand years ago, it was completely different. All the Kings before Alec, even Alec himself claimed that this land wasn't supposed to be Valhalla, so they took little care. They hurt the people they believed needed hurting in life but left the rest of their kingdom to fall. No buildings, no sense of familiarity for people, spirits just wondered as if they had no existence. When a spirit believes that to a certain extent for a certain period of time, they disappear. Removing themselves from existence without them even knowing it. It was only at the end of his reign did Alec begin to see differently and change began to happen. He said that it was training me that inspired him. He, like everyone before him, despised Asgardians so when I showed up and he believed me to be one, many would have killed me but he didn't. He said that Odin had done wrong by casting out a child of such innocence. Said that the innocence of life, of a real child's life here changes a man perspective. He trained me and I helped him build this world in the process. So, when I took the throne, I made the land better. Houses, shops, rebuilt the castle, music filled the land...even the old Kings agree. A lot of people outside still believe it is how it used to be, they still think it's awful even though they've never been here since the change".
"You did a fantastic job," Dahlia commented.
"Thanks," Hela said and looked out, "sometimes I just stand here and look out, seeing how much its changed. Odin said I would only bring destruction but I wanted to prove him wrong. When I first came, it was horrible" Hela shook her head, "very little green land, a fog that seemed to never go away, you could never see the sky, the souls walking with the look of sorrow in their eyes...I still come here sometimes and look out for hours and think, what if he's right and I do bring destruction, what if I destroy everything I built".
Hela was cut from her thoughts when she felt her sister squeeze her hand and looked to her as Dahlia said, "I may not have known you long but I know you wouldn't. You care about the people here, you truly care for Niflheim. You're not a monster and I don't want to hear you even considering you're a part of a prophecy that refers to you being a monster". Hela smiled, "now" Dahlia said, "question, how did you get rid of the fog? And sort out the green land as if it doesn't seem in need to me?"
Hela nodded and said, "building and adding a sense of familiarity was easy, it was the environment that proved to be an issue. It took me 200 years to find a way to fix it, to add seasons and banish fog. I connected my own magic to this realm so that as long as I want it this way, it shall remain for my reign".
"What about after?" Dahlia asked nervously, not wanting to think of her sister's death.
Hela gave her a comforting smile and said, "that isn't for a long time and I will make sure my successor links herself or himself to the realm so it can continue to be a peaceful place". Hela then turned her body fully to face her sister and pulled Dahlia to do the same as Hela then held her hand. The Queen said seriously, "Dahlia, I don't have many rules while you are here but the one rule I need you to follow is this, do not leave the castle in the south side. Don't go to the south side of the castle, there's barely any windows but there are a few and there're signs that will tell you if you're there by accident".
"What's in the sou-...Mareriett" Dahlia said realising what her sister was trying to protect her from.
Hela nodded and said, "there's a reason in your language it translates into nightmare. I don't want you there okay. No matter how much papa or I explain it, it will never be as graphic as what Mareriett truly looks like. I don't want you to see that place ".
Dahlia glanced between her sister and the land they called Lykke which translated to bliss/happiness which is what Hela intended for the land. She couldn't help but ask, "how different is it from Lykke?"
Hela shook her head slowly and replied, "you won't believe you're on the same world if you see it. Promise me you'll stick to the north".
Dahlia nodded, "I promise".
"Thank you," Hela said then clapped her hands together and said, "anyway, I think you need to get changed. No offence to your Midgardian clothes but on Niflheim we dress slightly differently".
Dahlia nodded as the sister linked arms and walked through the corridors, walking past soldiers and servants and anyone in their way. Everyone seemed to smile and bow but a few even whispered when they saw Dahlia as they heard the rumours that she was alive.
Hela guided Dahlia to her room which was in the North corridor wing of bedrooms, not too far away from Hela's. She entered the room which was larger than the whole of Dursleys downstairs by more than double. She had a large silver square bed which could fit almost 6 people in, a wardrobe, two sets of drawers, including a side drawer at the side of her bed, a large mirror, a plain white vanity, a privacy screen, a landscape of a castle hanging above her fireplace mantle, where there was also a couch and a chair and finally a balcony to look over the city. Dahlia walked around the room in amazement and went to the side room which was the bathroom which held a large, bigger than a large jacuzzi on Midgard, tub and toilet with what seemed like soft cotton towels. Dahlia noticed all the essentials were in both rooms, from clothes to toothbrush.
She looked back at her sister as Hela shifted slightly and said, "I know it's not much right now. I mean, it needs your individual flare and-"
Hela didn't finish because Dahlia crashed into her, holding her tight as she said, "thank you. No one's ever done anything like this for me before".
"Well while you're here, you'll always be treated like this". Hela then pulled away and asked cautiously, "Dahlia, are you ever going to tell us what's happened to make you insecure?"
Dahlia immediately looked away, not wanting to speak about the Dursleys treatment and was thankfully saved by the bell, well knock at the door. "Come in," Hela said.
A young girl popped inside and bowed to them, "milady". She had golden brown hair, her eyes to match but her skin had a light blue shade to it, like all people of the dead, and looked to be no older than 16. You wouldn't notice at a glance but you would if you looked at them. She had a long light blue dress on with a white apron around her waist which suggested she was a servant.
"Ah, Eva, there you are. Dahlia, this is Eva, she'll be your maid while you're here. Anything you wishing to ask or need, ask her".
- In Serial123 Chapters
Miscellaneous Notes: - I want to see about making a crude map of Shroud to help readers. - I also want to get back to writing Coalescence updates. Schedule Notes: - None for now, updates when I can. [ Thank you for your patience and support as I improve my writing and storytelling abilities. I'm also using this story to better develop lore that extends far beyond it. ] Thanks to another exceptionally talented artist, Hiroeth, Blightbane now has an official cover! Vera was alone again. “You’re completely unprepared. Never before has sending one of you off made me feel quite so guilty.” Whenever she found herself in doubt, she would weigh her actions against the guiding principles of the one whom she revered. “When you don’t know the rules of the game, start making them up. When you are constrained by unfavorable conditions, inject a little chaos.” It was the supplementary message that concerned Vera the most. It was difficult to follow because it was intentionally vague and mired in subjectivity. “How can I enjoy myself when you look so tormented? Are we in danger?” Vera fell silent. An experiment is taking place on a planetary scale. Across the surface of the planet, a phenomenon referred to as "Blight" is spreading. Festering regions defended by fierce creatures called “blightbeasts” taint the surface, warping the land and proliferating unceasingly. Among the sentient creatures of the planet, it is the Blightbane Guild’s responsibility to stem the tide. They endeavor to cleanse the land in a struggle of attrition, but they are losing ground. A young man named Caim has been uprooted from his former life and transported to The Shrouded Theocracy, an isolationist nation with fanatical policies. He must struggle to survive with only an unfamiliar strain of magic to aid him. There is a secret to this magic. One he knows very little about. He intends to explore just what makes this magic special. On the far border of the theocracy, a mage scientist named Inis discovers a revolutionary new way to infuse strength from defeated blightbeasts. Using herself as a test subject, this process allows her to grasp magical concepts previously thought beyond her reach. Though she tries to document any side effects that arise, something escapes her awareness. She is playing with a dangerous force that will claim her most treasured asset if she isn't careful. Everyone and everything on the planet is a part of the experiment. The experiment is a lie.
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