《Tooth And Claw || Kellic (mpreg) ✔》Chapter 17
Waking up on a metal table isn't exactly something that you'd be happy to wake up to. I try to sit up, but can't as I discover that something is keeping me down. Whimpering slightly, I notice something round my neck, a bit like what humans put on their dogs and sometimes cats. I believe it's called a collar. There was also a chain connected to it, that was hooked onto the table. I try pulling at it, but it doesn't give, and I stay stuck here.
I look around the room, my ears pressed flat to my head, and my tail flicking round behind me in terror. It seems as though I'm in some sort of doctors room or something. But, why would the humans take Vic and I here?
Suddenly the door opens, and in walks three humans. I hiss at them as they walk over to me. Each of them were holding this, bit of card, I think it's a clipboard or something like that. They were each reading through something on it.
One of the humans walks over to me, and I hiss at it, as it examines round my stomach, and my injured leg. It looks up at me, before looking over at the other two humans. "Gabe, bring me in the X-ray machine." He says. The human Gabe I'm assuming, walks out of the room, as the other one comes over by the table that I'm on.
I watch both the of them as they read through whatever is on that clipboard. Suddenly, one of them starts touching round my stomach, and I growl at them, letting out a protective meow/bark. The two humans look at each other in confusion, before looking back at me.
"It's acting like a pregnant female." One of the humans say. "Growling at us if we go near its stomach - which does appear to be a little swollen." The human says, before inching a hand close to my stomach. I watch his hand, hissing at it, before snapping at it, causing him to move his hand away quickly before I bite it.
"Justin. This isn't a female mountain lion though." One of the humans say. I let out an amused meow. They think I'm a mountain lion? Please, mountain lions aren't as strong as my kind. Although, we do look a little similar. The humans look at me in confusion. "Did it just?" The human, Justin ask, pointing at me.
They don't have time to talk more, as that other human, Gabe walks in, pushing some sort of machine or something. I think it's an X-ray? Well, that's what that human who I don't know his name had asked for.
"So, anything happen?" The human Gabe asks. The human Justin and the other one look over at Gabe. "Justin says it acts like a pregnant female." The nameless human says. "But this isn't a female mountain lion."
Gabe raises an eyebrow. "But it's a male mountain lion. Males can't get pregnant." He says. I grunt slightly, shaking my head. My tail thrashes around behind me, as I watch the humans closely. "Whatever. Jack, let's just get on with the X-ray on it's hind leg." The human Justin says. Okay, so nameless human is called Jack. Alright then.
The humans move that machine thing closer to me, and I growl a warning at them, as they move their hands close to my stomach. They look up at me, as I watch them do whatever it is that they're doing. Honestly, my leg feels fine now. Me being a werecat and all, my injuries heal fast.
The humans have a surprised look on their face, as they see that there's nothing wrong with my hind leg. "I swear when we brought him in with that wolf his hind leg was swelling and looked like it could be broken." The human, Justin says.
I flick my ears and snort slightly at the humans stupidity. My hind leg wasn't broken in the first place, just sprained. And it's already healed now. But, of course, the humans don't know that I'm a werecat. Honestly, these ones probably aren't aware that werecats and werewolves even exist. A lot of humans don't know that my kind and Vic's kind even exist though.
"So, now what?" Justin asks. "Where should we take him?" He asks. I try to sit up, but can't, as the collar around my neck, and the chain connected to it, is making me stay in a laying down position.
The humans walk over to the other table in the room and talk amongst themselves quietly. I can still hear what they're saying though. Something about taking me down to the mountain lions pen or something and putting me in with the others after a few days. Well, I certainly do not agree with that. I want to be back with Vic right now. Speaking of that wolf, where the hell is he?
The humans come back over to me, and one of them injects me with something. I growl at him to get them away from me, but it doesn't do any good. I feel myself start to drift in and out of consciousness, and one of the humans unclip the chain from the collar, while the other lifts me up in his arms and the three of them carry me out of the room. While I slip into blackness.
I wake up again to the sound of metal doors closing. I stand up on all four paws, limping slightly and look around me. It looked like I was in some sort of large cage. I whimper in terror. I have no idea what the humans are going to do to me, and where they've taken Vic.
I feel a cool breeze stirr through my fur and I spin around to see a gap in one of the walls, closed off by I think, iron bars. I walk over to it slowly and sniff round it. I could smell the scents of a few mountain lions outside. And I could also see a couple laying round asleep on rocks out in the sun.
What is this place? Mountain lions shouldn't be confined to this place. Whatever it is. It isn't right! They should be roaming free in the forest!
Padding away from the iron bars, I sniff around the cage thing I'm locked in. My ears prick up as I smell a very familiar scent. One that brings comfort to me. I jump up and rest my paws on one of the bars and let out a meow/bark over towards the cage opposite me, where there is a dark brown wolf curled up on the ground whimpering slightly.
"Vic!" I meow over at him. His head shoots up and he looks over towards me. He jumps up and runs over to the side of the cage, resting his front paws on one of the bars exactly like what I'm doing. "Kellin! Are you okay?" He asks.
I shake my head. "I'm scared Vic." I whimper. "Where are we?" I ask. He nods his head sightly. "I have an idea of where we might be." He says. "I think I've heard about some places like this before. I'm pretty sure in a few human towns they've got places like this. I believe they call them zoos or something." He says.
I drop to the ground and walk around the cage I'm in. "The humans captured us, and put us in some place called a zoo?" I ask, shaking my head slightly. "They probably think we're just some wild animals." I grunt. "They did call me a mountain lion after all." I say. "What exactly are zoos anyway?" I ask.
"My guess is that they take wild animals out of the forests and take them here, and put them on display for the entertainment of other humans." Vic says, as he sits down.
I let out a whine as I lay down, resting my head on my paws. "I want to get out of here Vic." I whimper. "I don't like it here." I say. "They'll probably do a whole bunch of tests on me when they discover that I'm a pregnant male." I whine. "I don't want to get tested on!"
Vic went to say something, but was interrupted, as three humans walked in, the same three that were in that room with me. I quickly stood up and backed away from them and huddled up in the corner of the cage. Hissing at them as they opened the cage door any walked in slowly, carrying a bucket of, what I could tell was fish.
My stomach growled, indicating that I was hungry yet again. Curse being pregnant, I'm hungry all the time! The humans carefully placed two fish on the ground in this, large bowl that I just noticed was there. I moved closer to them cautiously, and sniffed at the fish. It smelt fine, like, not tainted with anything. I looked up at the human, who I recognized as Jack. He was carrying the bucket with the fish. I reached a paw towards the bucket of fish, trying to tell him to put more fish in the bowl. A pregnant werecat needs more than two fish for fucks sake!
The human, grabbed out another fish and placed it in the bowl with the other two. I sat down and looked up at him. Really? That's not enough fish. I hit the side of the bucket with my head, and indicated for him to put more fish in the bowl.
He looks over at the other two, who just shrugged at him. I snuck a look over at Vic to see him watching me with the humans. "What Vic?" I meow over at him. "I need more fish." I move my shoulders slightly and give him a questioning look. He just shakes his head at me, and grunts in amusement.
The human Jack puts two more fish in the bowl, and I nod my head in approval. That should be enough. I look up at them, and meow up at them, nudging Jack's leg slightly, before grabbing one of the fish out of the bowl and scarfing it down.
I look up at the humans to see they had exited the cage I'm in, and were walking over to Vic's now, with a different bucket. I watched them closely, and as they unlocked Vic's cage, he growled at them, and prowled closer to them, as they walked towards the bowl that's in the cage he's in. He then made a run for the cage door - which the humans stupidly left open - and ran over to my cage.
He jumped up at the lock on my cage door and tried to bash it open with his paws. I ran over to the cage door and jumped up, trying to help him, which proved to be difficult, since the lock was on the outside of the cage, and I'm on the inside. "Kellin. Just sit still." Vic grunts. "I don't want to accidentally hit you while I'm trying to open this." He says, causing me to stop jumping up and just sit there watching him, while whining at him to hurry up. My tail was thrashing around behind me and I just want to get out of this cage! I'm not an animal that humans can keep locked up somewhere!
"Vic! Look out!" I warn him, as I see the three humans run over to him with that weird gun. He turns round and growls at them. I pace round the cage I'm in, ears flat against my head, and tail thrashing round behind me.
I whimpered as they shoot Vic in his shoulder with that gun, and he stumbles to the floor with a yelp of pain. "Vic!" I whine, while meowing/barking at the humans.
The humans walk over to Vic, lifting him up and carry him back over to the cage he was in before. Setting him down on the ground gently, before quickly walking out of the cage and locking the door. They then look over at me, as I whimper slightly while watching Vic.
I look over at the human Justin as he walks over to my cage. "Don't worry. He won't be getting out and hurting you." He says. I cock my head to the side, he thinks Vic was trying to kill me? He was trying to fucking get me out of here! Vic's my mate! He'd never hurt me. I hiss at Justin, and slash a paw out, causing him to back away from the cage I'm in.
"These two are strange." Justin says, as he walks over to the other two. "The mountain lion looks and acts like it's pregnant. Even has mood swings." He says. I meow up at him at that. I do not have mood swings! Okay, well, maybe I do. The humans turn to me and raise their eyebrows a little. "And it seems as though they can understand what we're saying also." He adds.
"Justin. They're just animals. Not humans." The human Jack says. "They can't understand what we say, or what we do." He says. "And that mountain lion." He adds, pointing to me. "Is not pregnant. It's a male. Not a female. It's probably just fat." He says.
"Hey! I'm not fat!" I meow/bark up at him. Okay seriously, this whole meow bark mix, whatever it is, is annoying. I know it's probably just a side affect from being pregnant with a werewolf's pup, but still. I just want my meow back, without the bark mixed in with it.
The humans look over at me. "Come on! You're telling me that that doesn't seem like this lion can't understand what we're saying?" Justin says. "Cause it bloody well looks like it to me." He says.
"I think you've been smoking too much weed Justin." Jack says. "Come on. Let's just get out of here." He says, before the three of them leave the room.
I shake my head at those stupid humans, before walking over to the fish they left me, and started eating. Might as well eat. I can't just not eat. Mine and Vic's pup needs it's nutrients. Plus, I have to eat something if I want to be healthy and strong for when mine and Vic's pup is born. I can't let my body grow weak and fragile. Not when I'm carrying a hybrid.
After I've eaten the fish, I curl up in the corner of the cage, my tail wrapped protectively across my stomach. I looked over at Vic, to see he has woken up and was just laying on his side watching me, his tail swishing across the ground slowly. "I promise we're going to get out of here kitten." He says. "Just rest kitten. Everything's going to be okay."
I whimper, before, curling up into a tight ball and trying to fall asleep. Hoping Vic's right and everything's going to be okay. Before I eventually fall asleep, I send out a quick call for Oli. And I'm pretty sure Vic's doing the same thing.
Oli? Where are you? We need you! Please, help us.
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