《Tooth And Claw || Kellic (mpreg) ✔》Chapter 18


The door's to the cage opening woke me the next morning, and I lift my head off my paws to see that human Justin in my cage, bringing me more fish. Standing up, I stretch out my back, whimpering slightly as a cramp ran up my side, before padding over to the fish.

Before I could eat anything, I look over at Vic's cage as he started whimpering and yelping in pain. Quickly, I slip out of my cage before the human could close it, and run over to Vic's cage.

I knock the humans out of the way as I run into Vic's cage and run over to him. I pushed one of the humans away from him that was trying to inject him with something. I then turned to the humans and started growling at them.

They backed away slightly, and appeared to look confused on why a mountain lion would help a wolf. Well, idiotic humans, I'm not a mountain lion, but a werecat, and Vic isn't just any wolf, but a werewolf.

I looked back at Vic, to see him watching me. "Are you okay Vic?" I ask. He nods slightly. "Yeah. I'm fine." He says. "But, do you think we should show these humans that we're not just some animals?" He asks. To which I nod, before moving past the humans, and over to where there are two white coats hanging on the wall. I knock them onto the floor, before picking them up and padding back over to Vic, and dropping them next to him.

The humans back away as Vic stands up, sniffing the coats. He then looks at me, nodding slightly, before he changes into his human form and slipping one of the coats on quickly. I also change into my human form, and slip on the other coat. We then turn to look at the humans to see they looked terrified, as they backed up against the wall.

I roll my eyes at them, wrapping the coat around my body. "Please, don't waste your breath yelling for help." I say. "We're not going to hurt you." I look over at Vic. "Well, maybe." I shrug, flicking my tail around behind me.

"Wh-what are you two?" The human Jack says. I sigh, walking over to them, causing them to back away more. "Werecat." I say, pointing to me. "Werewolf." I say pointing to Vic, who walks up next to me. "We're not just some animals you can capture and keep in a zoo, or, whatever this place is." Vic says, staring the humans down, as they shrink away from us.

Suddenly, I feel lightheaded, and I lean into Vic's side. He catches, me before I fall over completely, and I whimper as I rest a hand on my stomach, my kitten ears pressing flat against my head to the point where they were hidden in my hair. "Vic." I whimper as I feel something wet and warm run down my leg. "S-something's not right." I cry, looking up at Vic as he looks down at me, worry sparking in his eyes.


I looked to the floor, to see blood dripping onto the floor. Whimpering, I bury my head in Vic's chest. I didn't know what was going on, and I was scared. What if something's wrong with Vic and I's pup? I flick my tail side to side in fright, and Vic lifts me up off the floor and into his arms.

I look up as the sound of wings fluttering into the room could be heard. "Oli!" Vic called over to the angel as he walked over to us. "Somethings wrong with Kellin." He says, as Oli stops next to us. I look up at Oli from in Vic's arms and whimper. "Can you help him Oli?" Vic asks desperately, looking up at Oli.

Oli looks down at me, before removing some of the coat off my stomach, causing my lower half to be exposed. But, I'm not worried about that. All I'm worried about it mine and Vic's pup. Oli places his hands on either side of my swollen stomach - which wasn't that swollen - but also was - considering I'm only three months right now.

I feel Vic tighten his grip on me as I start shaking slightly from whatever it is that Oli is doing to me, and my tail starts quivering as it just hangs there. I whimper and bury my head in Vic's chest and he kisses the top of my head and whispers reassurances to me that I'll be alright.

Eventually, Oli takes his hands off my stomach, and I stop shaking. I look up at him, my breathing uneven. "Your pups are fine." He says. "The lightheadedness and bleeding is normal during pregnancy." He explains.

I sigh in relief, covering the coat back around me, as Vic puts me back down on my feet. Suddenly, something clicks in my brain as I only just registered what Oli said. "Wait, pups? As in, more than one?" I ask. Oli nods. "Yes. You're having twins." He says. "And they're both perfectly fine, and healthy at this moment in time." He explains.

I smile down at my stomach, and rub a hand round my swollen belly through the material of the coat. I then look up at the three humans who were still in here staring at Vic, Oli and I with wide, confused and scared eyes.

Smiling slightly at them, I look up at Vic, waiting for him to do or say something. "You three." Vic says, looking over at the humans. "Didn't see anything. You understand?" He says. The humans nod their head quickly. "Good." Vic says. "Now you three, need to help get my mate and I out of this place." He growls.

The humans nod their heads, and lead us out of the building. They take us out to the gates of what I've learnt is a wild life reserve, which I guess is similar to what Vic called a zoo.


Once we get out to the edge of the dirt road, Vic and I go to take the coats off ourselves to change back into our forms, but I stop as something caught my attention. I look around me, sniffing the air when I caught a familiar scent. My eyes widen, and I tug on Vic's arm. He looks down at me in confusion, and I sniff the air again, as it smells as though the scent is drifting away from us.

"Vic." I say. "I swear I just caught a wiff of Austin and Alan's scent." I say, looking up at him. His eyes widen, and he sniffs the air, but frowns when he doesn't seem to get their scent. He shakes his head, looking down at me. "I can't smell their scent kitten." He sighs.

I shake my head, sighing in frustration. I sit down on the ground, bringing my knees up to my chest as much as they'll go from my baby bump, and rest my forehead on my knees. I notice Vic sit down next to me and wrap an arm round me, and I lean into his side. "It's okay kitten." He says. "Wherever we end up going, we might run into Austin and Alan."

Sighing, I nod my head. We stand back up after awhile, and look behind us to see that the three humans were still standing there watching us. Vic turned round to face them also. "It be best if you three forget that we were here got it?" He says. They each nod their heads, and Vic turns back to me. "You ready?" He asks.

I nod, and the two of us slip the coats off ourselves before we transform into our wolf and cat forms. Running off through the trees with Oli following behind.

Eventually we stop running once we're deep in the trees and slow down to a walk. We stop, laying down in the shade of a tree, and I lay down on my side as Vic comes over to me and lays down next to me and grooms my fur a little.

"You okay kitten?" Vic asks. I sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say, moving to look up at him, and lick the side of his face, before nuzzling up against him and rolling onto my back. Vic grunts in amusement at me and licks the side of my face, as I stretch my front paws up, my tail swishing across the grass.

I look over at Oli to see he had his back turned to us and was staring at something. What he's staring at though, I'm not exactly sure. "Oli? You okay?" Vic asks. The angel turns slowly, and looks at us. "I'm fine." He says. "I just-" He was about to say more, but stopped as someone called out to him. "Oli!" The guy calls out.

"Josh?" Oli asks, walking over to the guy. "What are you doing here?" He asks, as he engulfs the other guy in a hug. "Shouldn't you be back up in heaven?" He asks.

The guy - or, angel I should say, shakes his head. "I want to help you Oli." He says. Oli looks a little unsure at that. "Josh, I love you and all but." He starts. "Oli. Think about it. If they've got two angels working on keeping their secret hidden from the eyes of other angels and the Cematos, it'll be much easier." Josh says.

Oli's quiet for awhile, till he sighs. Giving in to Josh. "Okay." He says. "You can help." He says, smiling sightly. Josh smiles also and hugs Oli.

I look up at Vic to see him watching this new angel Josh. Like, he's not sure if he can trust him or not. I'm not sure if I trust him either. But, he seems to be close with Oli, and Oli looks like he trusts him. So, maybe Vic and I can trust him.

After awhile of just laying around, I catch the scent of what smells like a vampire, along with a witch. I jump up, nudging Vic to get up also, as two girls around our age walked out of the trees, each carrying guns with them.

One of them had brunette hair - and her eyes were red, so I'm assuming she's the vampire. And the other had blonde hair - and her eyes were purple, so I'm assuming she's the witch.

"Well would you look at that Tay." The witch says. "Looks like we've caught ourselves a pair of angels, and a werecat and a werewolf." She says, smirking slightly.

I look over at Vic, who just looks back at me. Neither of us knowing what to do. I look over at Oli and the other angel Josh to find they were just looking at those two girls.

"Well." The vampire, Tay says. "Let's get these boys back home with us then." She says.

Crap. What are these two planning on doing with us?

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