《stranger things smut & Imagines》party


“Everyone knows the plan, right?”

“Yes, Dustin. You’ve been through it five times, already.” Mike rolled his eyes; it was Christmas and your mother had decided that she’d make a huge fest to Dustin’s friends.

“Yeah, man. Calm down, we just have to put your sister and Steve under the mistletoe. It’ll be easy.” Everyone agreed with Lucas’ statement.

Your history with Steve was… weird. You had been searching for your brother the whole day when you heard him saying through the extra walkie he left for you, something about a code red and to meet him in the junkyard with any kind of weapon.

Apparently, you weren’t supposed to go, since he was talking only to his friends and when you got to the place, nobody was there, it was foggy and this fucking huge and creepy dog was chasing you down.

“I’m going to fucking kill you, Dustin!” You roared, ignoring the stomps coming from the other side as you turned quickly to hit that motherfucker in the weird face mid-air.

“Whoah.” Raising your eyes, you watched no one less than Steve Harrington mouth agape, awe and something more in his eyes. “Y/N, uh, hey, fancy seeing you here-“

“Where the fuck is my brother?”

That’s where it all began.

After getting rid of the – what you learned were called – demodogs, you helped get rid of Billy, which led you to a chapped lip, a forming bruise on your chin and a broken wrist after you having tried to beat the shit out of that fuckface, that was, until Steve got his ass kicked.

Yeah, he got fucked up, but you still were able to throw some good punches before Max showed off how badass she was.

You didn’t want Max to drive, but your stupid brother wasn’t being able to take care of Steve, so you had to go in the back, besides, if that girl could almost smash her step-brother’s junk, she was able to drive. Steve’s head resting on your thighs as you cared for the injuries.

“Slow down a bit, Max. Lucas, put your god damn seatbelt on.” You barked orders, sighing in relief when they actually listened. “Now, explain. What were those things and why did they try to eat my face?”

“They are Demogorgons, I took care of Dart, but he grew up to what tried to eat your face, oh and it ate Mews, but anyways-”


“Y/N, darling, go open the door!” You grumbled at your mother’s request, eyeing the group of younglings in suspicion before turning with a smile to Joyce and Will.

“Good night!” You hugged Will, kissing the top of his head and giggling at his blushed cheeks before hugging Joyce and leading them inside. “Where’s Jonathan?”


“Oh, he’s coming with Nancy.” Nodding your head, you watched the group filling Will with something.

“Is he okay?”

“He is, now.” She smiled, patting your shoulder and waving at your mother, quickly going to talk to one of the adults in the room, besides the kid’s parents, while Hopper didn’t arrive with El - Jane -. You were about to close the door when you got startled with a voice next to your face

“Knock, knock.” Steve smiled before opening the rest of the door himself and lifting you up, swirling around and causing a laugh to escape from your lips.

“Let me down, moron.” He chuckled, obeying before giving you a proper hug.

“Can I sit on your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas, Santa?” Rolling your eyes and trying to hide a smile, you shoved him lightly, making his giggle – caused by your Santa’s beanie – turn into a hearted laugh, attracting the kid’s attention.

“Why don’t you go talk to your children, mom? Figure out what they’re plotting against me.” Steve looked at the group, grinning and winking at them, making you gasp and slap his shoulder. “Are in on whatever they’re planning?”

“Ouch! What? No!” He puffed looking up in disappointment before sending them a harsh look. “And I thought we had agreed that you were the mom and I was the dad.”

“Shit, we forgot to put it on the door,” Mike whined as the whole group groaned.

“Plan A went to shit, let’s stick with plan B, then.”

“I’m the dad, dickhead!” Steve looked around, laughing at your words before questioning

“You invited how many people over for Christmas dinner? You even invited Hargrove?!” you gave him a bitter chuckle before answering

“Apparently, according to mom, inviting Max and not inviting their parents and brother, is rude. He and his dad are dicks, but Max’s mom is a sweetheart.”

He hummed, arms still wrapped around you as you tried to close the door, being the interrupted by a cough.

“Oh, crap. Oh no.” Dustin said; eyes wide open as Mike and Will gasped.

Quickly taking a step back from Steve, you placed a smile on your lips to welcome Jonathan and Nancy.

“I’m going to talk to our children.” He said under his breath, letting you go and getting out of your sight as Jonathan awkwardly waved.

“Merry Christmas, love-birds.” You maliciously wiggled your brows, earning chuckles from your friends. “C’mon in, dinner will be served at nine. And while we wait, would you two mind discovering what your brothers and mine are planning?”


“Hhm, sure?”

“Well, you two know your way around, I’m going to see if mom needs help with something while I avoid Billy’s attempts to pull me under the mistletoe.”

They watched you ignore Billy as you made your way to the kitchen; it didn’t take long for them to walk into the Party.

“Whatever you guys are planning, you need to be more discreet about it,” Nancy said as Steve waved at them both to follow you like a lost puppy, trying to get his plan to work.

“What is the plan, anyway?”

“We’re trying to make Dustin’s sister kiss Steve,” Max said when everybody got quiet, receiving hisses as if she shouldn’t have told that. “What?”

“N dumped S for J.” Dustin said with the side of his mouth in a whisper, making her eyes go wide.

“Oh, I-I said kiss? I meant kill.” She tried to laugh it off, but the couple exchanged looks.

“We’re in.” They said in unison.

“How can we help?” The boys sighed in relief, quickly telling them their plan on simply putting them under any mistletoe around the house.

It was nearly nine when they finally gave up; it didn’t matter how many times they tried, whenever you two got together under one of the many mistletoes, someone would get in their way. The only one that could take a kiss out of you was Will as he lured you under the plant while Steve was giving himself a prep-talk.

It happened that his “prep-talk” took too long because as he finally found himself some courage, you looked up at the plant and laughed, getting his attention.

“Did you do this on purpose?” Will’s eyes widened and his cheeks got red, he’d been very specific on the spot. You dropped to your knees and gave him a little innocent peck before getting up and chuckling, messing up his hair and leaving the paralyzed boy behind.

“What the hell, man!” Dustin said; all of the boys were agape while Steve got next to them. “You kissed my sister!”

“She kissed me!” He said, all of his face red at what had just happened. “I’m sorry, Steve.”

“It’s okay, bud. At least one of us got to kiss her.” Steve mumbled, patting his head and sighing. Maybe you two just weren’t meant to be. “I’m going to get some air.”

Steve didn’t see you watching him get out, slumped shoulder as he opened the door, walking to the porch and gazing around the street. Why was it so difficult?

“Fancy seeing you here, pretty boy.” Your voice startled him, since he didn’t hear you walk behind him, making the boy turn quickly, one hand on his chest as if he was about to have a heart attack.

“Jesus Christ! What are you, kitty? A ninja or something?” Steve grumbled; getting a chuckle out of you as you wrapped yourself on him, letting the boy hug you by the waist.

“Yeah, I’m a cat and a ninja. I’m ninja-cat! A Catja!” He shook his head, giving you the hearted laugh you loved so much. “Did you get jealous that I kissed Will under the mistletoe?” You smirked, watching his cheeks get a slight pink tone.

“Wha- What? Me? Jealous of my own children? Pfff, please!” He stuttered as you took something from behind his head, innocently lifting it between you two.

“Is that mistletoe?” Your voice was so innocent that he wondered if you were kidding, his heart beating strongly against his ribs.

“Are you- are you pulling down mistletoe?” When he looked into his eyes, he saw nothing but pure innocence while your lips held this sinful smirk.

“Am I? You know the rules, Harrington.” You whispered, lowering your arm so you could wrap it around his neck, slowly pressing yourself even more on him, your lips ghosting over his teasingly “Besides, weren’t you trying to do this all night?”

Steve let his eyes wander all over your feature, searching for any signs of hesitation or that you were joking with him, but he couldn’t find any.

Your cheeks grew redder as he took his time lifting one hand to your chin, you closed your eyes when you heard a very frustrated:

“JUST KISS ALREADY!” Snapping out of your bubble, both of you eyed Dustin getting scolded by Nancy as she took all of the kids from the window, keeping them from googling you two, before winking and closing the curtains.

Both of you chuckled, not taking long in going back to the previous position.

“You heard the chief.” He said before his lips crashed into yours, sighing in relief when you melted into his arms; one hand running through his hair while the other stood on his jaw, caressing his cheek with your thumb as you parted away searching for air.

Opening your eyes, you couldn’t help but reflect the dorky smile Steve held.

“Whoah.” Steve held your face, staring lovingly into your eyes, resting his forehead on yours with a gentle smile on his lips.

“Yeah, whoah.” He chuckled and whispered, before going in to kiss you again: “Merry Christmas.”

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