《stranger things smut & Imagines》My baby


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You met Max a year after she moved to Hawkins, she was skating outside of the arcade with some of her friends. She almost ran into you, shouting as she almost fell off. You rushed over to her, your face bright red from embarrassment.

“I’m so sorry oh my god, i-i didn’t look where I was going and-” She cut you off with a small smile.

“Its no biggie, I should have looked where I was going anyways.” She ran her fingers through her long hair, her cheeks tinted a soft red.

You turn and make your way into the arcade, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach and the blush on your face. You walk over to your favorite game, and play it.

The sound of the glass door opening wasn’t heard over the nostalgic sound of your game, your eyes concentrated on winning and getting the highest score. You felt a presence behind you, making you glance back.

All you saw was a flash of red hair, making you do a double take. Your face flushes again, as you finish the game. You didn’t care about your score at the moment, not when Max was watching you.

“Wow you got the highscore, i’m guessing you play a lot?” Her voice is laced with curiosity, her brows furrowed.

You just nod your head, her voice sounded quiet compared to your thumping heart.


The two of you grew closer, hanging out more at the arcade and school. Both of you met at the arcade everyday after school, to hang out and drink slushies.

Today was no different. You park your bike in the bike rack, seeing Max on her skateboard approaching you.

“Hey, Y/N/N.” Her voice is cheery, a wide smile on her lips.


“Hello Maxine.” She rolled her eyes at you, picking up her board.

You wondered where the boys were, they were always here when Max was. Looking behind her, you squint your eyes looking for them. Max waves a hand in front of your face.

“Hello? What are you looking for?” She asks, both eyebrows raised.

You shake your head, pushing the thoughts that you’re the reason they aren’t coming to the back of your mind.

“Could you teach me how to skateboard? I mean… only if you want. It’s just that I saw you teaching the other boys and-”

“Hell yeah i’ll teach you!” She grabs your hand pulling you out into the parking lot.

Dropping the board on the pavement, she places her foot on top of it, rolling it back and forth slightly.

You try and stand on the board, wobbling slightly as it started to move. You grab Max’s arms holding on to her for support. Your eyes were wide, looking at her smiling face.

She started to walk, her hands holding onto you arms. You started to move, your mind starting to panic. After a few minute, you started to calm down and actually had fun.

The two of you laughing and talking, Max even did some cool tricks for you. It was starting to get dark when you started to go home. Your mind went back to the boys, their absence still making your nervous.

“Hey Max, can I ask you something?” You’re voice is small, wobbling slightly.

“You already did, but ask way.” You laugh a bit, the smile falling from your lips.

“Do the guys, like, not like me or something? I feel like whenever I’m around they… they never show up. I know i’m not the most fun person to be around and i’m not cool enough to hang out with you guys but-”


“Is that really what you think? I mean, you are a dork but c’mon so are they! And they like hanging out with you.” She held her head high, her voice radiating confidence.

“How do you know? Maybe I should try and be more fun and sporadic or something.” You shake your head, chuckling dryly.

“You shouldn’t change anything about you. Trust me Y/N, they like hanging with you. And I like who you are… I like you…” She looked away from you, her confident demeanor completely changing.

“I like you too Max.” You say quietly, getting your bike from the rack. She smiles, her hands playing with the hem of her jacket sleeves.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow?” Her voice is hopeful.

“Of course you will.”

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