《stranger things smut & Imagines》mistletoe


Opening your locker, you took your time in storing the books you didn’t need and taking out the ones that were essential for today. You shoved these into your bag, adjusting your hair in your locker mirror, simply killing time while waiting for a certain group of boys.

You’d been friends with Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and of course, Will, since you were kids, first being friends with Will and Mike before the other two soon joined your group. They’d been your best friends for years and you wouldn’t want it anyother way.

Well, apart from one tiny detail.

You may or may not like your best friend.

You didn’t have the slightest clue when exactly your feeling towards Will shifted. All you were aware of was that right now, he was the person that meant more to you than anyone else.

And you did not know how to deal with it.

Considering you mostly hung out with the boys, you didn’t really have anyone else to talk to about this, though it was quite obvious to your other friends that you had deep affections for Will.

In your opinion, he had never once even remotely showed that he was interested in you the same way. However, your friends seemed to disagree with this quite strongly, considering everytime you two were together, they would all come together to make you two admit your feelings to eachother.

But you never did.

Suddenly, you felt two hands cover your eyes, bringing you out of your sea of thoughts quickly. “Guess who?”

You giggled and grasped the hands on your eyes. “Dustin, let go,” you said, mentally rolling your eyes considering you couldn’t physically.

You heard a groan behind you as Dustin withdrew his hands, allowing you to see again. Once you were finally able to see, you saw Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will standing behind you, all laughing at what had just happened. “Aw, how’d you know it was me?” Dustin cried, pouting jokingly.

You laughed and closed your locker. “Dustin, you have a… well, a voice that’s hard to forget, I suppose,”


He eyed you, narrowing his eyes. “Are you making fun if my lisp?” He asked, grasping his heart in mocking offended manner.

After some back and forth with him, you finally turned your attention to Will. He looked at you and smiled. “So, Y/N/N, you coming to the Christmas party later?” He asked hopefully as you walked towards class.

You smirked at him. “Mhm, but only if you’re gonna be there.” You nudged him after you finished spekaing, bumping him into Mike, who straightaway pushed back, causing Will to come flying back into you. A blush appeared on his cheeks as he processed waht you said and he shook his head.

“Oh… o-okay,” he stuttered, mentally cursing himself for his lack of social skills.

This just made you feel completely awful. He seemed so uninterested, you thought worriedly. Because of this, you made no other attempts of flirting for the rest of the day, worrying that perhaps you were overstepping in some way. The last thing you wanted was to make your crush uncomfortable.

Will was slightly confused. Throughout the entire day, you hadn’t been your old teasing self that you usually were. Normally, you’d tease and playfully poke fun at him constantly, and believe me, he didn’t mind whatsoever. At least it gave him an excuse to talk to you one on one. He was honestly quite worried. What if he’d done something wrong?

Meanwhile, you just wanted to go home. Finally, it was the end of the day, but instead of waiting to walk home with the boys like you usually did, you just went on alone - making up some excuse like you needed time to get ready for the party. Which you suppose wasn’t a complete lie.

As soon as you got home you had a quick shower and dried your hair, while also trying to figure out what to wear. Your mother did try to help, but it seemed like it was a total lost cause.

It was beautiful and, not to mention, your favourite colour which was definitely a plus. It fit your figure perfectly and, although it was old, it wasn’t faded or anying; almost looking brand new.


You smiled to yourself. If you couldn’t impress him in this, then you honestly didn’t think you could ever impress him. You quickly got changed, hearing your walkie talkie fire up and Lucas’s voice to speak over.

“Y/N, you nearly ready? Me and Dustin are outside waiting, over,”

You sprinted over to your walkie talkie, holding it to your mouth as you spoke. “Yep, be down in a sec, over,” you replied, quickly grabbing your bag as you ran out of your room and down the stairs, you barged out the door and immediately caught sight of Lucas and Dustin, both looking classy in grey suits.

You smiled at them and waved. “Hey, guys!”

Lucas rolled his eyes at you. “Jeez, Y/N/N, what took you so long?”

“Yeah, you took ages! What, trying to look good for Will, huh?” Dustin joined in, nudging you with his elbow and earning himself a sharp jab in the ribs from you, Lucas doubling over in laughter.

Your mother ended up driving the three of you over to Mike’s house where the party was being held. Mike and Will came charging out of the house to meet the three of you, soon pulling you all inside to begin the party.

There were already a fair amount of people inside the house, most of the bottom area totally filled with slightly tipsy adults and hyper toddlers. While Mike, Lucas, and Dustin argued about the latest D&D game, yourself and Will were finally able to get so,e alone time.

“I just uh, wanted to say that you look… really pretty tonight, Y/N” he began as you both stood on the side, watching the argument between the boys and the other adults sipping frequently from their wine glasses. “So, how are you enioyjng the party?” Will asked awkwardly, still a bit taken aback about what happened in school earlier, worried that you were still going to be distant with him.

You looked up st him and smirked. “Oh, thanks Will, don’t look too bad yourself.” You winked at him before continuing. “Well, I suppose being here with you is making it worth while,” you flirted, batting your eyelashes at him. It was worth a shot, right?

He looked down at the floor. But instead of the usual flustered remark that you’d normally receive from him, he totally shocked you this time. “Yeah, I suppose it is nice to spend time with the person you have a crush on, hm?” He replied, glancing up at you shyly.

You were completely taken aback. He’d never, in the three whole years you had been enamored with him, flirted back with you. You were kind of gobsmacked, not gonna lie. Breaking the trance, you saw Will out of the corner of your eye, look up at the door frame you two were standing under, a light blush appearing on his cheeks as he realised what was there.

You also manoeuvered your eyes upwards, your heart stopping as you realised what he was looking at.


Your face soon began to match his; a lovely cherry red.

He looked back at you, his dark brown eyes gazing contentedly into yours. “So…” he whispered quietly, moving back and forth on the balls of his feet.

You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly. “So…”

You did not expect him to make the first move at all. Yet here we were, the tense atmosphere being broken by Will Byers himself, gently pressing his lips to your own. It felt like you were the only two in the room, just him and you sharing this moment.

However, you were soon brought back to reality by the many cheers and whoops that erupted around the room as you finished, your friends and family all happy that one of you had finally made a move.

"Called it" Mike smirked, a yelp being heard soon after as a pillow was thrown at him hard by an extremely flabbergasted Y/N.

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