《stranger things smut & Imagines》she's cute


"I’m out of town for the week, can you make sure Dusty does his school work and let me know if you are able to find Mews?"

You shift in your spot inside the phone post, glancing outside the small window to the gas station,

"Of course, mom. But honestly if Mews doesnt show up in the next couple of days, mom, I think its time to say goodbye" You sigh softly, leaning against the wall of the blockade,

"I know" Your mother sniffles silently, "I wish I was there to see you when you first get home, sweetheart"

"Its alright" You chuckle softly, "Dustin doesn’t know Im coming home, right?"

"Right" Your mom agrees, "Took me so long not to say anything" A pause, "Okay, well dear, I’ll see you in a week, I love you"

"I love you too mom. Have fun away from Hawkins"

She sends a blowed kiss, then hangs up, where you heave another sigh, exiting the phone booth and walking to your car,

Your foot seems to press harder on the gas pedal, and you can tell your just anxious to get home and back with your brother and your bed,

Confusion is visible in your swimming (e/c) pools, that pulled the boy in. when you pull into your home and find a car in the drive way you know for a fact isnt your families,

You walk up the porch of the home you dearly missed, hand brushing the familiar wooden door, grabbing the doorknob and pushing it forward,

"You know, a Demogorgan, dog. Demodog"

"What the hell, that makes no sense"

You drop your bag on the couch, stepping into the kitchen and scanning the area, eyes stopping at the kitchen table to spot Dustin, along with seven other people, two of them being only a couple years younger than you,


"What the hell is going on here?" You speak up, loudly, the group jumping and instantly turning their attention towards you,

"Y/N?" Mike questions, Dustin blinking and standing up, a red head girl next to him confusingly looking at Will for an update on who this older girl was.

"What’re you doing here!?" Dustin gasps, a smile replacing your scowl as the boy rushes up to you, body colliding into yours,

You laugh softly, hand coming to tangle in Dustins curly hair, his arms looped at your waist, "What’s up Dusty?"

"I thought you were still supposed to be in School Abroad until next month?" Lucas asks, where you look up at him and shake your head,

"Got out early. Guess Im just that smart" You smirk, eyes finding Steve across the kitchen, "Oh, hi. I’m sorry, I’m Y/N, Dustin's older sister"

"You never told me you had an older sister, Dust Man" Steve looks at your brother, Dustin shrugging as he leans away from you,

"There was never a time to bring it up. She’s been gone for a couple of years"

"Has Dustin told you about the Demogorgans?" Will questioned, your eyebrows furrowing.

"The demo what’s?" You question, Dustin taking your arm and dragging you to the table, leaving you to stand next to Steve,

You smile in a greet, then look down when Dustin snaps his fingers, showing you a map of Hawkins with red and blue lines scribbled all around,

"These things, Demogorgans, they came to Hawkins just last year. Will got taken to this place called the Upside Down, and we found a girl, Eleven, but we dont know where she went, and she was examined on by scientists and so much shit happened, you should’ve been here!" Dustin rants, the group laughing as he intakes a long breath,


"Whoa there Dustin" You chuckle, hand at his shoulder, "Maybe you can explain everything in the morning?"

"Why not now?" Max asks with a slight grunt, and you raise your eye’s to her,

"I've been driving for thirteen hours with only two thirty minute breaks. I’m exhausted. I bet you guys are too" You begin to fold up the map, pinning it on the fridge.

"Not really" Lucas yawns, blinking when you smirk his way and shake your head.

"Lets have a big ass sleepover and talk shit and eat candy until we barf" You suggest, and look at Steve, "You can stay too if you want"

"Yes!!" Mike jumps up from his chair, "Big mama’s back! Sorry Steve, you just got replaced by a twenty year old"

He pats Steve’s shoulder, following You to the back rooms to pile the living room with blankets.

Steve pouts at Dustin, who instantly points a threatening finger, "Don't try anything. She's too old for you" the boy scorns

"What, she's cute"

Cue the group being able to hear your burst of laughter from the hallway.

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