《stranger things smut & Imagines》You like my what?


Steve has been known to help his new found son, Dustin, with girl troubles. He never asked who it was, he just kind of assumed it was Max because he sensed some 'competition' between him and Lucas. Never in a million years would Steve think his pure little sister would be the object of some boys affection. She was supposed to stay a baby forever.

It was the night of the Snowball and Steve was pumping Dustin up, telling him to "go in for the kill" so to say.

"You got this, you look great, go get 'em tiger"

Dustin purrs.

"Don't do that" the teen puts his head in his hand, and his other hand at his hip. He rubbed at his temples in disappointment.

He disappointedly nods and gets out of the car. Looking back one last time Steve gives him an encouraging thumbs up. Dustin continues on into the dances to find you.

"Hey! Harrington!"

You look up from your shoes to see Dustin, his hair styled in an oddly familiar way.

"You clean up nice Henderson"

Going against Steve's advice, he purrs. You laugh and punch his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Steve hung back, observing the dance from a far... he couldn't help but worry. He was going to be there if his 'son' got rejected. When he saw Dustin go up to a girl Steve crossed his fingers. Squinting, he realized the girl was not Max, but he still couldn't tell who it was. Steve moved forward and stood in the entrance to see Dustin talking to his sister!

"You're dead shithead" Steve muttered, walking towards you two at an alarming pace.

"So, uh [Y/N] did you come here with anyone?"

You shook your head, making your beautiful hair to sway with your movement Your hair, oddly enough, smells like Farrah Fawcett hairspray, Dustin laughs to himself.



"Does Steve know you're using his miracle hairspray?"

You turn red, "No! And if you tell him you're dead, he might love me, but no one can touch that stuff"

Dustin puts his hands up, "What hairspray?" he winks.

You giggle, it's a sweet sounding melody to Dustin.

"Would you like to dance Harrington?" He offered his hand to what he thought was you.

"Why yes I would... Henderson" Dustin looked up in horror, the hand that took his was not your soft delicate one, but a larger calloused hand.

Steve turns around and gives you a sickly sweet smile. He forcefully yanks Dustin onto the dance floor.

"So, Dustin... buddy, when were you going to tell me you were trying to put the moves on my sister?" Steve said in a way too friendly voice.

"I'm not sure... sir" Dustin was absolutely scared shitless, he thought this was going to be easier than it's turning out to be. Who knew Steve would be so overprotective of his precious little sister? Sheesh.

"I'm going to let you live... for tonight, because it seems [Y/N] might actually return 'feelings' for you" the tall teen shuddered at the thought of his baby sister liking someone "and I trust she'll make the right decisions, but remember, I'm going to be outside and if I correctly recall I still have that super cool bat in the trunk of my car. You wouldn't want to end your night being chased by that baby would you?" By this time Steve was just playing, adding dramatics to his performance.

Dustin gulped and shook his head.

"Great, have a good time Dustin!" Steve pushed him away and pat his back.

The rest of the dance went smoothly. You and Dustin had such a good time, you even potentially set up a triple-date with Mike and Eleven, and Lucas and Max.


It was about time to say your goodbyes, so Dustin decided he was gonna seal the deal.

"Other than Steve being an ass, I'm glad we got to dance and spend time together" You said, blushing profusely.

"Yea, don't worry about Steve though, I can totally fend for myself" Dustin flexed, well, at least tried to, making you let out a melodic laugh, intoxicating Dustin.

He grabs your hand as you start walking out, so you could walk out together. You reached the entrance to the gym.

"Thanks again, Dustin"

He moves closer, it's now or never. Dustin quickly pecks your cheek and you blush, swinging your still attached hands.

You hear a scream, something around the lines of "GET THOSE LIPS AWAY FROM MY SISTER, KEEP YOUR HANDS ABOVE HER HIPS" Looking towards Dustin, he has already thrown his jacket onto you and started running. He looks back and waves.

"I'll see you at school on Monday... if your brother doesn't off me by then"

You wave, still dazed by the kiss. As Dustin gets further and further in distance, with Steve close behind him, you blow a kiss, pulling his jacket on tighter and smiled.

Best. Dance. Ever.

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