《stranger things smut & Imagines》lovely


Being with Steve Harrington could be rough sometimes, him always wanting to be around, whether it be just so he knows you’re safe or to hold your hand in need of affection.

You’d known the hair-perfectionist since middle school, but only got together the past few months after the gate was finally closed. You figure all you both needed was a small push, and unfortunately the world possibly ending was that - huge - push.

Which, brought us here. Steve standing at your door with a bag of KFC and a grin on his face. "Sorry I’m a little late, this couple took forever in line and-" You grab his arm and hank him inside, closing the door quickly. "Keep it down, my parents are sleeping. I can’t deal with another talk" You shudder, the memory of the last time Steve came over and your mom walked in on you both making out. God, the talk she and your dad gave you..

Steve seems to remember as well, laughing to himself, "Yeah, okay. Anyway what’s the plan tonight?"

Taking the bag from him, you walk off into the living room, him following behind, "So, I was thinking we could see The Thing - nothing scary because I’m a pussy sometimes and won’t deal with that crap-" You turn around to face him, only to see Harrington holding in his laughter. "What?" His hands find their way on your hips, pulling you close, "Nothing, nothing. You’re just the cutest thing I know" You don’t reply, leaning up and closing the space between you two.

A hand moves to your cheek, holding you still as you wrap your arms around his neck. "Well-" He says against your lips, "I like where this is going" You break apart for a moment, grinning as you walk backward "How about a little change of plans?" He instantly realizes you’re going toward the stairs, and you see his face turn pink "Oh..ooh hahah I get it"


Letting out a laugh, you grab his wrist and pull him up the stairs. You lock your bedroom door after you were both inside, and see Steve making himself comfortable on your bed, giving you a playful wink.

Steve squeezes your hips as he relaxes, a long sound of satisfaction coming from his mouth before collapsing at your side. You were unable to stop yourself from grinning, pulling your blanket closer to your chest. You both lay there, happy, waiting out your climax together. Your mind finally clears, turning your head to look at the boy laying beside you. The one you just had sex with.

He smiles at you, hand finding its way into yours, "That, was awesome" he cheered like a child, causing a cheeky smile to crawl on your lips "I love you, Steve 'the hair' Harrington"

"Good, I love you too" Steve grins, rubbing your cheek with his thumb as he stares at you full with affection. You rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes as Steve continues to run his fingers through your hair. In this moment you forgot all your problems, cuddling with Steve Harrington.

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