《stranger things smut & Imagines》school


School was always stressful. Whether it was because of tests or just the people you had to deal with, you were struggling. Sitting in your room, you stared at the review for an upcoming test. You read and reread the words on the page over and over, trying to remember everything.

You’ve been studying for the past few hours, only getting up to go to the bathroom. You could feel your eyes burn from staring for so long, tears build up in your eyes. You didn’t hear the knock on the front door or the footsteps coming to your room.

You were so frustrated, why can’t I remember these damn words. You wanted to cry, scream, yell, anything. But you did nothing, just sat there reading the paper.

Lucas enetered your room with a quiet knock on your door. He came in, ready to talk about whatever excited thing happened to him today. But when he saw you, his mind went blank. Your splotchy face, your tired eyes, he rushed over to you.

"Y/N/N, are you alright?" His hand was on your back, brows furrowed in concern.

You laugh, sounding more sarcastic than intended.

"Of course i’m alright! Why wouldn’t I be? It’s just a stupid test that, if I fail, will result in me failing the class, and if I fail the class, I’ll have to retake it and I don’t want to retake it! My parents would be so upset and… and I’ll probably be grounded for life!" You rambled off, all of your worries flooding out of you.

Lucas let out a breathy laugh, relieved that it wasn’t anything life threatening.

"Relax Y/N, you’ll pass. You need to take a break though, otherwise you’ll explode or something"

You huff and shake your head, not ready to take a break yet. Lucas, on the other hand, decided you definitely needed a break.


He pulled the chair you were sitting in, taking you with it.

"Lucas, knock it off!" You yell, trying to scoot the chair back up to the desk.

He was not having it, Lucas came and stood in between you and the table. His eyes narrowed at you, hands placed on his hips.

"You need a damn break, I don’t care if you yell at me Y/N because if you stare at that paper any longer, you’re going to die. Your mind will melt and you’ll die"

You look up at him with tired eyes, sighing, you stand up and walk over to your bed, flopping down on it. Lucas joins you. The two of you lay in your bed, talking about anything not school related, and you eventually fall asleep.

"Take it easy Y/N, you’ll ace this damn test. I believe in you" the boy whispers to you, running your shoulder and smiling.

He left show later, leaving your tired out figure to slumber in bed.

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