《stranger things smut & Imagines》party


Steve and I have always had a tension between us. It wasn't bad tension, but we never addressed it until he got drunk one night. I remember it like it was yesterday Steve, and I were in his car at a park. It was a little after 2 am, the windows were fogged up by us talking.

After all it was a cold December morning, Steve was drunk off his ass. He was rambling about Chase, he brought up a certain subject about Chase always looking at me, how it makes him angry when he sees Chase staring at me.

Steve was as popular as ever if not even more, yeah sure he could be a dick sometimes but he never was one with me. Steve loves going to parties, I would wanna Stay home to just look at art pieces.

I always went to parties with Steve because one of us had to be the sober one, but Steve was always super affectionate when he was drunk so I didn’t mind. Steve has been cutting me off every time I mentioned about us going to an art gallery that was in town.

So here I was at Steve’s front door with two tickets to the art gallery, I brought my hand up to his door knocking on it, he swung the door open. I saw teenagers from our school, my smile went into a small frown.

“Uh hey babe what are you doing here?”

I looked at him shrugging.

“Uh you told me to come by after my shift at the bookstore remember?”

He smiled at me, opened the door wider, letting me in. The smell of alcohol filled my nose, I eternally curled into a ball. Steve wasn’t bad when he was drunk around me, but as soon as Steve got around his friends the king Steve was in full affect.

I was greeted by a few people, but not many even if I was I wouldn’t think I was hot shit like most the girls did. Being popular never mattered to me, and it never will.

They were all doing their own thing though alcohol flowed through their veins, I knew that. I turned to look at Steve.

“Can I talk to you outside please?”

He nodded, let me lead the way outside. After he shut the door he decided to speak first.

“What’s up Y/N?”

I looked at him then I grabbed my bag looking through it.


“So you know how I was talking about that art gallery that was in town?”

He looked at me nodding when I looked up at him.

“Okay well I got us tickets, I was hoping you’d actually go with me.”

His facial expression made my stomach drop, he didn’t didn’t even look interested at all.

“Y/N you know how-.”

I quickly cut him off. “Steve come one I do a lot of stuff for you, even stuff I don’t want to do.”

“Then why do you do it?”

He snapped at me, I tried to remind myself that he was probably drunk, like I said before when Steve was drunk around people he was the biggest asshole.

“I-I don’t know because I love you.”

He looked at me letting out a breath.

“Well I’m sorry Y/N, but there is no way I’m going to that art gallery.”

I looked into his eyes, hurt flowed into my heart.

“Oh yeah I forget king Steve is too important than your girlfriend.”

He shook his head at me.

“It’s not even like that Y/N so don’t even say that my title is more important than you.”

“Well that’s how you make me feel Steve because you make me feel like I’m second best to your friends and to your title.”

He shook his head at me. I could tell he was getting angry, but I didn’t care at this point.

“That’s not true Y/N and you know that.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him smiling bitterly.

“Do I Steve do I really?”

“If you don’t know that you’re the most important thing to me then why are you with me?”

My eyes widened at his question, anger filled my veins.

“That’s a great question Steve, you know what forget it I’m done have fun with your stupid ass parties and have fun with your stupid ass title I’m not sticking around for it.”

With that I walked back into his house, out of his front door with him calling my name. I was done with him, I was definitely done with being treated as second best.

Steve called me at least ten times, but I never answered. Usually when Steve and I fought we we’re back talking in a few hours but not this time I was over his shit.

Luckily last minute I got John Miller to go to the art gallery with me. I knew Steve wasn’t going to come, it hurt. It was more than he wouldn’t come, but it was the fact that every time he threw a party or did something stupid for his title I was there.


He has never once thought of me, he never took what I wanted to do Into consideration. Of course I was crushed, but I wasn’t going to show anyone I was too broken up over Steve’s selfish act.

John and I were talking about a certain art piece that was mesmerizing. I mean it was beautiful, as soon as we got a closer look I felt someone grab my wrist yanking me away from not only the art but John.

I already knew it was Steve, but that pissed me off even more.

“So you really are here with John Miller?”

I looked at Steve, smiled at him not wanting to cause a scene in the gallery.

“Yes I am. I actually found a guy who was more than willing to go to the gallery with me since my boyfriend couldn’t think of anyone but himself for at least a few hours.”

I knew Steve was jealous. I mean John wasn’t ugly, he was really sweet but he was a friend but I wasn’t going to tell Steve that I want him to feel how I felt plus some.

“Of all people, why him?”.

I shrugged my shoulder at him.

“He’s just a friend Steve.”

Steve scoffed at my statement.

“Bullshit Y/N you know how he feels about you.”

I smirked at him which I knew made his blood boil.

“Look Steve I don’t have time for your jealous bullshit okay, we can talk about this later but for now I’m going to enjoy the art gallery.”

I turned away from him, but as soon as I did I was pulled back into Steve.

“You will enjoy it, but not with him.”

I furrowed my brows at him I didn’t know what he meant, but as soon as I went to say something he shushed me.

He walked over to John, John looked at me then nodded at Steve then left without a word. I walked up to Steve crossing my arms.

“What did you say to him?”

He looked at me then shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his face.

“I told him if I ever caught him eyeing you like a piece of meat again I’d kick his ass.”

I rolled my eyes at Steve because I knew what he was doing. He was trying to show himself as this superhero type where he would swoop in and save me, but I didn’t need saving.

I walked away from Steve before he could hold my hand, or make any physical contact with me.steve quickly caught up to me while I was walking around the gallery.

“Wait Y/N.”

I turned to face him, I hoped I didn’t look like I didn’t want to talk to him. That wasn’t the case. I just wanted to enjoy the one thing I actually could without being out of my comfort zone.

“Yes Steve?”

He looked down at me lacing his fingers in mine, but I pulled away from him.

“I know I’ve been a shitty boyfriend but can you please forgive me?”

I looked at him, rolled my eyes.

“Steve it’s not even about you being a shitty boyfriend it’s about you not wanting to do anything I want to do it’s always about what you want, yeah I could say something about it but I don’t because you seem genuinely happy.”

He looked at me, his brows furrowed together..

“Y/N the only reason I was happy at those parties was because you were with me, I know I have a lot to fix within myself, but I promise you I can change. It’s just what if I change myself and you don’t wanna be with me anymore?”

I felt bad, did I force him into changing Instead of letting it happen with time? I loved Steve. I didn’t want to hurt him, he thought I would leave him hurt.

“Stevie, I would never leave you. I love you too much for that, plus who else am I gonna snuggle up to when we watch horror movies?”

He chuckled at me, putting his hand on my right cheek.

“I’m sorry I was being such an ass.”

I shrugged at him, I stood on my tippy toes to kiss his lips he kissed back almost immediately, when we pulled away from each other we were both smiling.

“It’s okay Steve just remember change can be good, I’ll always be here to help you.”

He smiled at me grabbing my hand while we walked through the rest of the art gallery. If Steve showed me anything it was how much he loved me and I definitely loved him and I’d be here for him whenever he needed me.

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