《Bonnie Bennett Reborn | TVD》12 | Introductions


"I don't trust you."

Stefan scoffed at Enzo's quick evaluation of him. "You just met me."

"And I don't trust you."

"Because of actual reasons or because you're jealous you can't keep our mate all to yourself?" Stefan gets in his face as I watch with wide eyes.

I'm a bit concerned, I'm not stepping in though. They're big boys, they can figure this out.

"I'm not jealous. I've met your brother and how different could you be?" Enzo fires back.

"I'm not like my brother!" Stefan complains then frowns. "Where did you even meet my brother?"

Enzo rolls his eyes like it's such an inconvenience to explain and tells him. "I was kept captive by a vampire hating group called Augustine -which has since been dealt with- and for a time, Damon was also captive." He explains.

Stefan's frown deepens, having never heard this.

"We became friends, and even planned our great escape..." he trails off with a sad reminiscent shimmer in his eyes which quickly dies out with his next words. "And then he escaped, leaving me to presumably die. But I lived, if you could even call it living."

Stefan is at a loss for words, unsure of how to reply until an unneeded, "I'm sorry." Escapes him.

Enzo smiles and shakes his head. "I'm alright now." He looks over at me with great affection in his eyes. "My little angel came to save me."

Stefan looks over at me too, affection already blooming in his own eyes as well as respect for me.

"Well, let's start off without petty assumptions." Stefan decides. "I'm not Damon, and you don't seem half bad yourself."

Enzo regards his proposition silently for a moment before he sticks out his hand for Stefan to shake as he gives a nod in agreement.



"Thank goodness that's done with." I sigh dramatically and pat them on the shoulders before I grab my keys and wallet.

"Enzo, do you mind if Stefan and I go to the Grill with some friends? And then tonight it'll be me and you for a movie?"

I don't want to hurt Enzo's feelings but when a grown looking man is at the grill with a 16 almost 17 year old, it looks weird. Thankfully he understands and it was him who initially pointed it out when we wanted to go out the first time.

Soon enough though I'm gonna just say fuck it and take him out with me because I don't care what the people here think.

Well I care what people think a little bit... but I try to not care.

"Of course, Gorgeous." Enzo comes over and kisses my cheek sweetly. "I'm going out as well though, still learning about this era and I want a job. Though I don't need to work, I want to."

"That's great." I hug him briefly and pull back a bit, starting to get lost in his eyes before Stefan reaches to hold my hand.

I bite my lip before kissing Enzo and leaving with Stefan.

This multiple mates thing is gonna be really weird and probably take lots of time to get used to.


The grill is packed, it being the local hangout spot for teenagers.

It used to always make me jealous when I watched the show. My area in LA didn't have a great spot where teenagers could hangout together, but also families, couples, all that stuff. It had hangouts of course but they were all so cliquish. At the grill, literally anyone can fit somewhere. In my past life, if you couldn't find your clique, you didn't have somewhere to hangout.


I easily point out my friends, all around a pool table. The appear to be playing teams; Caroline and Tyler versus Elena and Matt.

I watch as Elena and Matt talk and joke as they play and smile slightly. Those two annoying asses deserve each other. I guess if the hot new guy doesn't go after Elena, she falls right back into Matty Blue Eyes' arms.

"Bonnie!" Caroline beams when I walk in and waves me over.

She glances at Stefan before looking to me with her mouth widened in surprise before shooting me a wink and a thumbs up. I roll my eyes fondly and Stefan -who watched the little interaction- laughs under his breath.

"Hey guys." I smile at them, "This is Stefan." I gesture to him as he waves with a small smile.

"Stefan, this is Matt, Elena, Tyler, and Caroline." I know they share a couple classes with him but I figure some introductions are in order.

"Nice to meet you guys." He tells them to which they all give the same reply albeit in varying ways.

"You too, man."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Yea, you too."

"I mean we like have class together already but it's good to meet you as Bonnie's..." Caroline trails off before she smirks and asks in her cheeky little way. "Date?"

Stefan sports a smile that radiates charm. "I sure hope that's how I'm being introduced."


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