《Bonnie Bennett Reborn | TVD》11 | Stefan


Sitting in Mr. Tanners class, I choose a spot toward the back with Elena in front of me. I sit here because I absolutely hate being up front even though I sometimes struggle to see the board past these guys' big heads.

Stefan walks in, eyes immediately finding me as he takes the spot directly to my right. He smiles charmingly at me and I smile back of course. He's my mate, why wouldn't I? But also I keep it short for now until I can talk to him about everything later.

Tanner begins his lesson after calling roll and introducing our class to his strict syllabus.

"Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state."

'No shit.' I scoff in my head.

"People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union..." he continues talking but I ignore him a bit as me and Stefan continue to exchange looks.

My cell vibrates and I pull it out discreetly to see Elena has stolen canon Bonnie's original text.

I shake my head with an amused smile and glance at Stefan before turning back to the front.


I have two more classes with Stefan, then being English and Math. I know he has French with Elena and can't help but be jealous and hope the stupid doppelgänger bond doesn't affect our mate bond.

In math, which is sixth period, I glance at Stefan across the room who meets my eyes.

I then whisper quietly, knowing only he can hear me from where he sits.

"Stefan, walk with me after class to my locker and then my car. We should really talk."


He has wide eyes when he looks at me again but nods.

He probably assumed I was a young supernatural who didn't know much about the mates thing, let alone him being a vampire.

The bell soon rings and he meets me at my desk. "Hey." He greets.

"Hi." I pick up my binder and math journal, along with my pencil pouch. I'm one of the organized bitches, okay?

"I'm Stefan, I know we know each other's names from roll in our classes together but I figured I should actually introduce myself." He smiles with a little blush.


I smile back, looking up at him. "Totally. I'm Bonnie." I stick my hand out and he shakes is, the pleasurable sparks I feel with Enzo now l also feel with Stefan. I see the little angle wings on his inner wrist as well.

I pull my hand away slowly from his shocked look and pull my arm away before he can catch sight of my seven marks.

"Come on." I nod toward the door and we walk out together, him following me to my locker in A wing. My locker is A-037.

I leave my class textbooks I got today in the locker because I got no homework and then I lock it up, pulling my car keys out of my pocket as we walk outside, neither really talking.

"So uh, where are we going to talk?"

"I'm just gonna drive around." I tell him. "But then we will go to my house while I get ready for an outing I have with friends later. You can come to that too. If you want."

"Yea, I'm sure I will." He smiles as I unlock my car and we get in.

"So first of all..." I start my car. "I'm a witch."


"I know." Stefan nods. "I recognize your last name."

I nod knowingly and keep talking. "I also know you come from the founding family, Salvatores, and you're a vampire along with your brother Damon." I tell him.

"How?" He asks.

"Emily Bennett." I answer/lie. I don't want them to know I'm not from this universe. And I did find journals of hers that mention the events so I guess it's like a half truth. "She kept journals."

His smile drops. "So do you know about..."

"Katherine?" I glance at him. "Yes. And I know about Elena being her doppelgänger."

"I also know something you don't." I tell him and he frowns.


"Katherine is alive and manipulated all of you, there was a tomb sealed under the church by Emily that saved the vampires."

"We can't let it get opened." Stefan says. "They'll kill every founding family member in this town."

"I already opened it."

His eyes widen and I nod.

"I released Pearl to be with her daughter Anna and they left, never to return again. Along with their friend Harper. The rest I staked and burned. They're no danger now."

"What about Katherine?" Stefan wonders.

"Not in the tomb." I tell him. "A simple spell showed me she's alive but untraceable. Witches must keep her cloaked. She's smart."

"How do you know all of this?" Stefan asks.

"I told you, Emily's journals." I answer. "But also, I'm a witch, I feel things, I know things. And amongst my kind... word gets around."

He nods, taking in the information before he says, "Thank you. Thank you for telling me."

"Of course."

I hate myself for the lie but I will come clean to all my mates eventually. I'll just have to find out the best way to say it.

"Now, I see your arm and see that there are seven marks. Two of which have darkened, meaning you've met two of us. I'm assuming the pen is me because I write a lot and the guitar is... who?" He asks.

"His name is Enzo. He's a vampire and I rescued him from vampire torturing ass holes." I admit.

"Is he in town?"

I nod. "Yep. We're not going to my house, we're going to his. Get ready to meet your new friend and my other mate. You're okay with that right? I don't want to make you mad and I know it might be upsetting I have multiple mates."

"Sh." He sets a hand on my thigh, stopping me from talking. "I'm not mad. I'm sure he's great and this also means I'll eventually have six new friends to hang out with while we all brag about how beautiful you are."

"Enzo basically said the same thing." I chuckle and pull into the long driveway that heads to the house.

"Then he sounds like a good guy." Stefan grins at me. "Can't wait to meet him."


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