《Bad Things》Chapter Eleven - I'd happily write his eulogy


"Midget! Wake up! Fuck," there is a scream, followed by a loud thud.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes and still feeling really tired. My eyes land on Jake who is currently lying in a weird position on my carpet.

"Jake, what are you doing in my room? Actually, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Oh, don't you usually lie on fluffy pink carpets with your legs at weird angles? It's really calming." Jake says, sarcastically.

I just stare at him, trying to comprehend what he is doing.

"We're late for school and I accidentally fell asleep with you," he explains, slowly pulling himself into a standing position.

"What?" I turn to look at my alarm clock, finding that it's half past eleven.

"Jake, did you turn my alarm off?" I shout, climbing out of bed and running to my closet.

Jake laughs. "It's so funny watching a midget run," he tells me as I throw clothes onto my bed.

"Why don't we just skip school? There's no point going this late." Jake lies back down on my bed, watching me as I try to choose and outfit.

"Are you crazy?" I ask, "We can't just skip school. There is still three and a half hours left. It's our final year, there's no way we can just bunk."

"You're such a fucking nerd. Let's just go get coffee. I can't function without coffee. I'll get my mom to make you more cookies," Jake laughs.

I groan. "Oh my god, I knew it! You're trying to make me fat. I don't think I can eat more cookies after last night," I state and pat my stomach.

"Okay, go to school. Just know that you could have been with me," he steps closer to me and I freeze as he whispers in my ear, "think of my lips... against the warm coffee mug." He lifts my face so that I'm looking into his eyes, "Think of me biting... Into that soft, soft cookie." He bites his bottom lip and lets out a soft growl, making me immediately step away from him.


"Did you just growl?" I ask, trying to change the subject. I can't think of his lips. My cheeks go red and I know my heart is beating slightly faster then normal.

"Did you just blush?" he teases, smirking down at me.

"N-no. It's just really... Hot. Like, global warming is getting bad," I say, stupidly.

"Whatever you say, midget," he coos, clearly amused by my discomfort.

"Fuck you, Jake," I say, grabbing my clothes and waking into the bathroom to change.

No matter how much I loath that boy, I have to admit it's really attractive when he bites his lip. It's not that I'm attracted to him, but he has a nice face and really nice lips.

Don't think about Jake's lips! Think about how he gave you a fake number, called you a slut and is blackmailing you. He's an asshole.

I change and walk out the bathroom, trying to ignore Jake. I still can't believe he called me a slut.

"Coffee?" Jake sings.

"Suck a dick," I sing back, grabbing my jacket and going down the stairs to my car.

"Hey, wait. I'll drive," Jake says, running in front of me and pulling the door open.

"Drive as much as you want, but I'm not going with you," I say, unlocking my car. The car lights flash and I pull open the door, but before I can get in Jake slams the door closed and blocks the handle so I can't try and open it.

"You don't know me but I am very persistent and a lot stronger than you so don't even try to argue. I want you to go with me, please?" Jake says, pretending like he is giving me an option by saying please.


"I don't know if you know me but I am very stubborn and there is no way in hell I am going anywhere with you because I'd rather see you being castrated. I will never in a million years go out with you. Well, not willingly," I say, folding my arms over my chest. "Now move, I need to get to school before I miss accounting as well."

"Come on, midget. It's just coffee. All that accounting bullshit with liquidating assets and shit can wait until tomorrow. Don't make me cover your head with a black bad and take you there in the back of my car. I'm not afraid to tie you up," he warns, quickly grabbing the key out of my hand and running to the other side of the car.

"Jake!" I try to run after him but he stays opposite me, making sure I don't reach him.

I sigh and step back. "I can't believe I'm about to do this," I mumble, and a second layer I am jumping over my car and tackling Jake to the ground.

"I am not going to hang out with you, unless it's either helping you with Candace or you helping me with Asher," I say. Sometimes being stubborn is really fun. Especially when you don't give a shit about the person you're being stubborn with.

I actually don't even give two shits about him. He could bite into Snow White's apple and I'd happily write his eulogy.

"But skipping school will help me keep my reputation, and I know Candace likes bad boys. Plus, if you don't show then Asher will definitely start noticing you more when people start talking about you," Jake says.

"Reputation? You're already a murderer. How bad can anything else seem?" I roll my eyes. "Actually, if you don't leave me alone I'll call the cops and tell them you are."

Jake goes silent for a moment and that when I realize I'm still on top of him. I stand up in a rush and Jake stands up too, frowning.

"You know you wouldn't do that. Everyone else that knows who I am has thought better. You can't tell them," he says and runs a hand through his hair.

"Yes, I can," I state.

"Just," he puts his hands on each of my arms, holding me, "Don't."

I unlock the car and climb in. "Get in. I'm driving and you're explaining what the hell you do. Either that or you'll be in handcuffs soon."

"Handcuffs?" he asks as he gets in the passenger seat, "Kinky."


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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