《Bad Things》Chapter Twelve- They're the friends that would help you hide the body


"No, we're not doing it. For fucks sake, Ace, do you want to die?" Jake says and then slides into a chair across me at the coffee shop.

"No, you dumb ass. Hey, you wanna die, go- What am I doing? Where the fuck are you?" He starts looking around the small shop, obviously trying to spot whoever he is talking to on the phone.

"I'm going to kill you," he says into the phone, looking at a black haired boy standing across the room. There are two other boys beside the black haired boy, but they're not looking at Jake, they're just texting.

The boy nudges the other two, and then all three of them walk around the small tables, towards us. "Jake, who are they?" I ask.

He hesitates, deciding one whether or not he should answer. "Um, you know... Well, they're-"

"I'm Ace," the black haired boy greets, grinning at me.

"These two idiots next to me are," he points at the really tall boy with tousled brown hair and an amazing jawline, "Tony and," he points at the other boy who has dark blue hair and matching eyes, "Brandon."

I nod and smile. "Hi, I'm Al-"

"None of your business," Jake cuts me off. "Her name is none of your fucking business. Now leave." Jake glares at them.

Tony laughs and Ace puts his hands up in defense, "Hey, I'm just coming to say hi to your new toy."

I turn to look at Jake, and his jaw is clenched. "She's not my fucking toy, you bastard." He's really hot when he is angry, I have to admit that.

"Then what is she? Your girlfriend? Al and Jakey sitting in a tree f-u-c-k-i-n-g," Ace sings, and a few other people around the store start giving the boys annoyed and dirty looks.


"Fine, if you leave, we can go tonight. I promise," Jake sighs, shaking his head.

All three boys grin, and then they turn around and walk away, winking at some of the annoyed customers who are still staring at them.

I laugh. "Who are they? Friends from your old school?"

He sighs and leans his elbows on the table, placing his face into the palm of his hands. He mutters something to me but it's muffled by his hands.

"What?" I ask. I lift my coffee cup up and take a sip as I wait for Jake to reply.

"They're the other guys in The Hawks," he explains.

"You mean..." I look at the spot where they were previously standing. "Oh."

"So like, they're the friends that would help you hide the body... Literally." I nod in understanding, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I won't let them hurt you," he whispers, taking my hand from across the table and gently squeezing it. I look up at him and he is smiling at me.

"So, do you only do it for the money?" I ask. I told him he has to tell me about what he does.

He nods. "Yeah, there isn't anything else I could get out of it, anyway. Maybe I do it for the girls, too. It's crazy how many hot chicks are willing to bang you because you're dangerous."

"I thought you were a virgin...?" I say slowly.

"Oh, I was. Yeah, but it's fun knowing how bad girls want me. Helps make me feel better when I think my body is not good enough, you know?" He flexes his arm, showing me his perfect bicep.

There is a smirk playing on his lips and I just roll my eyes.


"You have no shame," I state. He just laughs and picks up his coffee, winking at me before taking a sip.

"I don't know how you drink this shit," Jake says, cringing at the bitter taste of the coffee. "It's disgusting." He pushes the cup away from him and my mouth drops.

"You don't like coffee? How do you live?" I ask. He just shrugs, like it's normal.

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask.

"Is this a booty call?" he asks and makes ugly faces at me. "You want ma booty?" He winks.

I roll my eyes again at his stupidity. "No, I meant you said you promise you'll go somewhere."

He runs a hand through his hair. "Oh... Nowhere. It doesn't matter, anyway."

"Please don't kill anyone," I whisper, not meeting his eye.

"Listen, sweetheart. I don't know if you know this but you can't tell me what to do. I'm in a gang and that is what I do, okay? Don't give me those adorable eyes because they don't... Okay, they kind of work but they won't stop me from doing what I do." He stands up, pushing his chair in. "I have to go."

He walks away from the table without looking back at me and I frown.

What adorable eyes? All I was doing was looking at him.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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