《Bad Things》Chapter Ten - There's this stupid bitch that doesn't listen to me


"Sing," Jake commands, pointing at the mic in front of me.

"Woof." I roll my eyes. "Want me to roll over too?"

"As long as you end up on top of me," he says and then winks.

We are currently in the music room, and I'm trying to learn all the words to the song I have to sing next week. I can't get out of this audition no matter how much I want to.

"Oh yeah, I'm supposed to ask you... Um, was I your first?" I ask.

"First what?" he asks.

"Were you a virgin before I slept with you? Was I your first?"

"Well," he whispers, his cheeks starting to go red, "Yeah, I guess you were. You can't tell anyone we slept together."


"Because then the other sluts in the school will think they can too," he says as if it's obvious.

I stare at him in shock, my mouth slightly open. Did he just call me a slut? I'm pretty sure that's what he implied. Other sluts.

"Wow." I frown.


"Do you think I'm a slut?"

"Well, you did sleep with me without knowing me... But I don't mind if you're a slut, you're still really hot," he says to me.

He did think I was a slut. So I wasn't being stupid about it? It was what he was implying.

I nod. "Awesome. Well, I'm glad you think of me as a really hot slut," I say, slightly hurt. I know I did sleep with him but he is the first one I slept with without knowing really well. I'm not a slut, am I?

"I don't mean it in a bad way," Jake adds, frowning.


"Oh, so I'm a good slut?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Every guy like sluts... You know, 'cause-"

I cut him off, "Yeah, I got it. I think this slut will practice on her own now." I give him a fake smile before picking up my denim jacket and walking out of the music room.

Did I mention that I hate him? Because I do.


I roll over in my bed, slowly drifting off to sleep. It feels like I have been at school for thousands of years now and I can't wait to graduate and leave.

Oh wait, after school I get to go to university to waste more of my life. Just great.

At least Jake won't be there to bother me and call me a slut.

I groan and push any thoughts of Jake away, turning to lie on my stomach.

I can't believe he would even think about going out with Candace, even if it's just to take her down.

What if he starts liking her and they end up happy together. No, Candace can't be happy.

I quickly touch my wooden bedside table, making sure I don't jinx my thoughts.

Stop thinking about Jake!

I keep turning until I finally find a comfortable position and drift off to sleep.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I frown and lift my head up to see an unknown caller trying to phone me. Stupid people, what time is it?

I look at my alarm clock to see that it's three in the morning. Ugh, what the fuck? I internally scream as I pick up the phone.

"What?" I say into the phone, beyond irritated at the person on the other other end of the phone.

"Oh hey, Cookie. Good morning to you, too," Jake's voice comes from the other end of the phone.


"Jake? What the fuck? Why are you calling at this time?" I ask.

"Oh, I just wanted to know what you're doing," Jake explains himself.

"I'm planning to overthrow the Russian government. Putin has been in control for too long now. What about you, darling?" I say, sarcastically.

"I'm watching a horror movie and there's this stupid bitch that doesn't listen to me when I tell her not to do things. She's so stupid that she actually deserves to die," he explains.

I chuckle and roll my eyes, "Go to sleep."

"Wait, I have milkshakes downstairs. What about if I bring you one?" he offers.

"It's three in the morning and your offering me milkshakes?" I ask incredulously.

"Mhm, they're chocolate," Jake adds.

"Well, no. You little peice of shit, you called me a slut. Don't even come close to me."

"Wait! My mom made more cookies, I'll bring those too," he tells me, trying to convince with food.

I go silent for a few moments, already tasting the cookies in my mouth. "Fine, but when the cookies are finished you have to go."

"Deal. I'll see you soon." The phone call ends and I fall back onto my bad, waiting for my doorbell to ring.


"Sweetheart, if you don't wake up I'm going to have to kiss you," I hear someone whisper in my ear.

Ignoring the voice, I grab a pillow and put it over my face.

I hear a chuckle and, slowly, someone moves the pillow off my face. Their breath hits my face. Wow, it smells so good. Almost like cinnamon. Slowly, they lean down to kiss my neck.

The person starts going up, kissing my jaw, and suddenly my brain registers what is happening.

My eyes fly open and I push the intruder off me, jumping out of bed as fast as I can. If all else fails I can just lock myself in my bathroom and start praying.

"Wait," I rub my eyes, "Jake?" I ask, not sure why he's in my room.

"Yes, your Highness. I brought the cookies and milkshake for you and then when I got here you were sleeping. By the way, keeping a spare key under your mat isn't very safe."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, because my perverted neighbours would be able to get into my house and start kissing me. That would definitely not be good. Actually, if that were to happen I would call the cops," I say, lifting up my phone with a grin.

"Aw, come on Cookie. I brought food," Jake sings, lifting up a giant container of cookies.

"Okay, but you have to stop calling me Cookie," I compromise, sitting down on my bed, right next to Jake.

I can still feel my skin tingling from where he kissed me a minute ago. Stupid hormones.

"Fine, I'll call you midget," Jake pulls me closer to him, "'cause you're so short and adorable." He places another kiss on my cheek before pulling open the box of cookies.


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T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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