《Bad Things》Chapter Nine - Grades so high even Asian parents want to adopt her


After supper, the only thing on my mind is Jake. I still need to ask him about the whole 'virgin' thing, and I need to figure out how to get Candace to go out with him.

The only way I can thing of is bribery. Next week is the audition for some stupid but extremely popular play called 'killer' and I know Candace has being dying to get the lead.

If I audition and get it, I'll make her go out with Jake in return for me forfeiting the place.

First I need to be able to act, but I'm sure it can't be that hard. After that, as Jake said, I'll never have to talk to him again.

My life will go back to me being happy and having cute guys checking me out, without a murderer at my side.

I fall onto my bed, and turn to look out the huge sliding door window.

Jake is standing and flailing his arms, trying to get my attention. Once he see I am looking at him, he stops and he smiles.

"Meet me outside!" I hear his muffled scream through both his window and mine.

I smile and lift my middle finger up at him while I look away. Then I decide pull out my phone, hoping Jake will stop screaming.

I turn to look out the window again, but Jake is gone, and so I shrug and go back to one of my favorite daily activities; stalking Asher.

See, this is why I don't understand how I ended up being 'popular'. I don't act the part, and I probably don't look the part either considering the one guy I want won't even look at me.

Like, at least check out my ass. I have been doing squats for him.


Suddenly, my phone is being ripped from my hand. I let out a squeal and look up to find Jake, looking down at my phone with his usual amused and annoying face.

"Yeah, this is definitely sad," he comments and then hands me my phone.

I roll my eyes and turn over to lie on my stomach, stuffing my face into a pillow.

"So, how long do you think it's going to take to get her to go out with me, and what are you going to do?" he asks me.

"Shut up and get out, pig," I command, but it comes out muffled because of the pillow.

"Asher, I have something to show you," Jake whispers, and I turn around in a rush, immediately assuming he is calling Asher.

I don't know why Asher would want to hang out with someone as annoying and disgusting as Jake.

"So, I think you might like this." He steps back and pulls of his shirt, smirking.

He's acting out what's on the video.

My face goes bright red in embarrassment, and I can't help but let my eyes wander down to Jake's body. Jake's beautiful and really toned body.

"Mm, baby. You like this?" He bites his lip and turns around then runs a hand through his hair.

Okay, I know he is making fun of me but that is so hot. I think it's impossible for me to hate him any more than I already do, but his voice is so deep and attractive.

"Wait, there is more." He turns back to face me and starts unbuttoning his pants.

"Okay, stop! I'll tell you the plan!" I scream. "Wait, but how did you even get in?"

Jake laughs, "Your mom let me in. Now spill," he commands.


My mom is such a traitor. Just because he's our neighbour, she let him in.

"There is a play called 'killer' that Candace wants to be in and-"

"Oh, yeah. The one that airs live on T.V every year," Jake cuts me off, nodding in recognition.

"Yeah. So, anyway, if I manage to get the lead, I can bribe her into going out with you in return for me dropping out. From there, that bitch is all yours," I explain and sigh, falling back to lie on my bed.

"The auditions are next week right? Can you sing?" Jake asks.

"Sing?" I repeat.

Jake chuckles. "Yeah, the main lead has to sing Bittersweet Tragedies," he tells me.

"S-So we have to sing in front of people for the a-auditions?" I ask, fear written clearly on my expression.

"You can't sing?" Jake asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I've never sung in front of anyone. I can't." I shake my head.

"Is there another way we can get her to go out with me?" he asks.

"No, she has too much money to need anything else. She has boy toys, a real gold headboard, a few pairs of Christian Louboutin shoes that cost the same amount as a car, she has some expensive Audi and grades so high even Asian parents want to adopt her," I rant, almost out of breath by the end of it.

Jake sighs and sits down next to me on my bed. "What about if we make it equal, so you don't hate me as much?" Jake offers.


"I'll help you with Asher as well, if you do this for me," he offers. "But I'm still keeping the copies of your little confession for backup."

"Really? You'll help me?" I ask, slightly shocked.

He grins and nods. I smile. "For a murderer, you're not too bad," I admit.

"I try," Jake says and rolls his eyes.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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