《Bad Things》Chapter Eight - I'd castrate him and throw his balls off a cliff


"Lea! Cora!" I scream angrily. "I'm going to kill you."

"Okay," Lea shrugs.

Cora frowns, "Why?" she asks.

"Hm, I don't know," I say and pretend to think, "Maybe it's because you two idiots got me to sleep with a murderer! He wouldn't be talking to me if it wasn't for you. I'm going to kill you both, you know, just to fit in with my sexual partners." I glare at the two, steam probably shooting out my ears.

Lea laughs, "Yeah, as if you actually got him to sleep with you. The reason we made a bet on him is because he has never slept with anyone. He's a virgin." Lea's amusement is as clear on her her face

I frown. Virgin? Jake was a virgin? No, that's impossible. Well, it's possible but...

"Oh... Um, well I'll see you guys tomorrow," I say in a rush and walk down the hall to the exit of the school.

A freaking virgin! Is that why he said no to me at first? Then what made him change his mind?

Tons of questions flood my mind as I make my way home. I guess I'll just have to avoid Jake, but most of the time avoiding people ends really badly. I'm just going to have to try, and see what happens.

I unlock my house and let out a deep sigh before trudging up the steps. I can't believe one person can be so annoying.

I walk into my room, and the only person I didn't want to see is standing in my room, holding my USB.

My eyes widen and my heart rate picks up as I stare at Jake in shock. "It's... Um, it's just homework..." My eyes trail down to my USB and back up to his smirking face.


No. No. No. He couldn't have found it. This is horrible! Maybe he doesn't know what's on it...? Please God, help me.

"Well, you're definitely getting an A for this assignment." He holds it up, a amused expression on his face again.

If I was a zombie, I'd eat his brain first. Then I'd castrate him and throw his balls off a cliff.

"Jake..." I whisper and purse my lips, walking towards him so I can steal it back before anyone else finds out.

He throws it up into the air and I quickly catch it, relief flowing through me.

"Don't worry, Cookie. I've made copies," he states and winks.

"What do you want?" I stare down at the little device I should have destroyed long ago. He wouldn't have made copies if he didn't want something.

"I want you to land me a date with Candace Peters," he tells me.

"Jake, please. She doesn't date anyone, she just sleeps around. It's impossible." I just feel like rolling up into a ball on the floor and crying.

Why did Jake fucking Dubois have to happen to me? Why couldn't it be any other girl? Like, literally, any other girl.

"Hm, then I guess I'm going to have to play this video in assembly, in front of all the teachers and the student body. Maybe even a few parents, if we get lucky." He walks up to me and takes my arm, pulling me into him.

I try to get my arm out of his grip but it's too strong, and all my attempts fail. "Are you done?" he asks. I look up into his eyes and he seems to be bored. Well, I guess my amazing escape plan didn't work. I tug again, shaking my head.


"Jake, I don't want you touching me," I spit. The amount of hate I feel for this boy is just growing by the second. He wants to date Candace! That stupid whore!

"That Candace girl, she offered to sleep with me. I want to play with her. I need to get a date with her so I can get her to fall in love with me," he says and picks up a section of my hair, twirling it around his fingers with his available hand, "I need to make sure that the whole school knows; nobody speaks to me, unless I talk to them. No way in hell am I actually sleeping with her."

"Wait, you want to hurt her?" I ask, confused.

He nods. "She thinks she rules the school, and she kind of does, so I need to rule her to be able to rule the school. As soon as I find whatever I need to find, you and your little video won't be necessary," he explains to me and then let's me go.

"Won't be necessary..." I look down at the USB again, frowning.

"Mhm, unless you want to sleep with me again. I want you to pretend I don't exist after it's over. I'll do the same for you. I can't keep my reputation up if I have an adorable and beautiful girl talking to me."

I lick my lips and nod, "After we find whatever you want from Candace, you'll destroy the copies? Everything," I ask.

He nods and smiles, "Nobody will ever see it. Asher will just never know you exist."

"W-What?" I whisper.

He laughs, "Seriously? I mean, I mentioned you the conversation and Asher had no idea who you were. Kinda sad, if you ask me."

"Well nobody is asking you, asshole," I state, a tear slipping down my cheek. "I'll do it. I'll help you. Now please just get out."

He frowns, his entire demeanor changing. "Cookie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"That my crush doesn't like me back? Actually, you did mean that. Guess what, I knew that already. I don't care! Now get the fuck out before I call the cops and explain how you broke into my house," I scream, pointing at my room door.

He puts his hands up in defeat and walks out without another word.

I quickly get a lighter from my draw and burn the metal tip of the USB before putting it under cold water and then throwing it away.

I should have done that a long time ago.


T w i t t e r : xPineappleGirlx

I n s t a g r a m : laylzk

S n a p c h a t : laylz_k

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