《Yeo-na and the Fox god》Ch. 3: Kojitmal


"From now on your duty is to attend to matters that I find distasteful and accompany me everywhere I go, should you fail to fulfill your duties, your life will come to a sudden and painful end."

Feeling grateful, the Oni gave a formal and elaborate bow several times until finally rising up to walk towards the creature that saved its life.

"You cannot be walking with me naked, a set of clothes are needed. Do not speak until spoken to, only leave my side when commanded, do not act on your own. Will you abide by all these rules? Finally, from this time forth, you will address me as Taiki."

"Yes, Taiki-sama. I, Asahi will abide by all you have spoken; and if I ever fail to do as you said, then on that day I will end my life as punishment."

The creature released its foxfire which wrapped around the Oni child to fashion a plain flowing peach brown kimono, black socks, and straw sandals, a red and black Oni mask covered the Oni's face, a sheathed small dagger was to the side of the kimono, the sleeves of the clothing hid its claws.

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