《Yeo-na and the Fox god》Ch. 4: Kojitmal


The foxfire disappeared when the transformation was complete. Once under the spell the growth of an Oni will remain frozen.

Turning to walk in the opposite direction, the creature motioned with its hand for the Oni child to follow behind, they began walking, and at the last minute the creature sent a blast that wiped all traces of the fight that occurred there.

"I will be back to build what will become my habitat. You can now follow me."

"Yes, Taiki-sama." Came the reply from the Oni child.

A portal serves as a passageway to the other places within the yokai world. It is an opening filled with a dense mass of yokai aura, which could change form based on the aura of the being that invokes its presence.

On reaching to open the portal that will lead out of the Oni realm, the creature hesitated.

"What is that smell?"

The Oni child remained silent. Restless to know the source of the strange smell, the creature used its massive aura to force its way to the source of the disturbance.

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