《World Of Heroes》Gratitude and Information


Kurayama and Hinotori were eating lunch peacefully while talking about their plans for the day until suddenly, a knocking was heard on the door.

"Strange, I never have visitors," Kurayama stood up and walked to the door and opened it, the one who was knocking was the policeman that Kurayama met three days ago.

"Oh, hello, officer. Nice to see you again."

"Oh, Kurayama, it's nice to see you too."

"So, why did you come here?"

"Well, I'm working on a case, and I need to ask the people of this area some questions, how long have you lived in here, Kurayama?".

"I moved in here three months ago. Why?"

"So, you heard about Reaper."


"Well I guess you haven't, he is a vigilante that operates in this area, he is known for saving the people in the late night, but he brutally murders criminals. Right now, I am working on his case, but there haven't been any leads by far. I do appreciate his work, he single-handedly lowered the crime rate of this area, but murder is still wrong no matter what the criminal has done."

"Oh, okay."

"So, I'm just going to ask you a few questions, and you have to answer them. Sincerely, okay?"


"Good, do you have a job?"

"At the moment, no I don't, everything I have been living off so far was from winning the lottery"

"Okay, do you live alone?"

"I did, but my friend just moved in with me today."

"Alright, do you have any other friends or acquaintances?"

"Only you and a woman who works at the Heroes Government agency."

"Alright, that should do it, thank you for your cooperation Kurayama, have a great day."

"You too, officer," Kurayama closed the door and went back to the kitchen to continue eating his lunch.

"Who was it?"

"Oh, it's just a policeman that I know."

"What did he want?"

"He is working on finding out who is Reaper."

"So, he's looking for you?"

"Yeah, and based on the information that I gave him, I will definitely be placed at the top of the suspects' list. Anyways we need to finish eating and make our way to the Heroes Government agency."

Kurayama and Hinotori have finished eating and made their way to the Heroes Government Agency. They entered the agency and went to the applications section.

"Oh, Kiode, I thought you worked in the rewards section?"

"Nice to see you again, I did, but because of that incident that I had, I asked for an evening shift instead of a night shift, so they changed my position and made me receptionist of the applications section."

"But you had a morning shift yesterday."

"Oh, that was just temporary, so, how can I help you?"

"My friend here and I want to apply for the hero test."

"What's your name? Sir", Kiode asked Hinotori.

"Um...I...My name...Um..." Hinotori couldn't say anything because of his social anxiety.

"Hinototri Hisaki", Kurayama said.

"Well then, I will need you both to fill these application forms here," Kiode said as she handed both of them a pen and paper. They started filling the application form for a couple of minutes, Kiode looked up at them to see them giving her a confused look.

"What's an evolvement?" Kurayama said.

"And what does evolvement level mean?", Hinotori said while looking at Kurayama.

"Wait, you both don't know?" Kurayama and Hinotori both shook their heads a no.


"I don't think I have enough time to explain it all to you, how about we meet somewhere else?"

"I guess that's good, where can we meet?"

"I know this very calm and relaxing jazz cafe, just two streets away."

"Let me guess, its Brubeck jazz café."

"Ho-...How did you know?"

"It's a long story," Kurayama said as Hinotori chuckled, "Anyways, when can we meet?".

"Around 8:00 PM, is it okay with you?"

"Alright, we'll wait for you there, thanks, Kiode."

"You're welcome."

Kurayama and Hinotori walked out of the agency and made their way home.

"So, what do we do now?"

"We will wait until 8:00 PM."

"Yeah, but what are we going to do until then?"

"Let's take a little walk, and then we can go back home."


Kurayama and Hinotori walked to a nearby park, and both sat on a bench.

"Hey, Kurayama, do you remember any of the other subjects that were with us in the lab?"

"Yeah, but not very much, why?"

"I'm always thinking about what they're doing right now. I don't expect all of them to be blending in society as good as us, what if they became villains?"

"Look Hinotori, if you keep asking yourself these questions, you will never find an answer and continue to fall in a pit with no bottom, until you have a nervous breakdown, just live the present and forget about the past, okay?"


"By the way, there is something that has been bothering me for a while now."

"What is it?"

"You have flame powers, right?"


"Then why didn't you use them when you were being kidnapped?"

"Well, I am afraid of my powers."

"Why? Is it because it makes you remember the laboratory?"

"That too, and also because when I activate my powers, I lose all consciousness and self-control that I have, and I become a crimson demon of death and destruction. The only thing I can do with my powers without losing control is making my arm combust."

"Won't that burn your arm?"

"I don't get hurt by my powers, except if the fire is too hot."

"Your powers are good, but you need to work on them."

"Okay, so do we go now?"

Kurayama checks his watch to see that it's 5:20 PM, "There's still too much time, I guess we should go back home," Kurayama and Hinotori both stood up and walked back home.

The time went by as Kurayama and Hinotori were either talking, watching the TV, or just sitting while browsing the internet until someone knocked on their door. Kurayama walked towards the door and opened.

"Oh, officer, how are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good, how about you?"

"I'm doing fine. So, why are you here?"

"You know why I'm here, Kurayama, or should I say Reaper."


"Reaper? Very funny, officer", Kurayama said as he fake laughed.

"Kurayama, this is definitely no time for you to act stupid, but I am not here to arrest you," Kurayama was confused.

"I am here to say thank you. You're the one who saved my sister three days ago."


"That's because I still didn't tell you my name, my name is Kiode Kenzo, and I want to say thank you so much for saving my sister from that disgusting man, if I were in your place I would have done the same"


Kurayama smiled, "It's okay. I must thank you too for not arresting me."

"I am sorry to say this, Kurayama, but if you kill another criminal, I will have no choice but to arrest you, you're a hero to the people of this area, but murder is still a crime and who commits a crime is a criminal."

"*Sigh*, you have my word, officer."

"Thank you. I will forever be in your debt. If you ever need help, then please don't hesitate to ask me."

"Thanks, Kenzo, I will also be in your debt."

Kenzo bowed his head, "Thank you. Have a great day", Kenzo said as he walked away.

"Was it that policeman again?"

"Yes, I'm glad that I won't be arrested today, at least. By the way, what time is it?"

"It's 7:10 PM. I guess we should go now."

Kurayama and Hinotori both stood up and walked out of the apartment and headed toward Brubeck jazz cafe. They kept waiting until 8 PM.

"Sorry for making you wait," Kiode said as she sat on the table with the two.

"So, I guess you're both eager to know about the hero test?"

"Oh really, Never knew that," Kurayama said sarcastically.

"So, the first thing is evolvements, evolvements are the scientific name or brand-new name for superpowers, your evolvement is your superpower in short, but nobody calls them that anymore."

"Okay, I understand, what about the evolvement level?"

The waitress placed the drinks on the table, Hinotori was drinking an orange juice, Kiode was drinking a cappuccino, while Kurayama was just drinking regular coffee.

"Evolvement level is basically how evolved your superpower is, and there are four levels:

Level 1 or Enhanced: An enhanced evolvement can only make its user enhance, boost, or strengthen their body to a certain extent. The same thing happens with those who have elemental evolvements; for example, when a flame user is still an enhancer, the moment he uses his superpowers, the flame will erupt all across his body. Still, he won't be able to control it. Oh, and also, those who have super physical strength aren't classified as a level 1.

Level 2 or Evolved: An evolved evolvement can make its user control his/her superpowers to a certain extent, and it can also make them enhance their body to an evolved level, which is stronger than a level 1 enhancement. For example, a flame user who is an evolver can control his superpowers to a certain extent, and he can also switch his powers to an evolved enhancement which makes him enhance his body and make it way stronger, he can also control the flames that erupt from his body when he uses evolved enhancement.

Level 3 or Super Evolved: A super-evolved evolvement can make its user control his/her superpowers to a farther extent than a level 2 with better control, and it can also make them enhance their body to a super-evolved level, which is stronger than a level 2 enhancement. For example, a flame user who is a super-evolver can control his superpowers far better than a level 2. He can also switch his superpowers to a super-evolved enhancement, which makes him enhance his body and make it far stronger than a level 2. He can also use the flames that erupt from his body to make him float a little.

Level 4 or Ultra Evolved: An ultra-evolved evolvement can make its user control his/her superpowers to a farther extent than a level 3 with far better control and with ease, and it can also make them enhance their body to an ultra-evolved level, which is the strongest out of all enhancements. For example, a flame user who is an ultra-evolver can control his superpowers far better than all other levels. He can also switch his superpowers to an ultra-evolved enhancement, which makes him enhance his body and make it extremely strong. He can also use the flames that erupt from his body to shape it into different things or even make weapons with it. By the way, there is by far no human who ever reached Level 4, except the hero gamma."

"This sounds very interesting. What about the hero test?"

"Well, there is 2, there are the hero test and hero exam."

"What's the difference between them?"

"Before that, you should know about the heroes list:

The Heroes List: the heroes list is a list that contains all the heroes of the world with their ranks, and there are different tiers in it:

-D tier: District Hero. The hero will be ranked in his District.

-C tier: Regional Hero. The hero will be ranked in his Region.

-B tier: National Hero. The hero will be ranked in his Country.

-A tier: International Hero. The hero will be ranked in Multiple Countries.

-S tier: Continental Hero. The hero will be ranked on his Continent.

-SS tier: Global Hero. The hero will be ranked Globally.

Heroes are ranked on three different things: Power. Heroism. Popularity.

The Hero Test: the hero test is a daily or sometimes weekly test that is done to check if someone is eligible to be a hero. The test contains a written test, a physical examination, and a power test. It takes a minimum score of 50/100 to pass the test. Those who pass the test, depending on their score and all out performance, will be ranked between a D tier or B tier. Those who passed will be put as a lone wolf hero and will not be permitted to create their own organization. They can only join other agencies and organizations.

The Hero Exam: The hero exam is a yearly test that is organized nationally, the exam can only be taken by those who already passed the hero test, the exam's duration can last from 1 day to 6 days, those who passed the test depending on their overall performance and score, will be ranked between a B tier and an S tier. Those who passed the examination can decide to either join an organization, create an organization, or be a lone wolf.

The three finished their drinks.

"This is a lot to take in, but you have my sincere thanks, Kiode."

"No, problem. By the way, you could fill out the hero application form now if you want."

"You have them?"

"Of course, I asked for a copy of them from the HGA."


"Heroes Government Agency," Kiode said as she gave a pen and paper to both of them. Kurayama and Hinotori started filling up their application form; they finished and gave it back to Kiode.

"Alright, you both need to be at the HGA at 1:30 PM tomorrow."

"Thank you very much, Kiode, the drinks are on me by the way," Kurayama said as he and Hinotori both stood up and walked away.

Kurayama and Hinotori both walked back home. It was a peaceful night with no crime or whatsoever. Kurayama and Hinotori both woke up early to eat breakfast and train a little bit. They kept training until lunchtime. As they both ate lunch, they made their way to the HGA.

Kurayama and Hinotori enter the HGA, just to be greeted by Kiode.

"Hey, you two."

"Hey, Kiode"

"Alright, I will guide you to the test chamber," Kiode guides them to a large hall with 50 different people, with some wearing sports clothing, costumes, or just regular clothing, Kiode walks out and closes the door.

Kurayama and Hinotori looked at the applicants that were in the hall until they saw a teenager wearing modern archery clothing and carrying only a bow, "Are you looking at me? Weakling"

"The fuck you think you're talking to? Edgelord"

They both walked up to each other as if they were about to start a fight while all other applicants were watching them.

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