《World Of Heroes》Unwanted encounter


Kurayama was shocked, confused, and unable to mutter a word, and so was the golden-eyed boy. They stared at each other, trying to realize and analyze the situation that they were in.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. Out of all the places in the world I could have met this guy in, I had to meet him in a supermarket? Alright, I just need to relax, play relaxed and play dumb, he might forget about the situation if I act as I've never met him before. Okay, here I go.

"Um, have we met before?"

"You're Kurayama, from lab 5"

Fuck, I blew it, how can I escape the situation now? Okay, you just have to act stupid, and then he will feel awkward and forget about this situation as a whole.

"Sorry, but I don't think that I have met you before?"

"You did, you saved me and the others from the lab, you killed Sasori, and you're the one who erased my mental pain."


"Um, okay, I will pay with my credit card," Kurayama said as he slid his credit card through the pos machine and tried to take his groceries and go away.

"Please wait," the boy grabbed Kurayama's arm and stopped him from going, "I need to talk with you, please."

Okay, there's no pulling out from this situation, it's either fight or flight.

"Can you please let go of my arm," Kurayama said as he was ready to fight with his eyes slowly turning red.

"No, please don't misunderstand me, I don't want to fight you," he said as a sad look was forming on his face, "I sincerely want to talk, just talk."

Kurayama looked at him for a few seconds, "Do you have a phone?"

"Yes, I have."

"Give me that," Kurayama took the phone and started typing his phone number in it. He gave the phone back to him, "Here, call me when you want to talk, just don't call after midnight, okay". The boy nodded and looked a little happier. Kurayama took his groceries and walked back home.

Kurayama entered his apartment and put the groceries down; he was trying to eat something for lunch. Still, due to him being a lousy cook, he settled with instant noodles, he sat on his sofa and ate the noodles while watching T.V with a bored, depressed look on his face. He finished eating the noodles and went back to his room to continue sleeping until the night.

9:30 PM:

Kurayama woke up with an irritated look on his face. His phone was ringing. He grabbed the phone, almost ready to start an argument.


"Oh, thank god you answered, I thought you gave me a fake number," Kurayama recognized the voice that sounded like someone having a panic attack.

"Oh, it's you, did you decide to talk?"


"Yes, where can we meet?"

"Meet? I didn't say I was going to meet you."


"Okay, I was just joking, where do you want us to meet?"

Kurayama and the guy were sitting in a jazz cafe.

"Do you like the place?"

"Far luxurious than any place I have been to, which is none," Kurayama said.

"Why? Do you have financial problems?"

Wow, that one hit deep in the feels, I guess I look that poor.

"Do I look that poor?"

"No, it's just that I noticed that your groceries are mainly instant made foods."

"Well, yeah, I do have financial problems, I guess that's expected from someone who doesn't have a job."


"I never fitted into any job, I only lived these past three months with just money that I won from the lottery, but it mainly went into buying an apartment."

"You bought an apartment?" the guy said as he was startled.

"Yeah, let me guess, you live in a rental?"

"Yeah, but it looks like I will be kicked out next week, my job isn't covering enough money."

Awkward silence grew for a few seconds.

"What's your name? You never told me."

"Oh, yes, that's rude of me, my name is Hinotori Hisaki."

"Nice to meet you, Hinotori."

A waitress approaches the two and places their drinks on the table, Kurayama is drinking a cup of regular coffee while Hinotori is drinking a big glass of orange juice.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Honestly, I don't have anything to talk about. I just wanted to talk to someone that I knew."

"What? That's it?"


"People talk to people who they knew from normal places, like school or work, but not people who they knew from a life-ruining secret weapons program," Kurayma said as he looked irritated.

"Yes, I understand, but please could we just keep talking for a little bit."

"If you have nothing to talk about, then I am leaving," Kurayama said as he stood up and went to pay for the drinks.

"Wait, please don't go."

"The drinks are on me, so just calm down, at least I am that generous," Kurayama said as he paid for the drinks and walked out of the cafe. Hinotori shortly followed after him, Kurayama kept walking towards his home while Hinototri was following him.

"Please, can you just wait? I can explain it."

"I don't need you to explain anything. I have places to go to."

"I know about your night hunting."

Kurayama froze and turned to Hinototri, "How did you know?" he said while looking irritated.

"2 weeks ago, when I was returning home from a ramen shop that I used to go to, a bunch of armed gang members tried to kidnap me. I still vividly remember a man who was covered by a dark mist, killing every single one of them brutally, it was horrible, and I do not approve of such ways of justice. Still, you saved me, and you saved many more people, do you realize that people are talking about you? That you became a living legend to people in the streets? You alone decreased the crime rate of this area".


Wow, did I impact people this much? I am just doing this to satisfy my disgusting self.

"Well, I'm just doing that to satisfy myself self, and that's it. If you don't have anything else to say, then let me go home," Kurayama walked away. Hinotori tried to follow him but tripped and fell on his knees.

"I wanted to talk to you because I can't talk to anyone else," Kurayama stopped and turned to look at him.

"I lived hell for three months, I barely talked to anyone except my employer and landlord, I couldn't even talk to my colleagues, I always felt alone and couldn't talk to anyone else because I always feared that they were going to betray me, just like my parents did"

Kurayama was startled.

"My family was wealthy, and we lived in a massive mansion, but my parent's company went bankrupt when I was 11 years old. We were so poor that my family agreed on selling me to Katsuri and the laboratories as a lab rat. But when you saved me three months ago from lab 5, I felt that all my mental pain just faded away like it never existed, but soon enough my anxiety came back to me, and I couldn't trust anyone or talk to them, that's until I saw you this morning. I felt a bright dazzling light shine on my life again. You're the only one I can talk to in the whole world, you're my hero, and I want to be a hero like you", Hinotori said as he was crying a little.

"Your mental pain was gone because I absorbed it, I absorbed your mental pain and added it to mine, but I still understand what you're living through. No family, no friends, no one to talk to, and always living in the constant fear of something". Kurayama walked up to Hinotori and patted him on the back, "If you want to be a hero, you need to face your fears, no matter how bad they are," Kurayama stood up and continued to walk back to his home.

"You know, I would like someone to talk to from time to time," Hinotori looked at Kurayama in confusion.

"You said something about your landlord kicking you out, right? If you want, I can share my apartment with you, but you still need to pay rent," Kurayama said as he smiled.

Hinotori wiped his eyes and smiled for the first time in 10 years.

"Come whenever you're done packing up."

The night went by as Kurayama went night hunting again, it was a night with no crime, which made Kurayama bored and gloomy.

Knocking was heard at Kurayama's apartment, he woke up irritated and checked his phone to see that it's 9:00 AM, "Who the fuck comes this early?", he opened the door to see Hinotori carrying a backpack with him and a black duffle bag.

"Are you seriously done packing up?"

"Yes, these are my only belongings."

"You look like a drug dealer."

Hinotori laughed, which made Kurayama confused as if Hinotori has completely changed from a depressed teenager to a happy toddler, but it also made him a little relieved.

"Alright then, you can come in," Hinotori entered the apartment.

"Wow, this is two times bigger than the one I was living in."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it."

Hinotori unpacked in the empty room that Kurayama had while Kurayama went back to his room and continued his sleep.

12:30 PM:

Kurayama woke up to the smell of something being cooked. He walked to the kitchen to see Hinotori wearing an apron and being a master chef while cooking rice and chicken. Kurayama was utterly shocked.

"Good morning, My beautiful friend, a great day isn't it, hahaha," Hinotori said energetically.

"If you just told me yesterday that you can cook, then I would have given you ownership of my apartment as a whole," Kurayama said.

Hinotori laughed, "No need to do so my friend, cooking is a hobby that I love to do."

"Well then, you have my thanks, master chef."

For the first time in 10 years, Kurayama finally ate a proper meal.

"By the way, shouldn't you be at work by now?"

"It's okay, I asked my boss for a day off because I told him that I was moving out, but do you have anything for you to do?"

"I mostly spend my day on the internet or outside. I don't have a job and....."


"I just remembered something that I have to do."

"Which is?"

"I need to apply for the hero test."

"Hero test?"

"Yes, I never knew that there was an actual hero test to become a hero. I guess that's the only job that I can do good in."

"Well.... can I apply to?"

"Don't you have a job?"

"I do, but it's a boring job that sucks the life out of you."

"Well then, get ready because we will take the hero test."

And with that, both Kurayama and Hinotori went to the Heroes Government agency to take the test to become heroes.

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