《World Of Heroes》Moving on


Three months after Kurayama's rampage:

Kurayama is in a grocery store shopping in the evening, he is confused about whether to buy two small milk cartons or buy one big one, it looks like the big one is cheaper than the two small ones, but the two small ones look better in quality. He doesn't have enough money to buy the big and small ones, "Hmm, what should I do?". He bought the big one because it's cheaper, he is walking to the cashier.

A masked man walked into the store and headed towards the cashier. He pulled his gun and aimed it at him.


"Shut up, old man, you know what to do?" the robber said as he pointed at the cashing machine.

"Please, I am saving money for my daughter's birthday present," the cashier begged the robber.

"Give me the money, or you won't live until you see her birthday," the cashier opened up the cashing machine and grabbed a plastic bag and started filling it with money.

"Umm, excuse me, can I pass through? I only bought one milk carton," Kurayama said as he was walking towards them.

"Oi, you better walk away if you don't want to die," the robber said as he was startled by Kurayama and aimed his gun towards him.

"Hey, old man, are you okay with this?" the cashier didn't say anything.

"Okay, I'm heading out," he said as he was walking away.

"NO, please help me," the robber pressed his gun against the man's head, "SHUT UP, do you want to die? old man"

"Alright, you heard the man, drop your gun and walk out if you don't want to die."

"Are you threatening me?" the robber said as he walked closer to Kurayama and fired a warning shot.

Black mist was partially covering Kurayama's body while his eyes were bloody red from his extreme anger, "Well then, prepare to die."

He ran towards the robber very fast and punched him hard, knocking him out and making him fly towards the back of the store. The mist started fading from Kurayama as he said: "Old man, are you okay?" the old man was startled but relieved, "Thank you, young man." "Call the police. I will stay here until they come, in case that guy decided to wake up again", the cashier pulled out his phone and called the police while Kurayama was drinking from his milk carton.

Kurayama handed the battered criminal to the police, "Thank you, young man, what's your name?" the policeman said.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't feel comfortable with telling strangers my name."

"It's okay. I just wanted to write your name on the report so you can receive your reward later."


"Reward?" Kurayama said as he turned to the policeman

"You don't know?"

"Not really."

"Well, it's called a part-time hero. If you solve a crime or defuse a dangerous situation, your name will be written on the police report, and you can receive your award at the nearest heroes government agency."

"That sounds very nice, but why do you ask my name? Can't you just use your cameras to Identify me or some weird police tech?"

"We can, but a normal police report is different than that of a reward report. The person will be identified, and his name will be written in the normal report because it will stay private while the reward report is something that can be found on the Heroes Government website. Police officers have to ask for the person's name to ensure his privacy because other criminals might have a grudge on him and might be followed. It's essential to ask for your name."

"Well then, my name is Kurayama Ishigami."

The policeman chuckled a little, "Well, Kurayama, nice to meet you. By the way, considering your strength, I would recommend you to take the hero test. Have a good day."

"Hero test?" Kurayama thought to himself.

"Young man, you can have that milk for free," the cashier said.

"No, it's okay I'd rather pay for it," He looked at his watch to see that it's 10:30 PM, "Fuck, I'm late for my favorite show," Kurayama paid the cashier and walked back home.

He reached a small Japanese apartment complex and took out his key to open the door to the apartment. It was an average-sized apartment with a somewhat big living room, toilet, kitchen, and two rooms with one for sleeping and the other one empty. He bought this apartment with money that he won in the lottery, but that money has been completely drained on the apartment.

Kurayama sat on the sofa and watched the T.V while eating a bowl of cereal and milk for dinner. The time went by, and his phone alarm was going off, showing that it was 1:30 AM, "Alright, it's time for work" he stood up and walked to his closet, opening it and taking out his work outfit. His work outfit consisted of a black hooded leather jacket, black shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black cotton mask.

His work was night hunting; it wasn't a job but rather a stress relief. He wore his outfit and walked out of his apartment. He kept walking until he reached a 12-story building and used his superpowers to turn his right arm into a black tentacle and used it to grapple the roof, he used it to pull himself upwards towards it.

He stood there, looking at all different directions as if he was anticipating something. Then after a couple of hours, he saw a man pulling out a knife on a woman and pulling her to a dark alleyway, he looked at them from the roof of the building as his eyes were slowly turning to a bloodshot.


"Aren't you a beautiful one."

"Please let me go. I don't have-"

"I dare you to say another word," the man said as he pushed the knife closer towards the woman's face, "I know you don't have anything, but there's always something you can give."

"No, please-"

The man stabbed her in the shoulder, "I told you to shut up. Now turn around if you don't want to die."

The woman was left with no choice and turned around while her tears were coming down uncontrollably.

"Hello?" Kurayama said.

"What-...WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" the man said as he grabbed the woman and placed the knife on her throat.

"Whoah! You can calm down. I just want to ask you if you know a nearby store?"


"Okay, how about you, lady?"

"GET THE FUCK BACK, OR I'M GONNA KILL YOU," the man said as he pointed his knife at Kurayama.

"Okay, fine, I'm going to ask someone else," he said as he walked away.


"Don't even dare to fucking move," the man said as he placed his knife on her throat again.

He tried to take the woman behind a trash container. "What are you doing?" someone behind him said. He turned around, and suddenly a black misty arm penetrated his chest, knocking the knife out of his hand and making him spit blood. He looked in front of him to see a man covered in dark mist with bloodshot eyes glaring at him.

"Who..are you?" the man said as he was choking on his blood.

"The man in the dark," Kurayama said as he pulled his arm out of the man's chest as the man dropped dead right in front of him. The mist has cleared from Kurayama's body, and his eyes went back to normal.

"Are you okay, miss?" He said as he looked at the woman.

"T-..... Thank you so much," the woman said as she cried intensely.

"It's okay, stay safe as you're making your way home."

"I will. Thank you"

Kurayama nodded at the woman and walked out of the alleyway. There were no more crimes for the rest of the night as Kurayama watched from up the roof of that building. His watch was marking 4:30 AM, "Work is over," He said as he dropped down of the building and walked back to his home.

The time is 11:20 AM, Kurayama just woke up, he headed towards the fridge to eat breakfast. Then, he remembered, "Fuck, I don't have money, and I ate my last cereal yesterday," he opened the fridge to find a half-full carton of milk, "*Sigh*, the milk is enough for now," he grabbed the milk and gulped it down in one go. He sat on the sofa, "What should I do?" he thought to himself, then he remembered what that officer said yesterday, "Right? He mentioned something about a reward". He wore his casual clothes, which consisted of a black zipped up hoodie, black jeans, and black sneakers and headed towards a nearby heroes government agency.

It took 15 minutes of walking until he reached the agency, it was reasonably significant with five different sections, the one he was headed to was the reward section and the one operating in it was the woman he saved yesterday.

"Welcome to the rewards section, how may I help you, Sir-," the women gasped as she saw Kurayama standing in front of her, Kurayama was startled.

"Um, are you okay?" Kurayama said as he was trying to act unknowledgeable.

"You're the one who saved me yesterday," her eyes teary, "Thank you, so much."

Kurayama placed a finger on his mouth, signaling her to keep quiet as he winked at her.

The woman nodded, "How may I help you, sir?"

"I would like to receive my reward."

"What's your name?"

"Kurayama Ishigami"

"Okay," the woman is typing something on her computer.

"You defused an armed robber yesterday. Is that correct?"


"Well then, sir, if you go to your bank account, you will find 55000.00 yen deposited in there."

Kurayama was shocked, "Wow, well, thank you so much," he turned to walk away.

"By the way," the women said, which made kurayama turn.

"My name is Kiode Chiyori"

Kurayama smiled and nodded, "I will remember that," he walked out of the agency and walked to the nearest ATM.

"Holy shit, I have 55000 yen, nice" Kurayama walked to the nearest supermarket and spent half of his money on just food and toilet paper and battery for the T.V remote.

He walked to a cashier who looked a bit familiar, but his head was looking down on the cashing machine calculating the total of groceries Kurayama bought.

"Alright, sir, that will be 27000 yen, would you rather pay with cash or with your credit card-".

Kurayama and the cashier both looked at each other in absolute shock, because the cashier was Subject#2 from lab 5, the one with bright yellow-orange hair and golden eyes.

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