《World Of Heroes》RAGE


The tests and experiments that Kurayama has been subjected to have killed him mentally and morally, but made him stronger physically. As with each test and experiment, he becomes stronger and more durable. But he becomes like a lifeless puppet more and more as time goes by. He has been subjected to all kinds of toxins, gasses, diseases, tortures, and even sometimes mutilation and dismemberment by Sasori. Every single time he endures unimaginably painful things that drives him near the point of death and even sometimes death itself, just to be brought to life and be completely healed by the man called "The Angel Of Death" Sasori.

He was the worst thing about this entire facility. No experiments were as bad as his; no man was as cruel as him; no day was as ominous as his day. The only man worse than him was the mastermind of this living hell, the laughing man in darkness, the one who rarely shows up, but when he does, you can feel pure evil in him. Even evil is kinder than him. These two men made Kurayama's life a living hell as they liked torturing him mentally and physically more than all the other experiments in all the laboratories, especially when it turned out that he wasn't an evolved human like the others. They only knew this after three years of unbelievable hell that Kurayama went through.

"This kid is one of the most utterly useless broken pieces of shit in the entire organization, and I can't believe that we just recently knew this after three years," Sasori said in an angry tone while looking at a 16-year-old Kurayama sitting in his containment unit.

"Now, don't be angry, Sasori. He doesn't have powers, but he can still be useful to us. He's the most useful one by far", Katsuri said while looking at Kurayama with a grin plastered on his face.

"Useful? are you being delusional? lab 5 has the weakest test subjects out of all other laboratories in the organization, and they are still lightyears ahead of this useless shit."

"Like what?"

"Subject #2 has a flame power unbelievably hot that he melted a steel door like butter.

Subject#3 has wind powers that created a miniature tornado.

Subject#4 has powers of ice and lightning. It's a weird combination, but it's convenient and tactical.

And that bastard, Subject#5, is the strongest of them all. He tried to break out 85 times, leaving a total of 436 guards and researchers dead.

My point is that this little shit is nothing compared to the weakest test subjects." Sasori said.

"He has physical and mental endurance more than any other laboratory subject, and I also don't want to get rid of my favorite toy. I guess you also don't want to dispose of your favorite punching bag, right?" Katsuri said. He was trying to hide something, the real reason he chose Kurayama and not anyone else.

*sigh*"Ok, you're the boss, what do you suggest we do with him?"

"He will also be subjected to power tests. He might develop one over time."

"But he doesn't have a power that we can evolve like the others. We can't give him a special test."

"Give him all the special tests that the others are subjected to, his special test will be torture," Katsuri said as his grin got wider.

"Ok, but remember, he is only a waste of budget and resources."

"That isn't a problem," Katsuri turns to look at Kurayama directly, "I am sure we are going to have a lot of fun...my miserable friend," Katsuri said as he slowly walked away while laughing.


Seven years later:

"Katsuri, do you seriously have to be here every morning?" Sasori said.

"You don't know the enjoyment I get from this. Seeing him so miserable, broken, and in a complete state of despair makes me very happy. Even after ten years since he came here, he still makes me happy to this day." Katsuri said as he looked at a 23-year-old Kurayama that has the facial features of a 17-year-old teenager. "But it's a little unfortunate that he didn't develop any powers."

"I told you that he was a waste of resources."

"Not a waste, but a little bit of a disappointment."

"By the way, why will he be sent first?"

"Because we don't want to damage any of our goods. That mind-control chip might fry his brain, and we don't want that with our expensive toys. I have to say it has been a fun ten years." Katsuri says as he looks at Kurayama, "Goodbye, miserable friend. If you survive, we will meet at lab 4."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to check on lab 1. You stay in lab 5." Katsuri waves goodbye to Kurayama as he is making his way out.

Sasori pulls out a handheld radio, "I need 20 guards to transport Subject#1 to lab 4."

Sasori walks away as 20 guards open the cell and put tungsten enforced handcuffs on Kurayama. They exit the cell and take five helicopters to lab 4. Lab 4 is 400 kilometers away from lab 5, while the other labs are out of the country.

After an hour and 15 minutes, the guards reach lab 4, which is underground, right under an abandoned hospital. The guards entered the lab and took a long walk before reaching a vast hall with a lot of guards and researchers, "Took you long enough." a man said as the guards handed Kurayama over to him.

"Did you find Biohazard?" one of the guards asked.

"Not yet, but I guarantee you that we will capture him and bring him back." the researcher replied.

"Well. We will be heading out now."

"Do as you please."

The guards headed out and left Kurayama with the researcher, "Gentlemen, we will now start the experiment." He said as he was looking at all the other researchers with him. He walked towards a briefcase and opened it, grabbing what looked like a nail gun and loaded it with something. He walked to Kurayama.

"What do you think you're doing?" everyone was confused and a little scared after they heard Kurayama talk.

"Wha-...how can he talk?"

Kurayama broke out from the handcuffs and grabbed the man by his neck. Everyone was shocked and startled by this sudden action. "GUARDS, GUARDS, WE HAVE A ROUGE SUBJECT HERE." all the researchers ran away and called for help.

"Your friends at lab 5 broke me mentally and made me their puppet, but there is one thing all of you forgot and completely underestimated. Something that I was charging up for ten years and only got the chance to use it this instant."

"And.....what....is that", the man said as he struggled"

"MY RAGE," Kurayama broke the man's neck and stomped on his head and broke it like an egg.

A black mist came out of Kurayama's body and covered him entirely, while a dark and terrifying aura enveloped him. Fifty guards reach the hall, and their guns aimed at him.

"STOP RIGHT THERE," Kurayama turns and looks at them. The black mist was covering his entire body, making it impossible to see his features, and his eyes were a pure, dazzling white color. Some guards fainted instantly because of the pressure while the others were paralyzed with fear, "You will all suffer, AS I DID."


A dark energy blast similar to a nuclear bomb destroyed everything in a diameter of 180 kilometers, all life except for nature itself has been wiped out in that diameter.

One day later:


"I-I-I don't know what could have caused that, sir. The United States says it must have been a North Korean missile, but the Japanese government insisted that it was a meteor that hit", a terrified researcher said.

"FORGET ABOUT THIS SHIT, did you contact Katsuri or lab 1?"

"We tried to, but it seems like all communication systems in the entire world have been down since that blast, we can't get hold of any other lab."

"Fuck, I have a bad feeling about this"

"Why, sir?"

"Lab 4 is 100% destroyed because of that blast, and I have a feeling that someone was behind it."


"No time to explain. Contact all guards and tell them to evacuate the researchers immediately. After that, the test subjects must also be evacuated, but only after all researchers are out. All guards must be on very high alert starting from now, and send a survey team to scout the surroundings of the facility, tell them to shoot anything that moves. Broadcast the message."

"YES, SIR," the researcher said as he ran to the broadcasting room.

"Attention all guards. You have to evacuate the researchers out of the facility immediately. All the test subjects must be evacuated after taking the researchers to safety. All guards must be on very high alert starting from this moment. Survey team Alpha must scout the surroundings of the facility. Fire at anything that moves"

The survey team alpha took an elevator out of the facility. The elevator door opened, and the survey team exits the facility that is located under a hill. The group starts to scout for anything around the facility.

A dark figure is spotted by one of the guards.

A couple of minutes passes by, suddenly Sasori's phone rings, and he picks up immediately.

"Did you find anything?"


"KAGURU," Sasori said.

"Yes, sir."

"All researchers must seek shelter inside a vault immediately. The subjects are not a priority. All guards must be ready to engage now. Broadcast the message."

"Yes, sir."


As soon as the broadcast ends, a big explosion was heard throughout the facility. All the researchers were trying to evacuate to a vault while the guards are running towards the blast with their guns aimed.

The researchers entered a large chamber, the one from the selection ten years ago, and closed the large metallic door. At the same time, Sasori and Kaguru sprinted towards Kurayama's containment cell to seek shelter in there.

Only a minute has passed. The sounds of gunshots and screams can be heard very clearly throughout the entire facility as the researchers are sitting in horror waiting for what's going to happen. A guard opens the small door that is part of the large metallic door. He was severely injured and lost his left arm, he tried to get in and close the door behind him, but he got impaled by a dark tentacle that sent him flying. The limb retracted and standing in the doorway is a mysterious shadowy figure with a black mist coming out of his body and a terrifying aura surrounding him with tentacles for arms, he takes a few steps forward. He stands still for a couple of seconds. Then he continues to rampage, impaling people left and right and even splitting them to 2 pieces by his tentacles, he also bit a researcher in the head and took a small chunk of his head and spat it out, he is brutal, relentless, ruthless.

Sasori and Kaguru are sitting in Kurayama's cell, which is made of the most durable material in the entire facility; it is the safest place for them. All the screams of the researchers and guards have stopped just a few seconds from now.

"Sir, do you think we are safe here?"

"No, just shut up and sit down."

Suddenly an explosion came from behind, killing Kaguru and dismembering Sasori's Right arm and right leg while sending him flying out of the cell. Sasori is screaming because of the intense pain, "Full healing" he has fully recovered, and his arm and leg regrew.

"So, you can recover immediately. I will enjoy this," The dark shadowy figure said as he looked Sasori dead in the eye.

"I KNEW IT. IT WAS YOU", Sasori said.

Kurayama used his left arm tentacle to jump right on top of Sasori. He pinned him down as his arms went back to normal while six tentacles grew from his back with 4 of them holding Sasori's arms and legs, Kurayama grabbed Sasori's shoulder with his left hand and used his right arm to punch a hole through Sasori's torso. "Full healing," Kurayama said as Sasori has fully healed. In a repeated motion, Kurayama used 2 of his back tentacles and his right arms to stab and to punch multiple holes through Sasori's body as he is healing him consistently and non-stop.

Kurayama continued killing and healing Sasori for 5 hours until he stopped for a second as a ball of dark energy was forming on his hand, "DIE," Kurayama delivered one last attack full with his anger, killing Sasori and blowing him to oblivion.

Kurayama stood up and tried to make his way out of the facility, that's when he turned to look at one of the containment units and saw that boy again, the one with the bright yellow-orange hair and golden eyes. Kurayama looked at the boy crying intensely, the black mist surrounding Kurayama's face cleared up, and his face is now visible. However, the mist is still covering the rest of the body, he walked up to the glass wall and broke through it with a punch, he walked up to that boy and placed his hand on the boy's head, "Pain share: Full recovery," the boy fainted as soon as Kurayama pulled his hand from him. He proceeded to do the same with all the other subjects that were there.

It's early dawn. After Kurayama finished rampaging throughout the facility and killing everyone in it, he made his way out and walked away. He has nothing, no family, no friends, no purpose, no emotions, nothing. He is all alone.

His life has finally progressed, and he finally has claimed his revenge. But for what reason? Is it to live a pointless life yet again?

Regardless, he is finally alive again. Kurayama is finally...human again.

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