《World Of Heroes》Evolve


"Good morning Kurayama, it's Saturday," Katsuri said as he was staring at poor Kurayama from outside, "I came here a little early so that I could talk to you," he said while smiling. Kurayama was just sitting in the corner, eyes wide with bags under them, "Poor little boy. You're finally broken, even though you put up a fight for soo long, but I know that you're not completely broken, you can still hear me, but you just can't talk back. It's this simple", the boy said nothing as he was just staring into nothing, "Well, the least I can do for you know is tell you the real reason all this happened, just because I like you," Kurayama flinched a little, but he was still sitting in place, eyes wide.

"You should know that your father was a researcher working for us. He is the one that helped create the gamma serum when he started working on it 12 years ago so that he could aid his family financially. He helped us very much, but he was against the idea of using it on humans and don't even get me started about his reaction to the weapons program. He was so stubborn and rebellious just like you, and somehow he managed to convince other researchers that this program is "bad." Still, he was very.....interesting, so I gave him two choices: to work for us and save his family or rebel and cause their untimely death. Unfortunately, he chose the second one, and he didn't stop at just that, he ran away with the serum and called your mother to tell her to run away and take the kids with her" Kurayama flinched as if he remembered his mother talking on the phone that very day.

"He wasn't just annoying me now, he was even breaking the rules of my game, and you know that those who break the rules must be punished. His punishment was simple. He just had to kill his family, but he refused, so we forced him to do it with just a little injection" his smile was very wide. "Well, he was very lively that he ended up brutally killing everyone. Hahaha man, that was fun", Kurayama curled up in his corner and cried softly and silently. Even when he was dehumanized, the pain of losing his family was too great to bear.


"Oh, hey, Sasori."

"What are you doing here soo early?"

"Having fun."

"You and your sick games again."

"Where are the others?"

"They're coming right now, how should we move him out?"

"Stretcher, as per usual."

"By the way, aren't the tests done?"

"We haven't even started my friend. The previous tests are for making them obedient. The real fun starts now"

"What are we going to do to them?"

"Evolve them."

Two guards and a researcher enter the hallway with a stretcher and walk up to Katsuri, "Hello Sir. The experiment room is ready now," the researcher said. Katsuri smiled and nodded, "Should we use the sleeping gas?" one of the guards said.

"No, there's no need for it now. He is finally obedient," Katsuri said, "Understood," the guard replied as he opened the containment unit and signaled the other guard to enter with the stretcher. The two guards picked up Kurayama and placed him on the stretcher and strapped him on it. The two guards exited the cell and made their way to the test room with the researcher and Sasori.


The test room had a titanium chair with straps on both sides and a large table that had a lot of needles and chemical products on it.

"Jeez, is the chair necessary?" Sasori said.

"Yes, Sir, the subject is powerful. Even if he is obedient, we can't be sure that he won't react on impulse," the researcher replied.

"Got it, but what about the straps?"

"The straps are made of Dyneema, so it's unlikely that he will break out of them."

The guards strapped in Kurayama and put the helmet, while the researcher grabbed a needle full of a blue chemical.

"That again?" Sasori said.

"Its obligatory sir, he needs to be injected by the gamma serum, so when we inject him with the poison, the serum then tries to evolve the body and create a powerful immune system to help stop and counter the poison."

"Which poison are we starting with?"

"The Tetrodotoxin neurotoxin, but first he must be injected with the gamma serum", the researcher said as he walked up to Kurayama and injected him, he jumped and his veins were light blue as he struggled with the serum for a few seconds, "Great response, he improved way beyond our expectations, now for the neurotoxin" the researcher grabbed the needle that had a very high amount of poison in it and injected the boy with it, Kurayama gasped as he looked like he was struggling and grunting from the pain, the researcher backed up and walked to a monitor wired to the helmet, "Hmm, his body is reacting violently to the poison but I don't expect him to beat it in the first try", Kurayama struggled with the poison, but he stopped grunting and jumping up and down in his chair "I see he has lost sensation", Kurayama stopped moving and looked like he was dead, "I see he finally reached paralysis of muscles, I have to admit he held up pretty well, Sasori sir would you please", the researcher said, "Full healing" Kurayama is breathing again but slowly this time as he is still suffering from the aftermath of the neurotoxin.

The researcher walked up to Kurayama while holding two needles, the ones that he needs daily, and injected him with it.

"Alright, we should move him now to the gas chamber," the researcher said as he signed the two guards to move him out.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but you need to be inside with him, so he doesn't die. Here take this gas mask. It's made to withstand any type of toxic gas."

"Jeez, ok, fine," Sasori said as he wore the gas mask.

The two guards placed Kurayama in another chair while strapping him in and putting a wireless brain-wave reading helmet on his head. Sasori walks into the chamber while the two guards walk out and close the door. The researcher is standing in front of a large control panel.

"Now we will proceed the test with the hydrogen cyanide," said the researcher while flickering a switch that was in the control panel, a barely audible sound came out from the walls of the chamber.

"It's been a few minutes, and he only has Dizziness, Headache, Weakness, and Fatigue, he should have more serious symptoms by now, he is doing pretty well."

45 minutes later:

Kurayama is violently moving in his chair as he is puking blood now, and then he suddenly stops moving.


"Low blood pressure, slow heart rate, convulsions, lung damage, and unconsciousness, he did pretty well for his first time," the researcher stopped the flow of the gas, "Sasori sir, you can heal him now." Sasori nodded, "Full healing," he said. Kurayama woke up, but he is still suffering from the effects of the gas, and he is visibly confused. The researcher ordered the guards to pick up Kurayama and get him back to the previous test room.

The researcher enters the test room with Sasori and picks up what looks like an empty needle as he makes his way to Kurayama.

"Are you going to inject him with air?" Sasori said.

"It may seem like there is nothing in this needle, but it has a meager amount of Polonium," the man said.


"Polonium is the deadliest poison out there. It is said to be 250,000 times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide. Just seven trillionth of a gram of Polonium is enough to kill any adult. A single gram of Polonium could kill 10 million people. The element's toxicity coupled with radioactivity makes it impossible for the victim to survive when exposed to even the tiniest dose, Kurayama here will be injected with ten-thousandths of a gram of Polonium."

"That will kill him instantly!"

"It would have, but he was injected with the gamma serum, and he also withstood the gas chamber for 45 minutes, it would take a couple of minutes to kill him", the researcher said as he injected Kurayama with the toxin.

Thirty seconds after his injection, Kurayama struggled to breathe, move, scream or do anything, as he pucked blood while all of his veins busted, "in 20 seconds, he will die from total organ failure Sasori". Sasori got close to Kurayam and touched his shoulder. "Full healing," Sasori used his power of full healing for 5 minutes straight. Kurayama is alive but unconscious.

"What now?" Sasori said.

"He will be injected with various microbes, viruses, and nano viruses."

"Isn't that going to kill him?"

"He survived Polonium for 2 minutes. I don't think any other disease or virus in the entire world could kill him now."

"Do I need to stand by to heal him?"

"No, that won't be necessary. After he gets injected, he will be transported back to his cell. Think of it as a vaccination."

"So, is he now fully immune to all poisons, toxins, and diseases?"

"No, he is now a little durable, but full immunity can only be developed after a year or two...or maybe three."

The researcher injects Kurayama with various viruses and diseases as he is still unconscious. He orders the guards to get him back to his cell. The guards get Kurayama back to his cell and close it.

Kurayama is lying down on the metal floor, as he is coughing loudly and badly and is suffering from the various viruses injected in him.

Suddenly a *Klaxon Alarm* is heard throughout the entire facility, a voice is talking through the loudspeakers of the whole facility:

"Subject number 5 has broken out of the experiment room, killing multiple guards and badly injuring Sasori. I repeat, Subject number 5 has broken out of the experiment room, killing multiple guards. I want all available guards to capture and stabilize subject number 5 immediately."

The sounds of heavy footsteps dashing through the corridors and hallways of the entire facility can be heard from afar, the alarm continued to play through the loudspeakers muffling the sound of guns and screams coming from somewhere around the facility.

It has been half an hour, "Subject number 5 has been successfully captured and stabilized, he will now be brought back to his containment unit. All injured staff must make their way to the infirmary as soon as possible."

Even with all of this going down, Kurayama hasn't moved from his spot while he was still struggling and suffering from the virus injection. The pain eases after a couple of hours, and Kurayama is finally able to sleep.

"Hey, wake up, you piece of shit," Kurayama wakes up confused after being hit in his shoulder while trying to analyze what just happened to him. He sees Sasori standing right beside him. "I thought that all subjects are stabilized and obedient, but it seems like you fuckers love resisting, that's why from now on every single Sunday will be my day to have my way with you all." Sasori delivers a powerful kick to Kurayama's face, knocking multiple teeth out of his mouth. "Oh, by the way, today's experiment will be in your cell," Sasori stomps on Kurayama's chest as he pulls out a phone. "Send me a titanium chair with a large table and multiple torture devices to containment cell #1".

Three guards enter the cell with one carrying a titanium chair, the other carrying a large foldable metal table, and the last carrying a big duffle bag, the first guard is strapping Kurayama to the chair. In contrast, the second one has set the table, and the third one is placing torture equipment on the table like knives, saws, scissors, tasers, etc...

"Let's start with something simple," Sasori picks up a very sharp bowie knife and proceeds to cut Kurayama's chest, he grunts as blood is coming out of the wound, "Oh did that hurt? Well then, sorry. I will be more careful next time", Sasori stabs Kurayama's right shoulder and left leg, he let's out a quick shout of pain, "Oh, sorry. I did it again", Sasori puts down the knife and picks up a bottle of acid from the table. He splashed it on Kurayama's eyes, burning his eyes and his face. Sasori picks up the knife again and stabs Kurayama in his chest. He let out a shout of pain while he was spitting blood. Sasori gets closer to Kurayama, their faces are only inches apart, "I feel much better right now, do you too?"

"Sasori, we need you at experiment room number 10, please be there immediately."

"Well, I guess the fun has ended for today, Full healing" Kurayama is fully healed as if nothing happened, "Next week will be better. You have my word." Sasori walks out of the cell, leaving Kurayama completely traumatized, sitting in a chair drenched with his blood.

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