《World Of Heroes》Laboratory 5


I woke up chained to a patient's chair, unable to move or do anything. "You finally woke up. Well let's start the test then, shall we," said the man wearing a lab coat and glasses, there were three other men wearing lab coats behind him, and they were holding tablets as if they're about to write something down, "Because you're the last one, we're going to do shock therapy on you. Still, the voltage will be a little higher this time, unlike the others," said the man with glasses.


"Yes, the four that survived the selection."

"w...what...d-do you....want from us?"

"I probably shouldn't say this, but...you and the other 4 are subjects of a highly secret weapons program," the man said while he placed a helmet wired to many computers.

"W-what is....this?"

"The helmet is for reading your brain waves, while the electrocution is the chair's job, well then let's start with 220V," he said while pulling a leaver that was on his right side.

I felt like I was being burnt alive; my mouth started foaming. I couldn't handle it at all. It was the worst pain that I ever experienced, "Good results, better immunity to electricity than the others, alright raise the voltage to 300V," the man with glasses said as he instructed one of the three men that were behind him to raise it.

I want to die, somebody just, please kill me already, I can't handle it anymore. I started blacking out from the intensity of the pain and thought that I was going to die finally, that's when I heard:

"Sir, the heartbeat stopped"

"Alright then, stop the currency from circulating in the chair, and Sasori, would you please start doing your job?"

"Yeah, I know just shut up" I heard footsteps coming from behind me, "Full healing," Sasori said. I was conscious again, all the burns and internal damage done to me from the experiment got healed entirely, but all the mental pain was still very much there.

"What now?" Sasori.

"Now he will be injected with a serum containing concentrated food extracts to fulfill his food supply for today, and another injection that contains a serum able to dissolving waste from the large intestine and urinary tract."

"Doesn't that sound a bit painful," Sasori said sarcastically.

"It does, but it is completely safe, and it's not painful at all. And also, these kids survived the gamma injection. I am sure that a normal injection like this won't do anything."

"Yeah yeah, I understand, but what after this?"

"After this, he will be subjected to "the Chinese water torture" for a couple of hours, and after that, he will be brought back to his containment unit, you can go deal with the others now."

"OK, I will leave you now, doc."

After the doctor injected me with both injections, I no longer felt hungry or thirsty. I don't even have the urge to piss anymore. He stood up and walked to a red button that was on the wall and pressed it. "Gentlemen, you can take him now," he said calmly. Two men dressed in tactical suits that look like guards picked me up and took me away from that room, I was too tired and too shocked to try and do anything, it's as if I was paralyzed.


The two men picked me up and brought me to a smaller room that had a metallic platform with chains dangling from both sides, and two pieces of wood that stood long holding a bucket of water, they placed me in the platform and chained me up, one of the men turned the water tap on the bucket and both left the room.

At first, it didn't feel anything as the water drops were falling on my head, it felt like a commercial break of relaxation after a long non-stop shit show. The water drops started getting a little annoying, but it was nothing compared to everything I have been through up until now. The water drops begun to become seriously frustrating and annoying. After a couple of minutes, it was hellish. Each single water drop pushed me further and further to the edge of insanity. I started grunting and swearing as the minutes went by "FUCK THIS EXPERIMENT," as more time went by I started screaming because of actual mental pain "AAAAHHHHHH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE" as I was trying to break out of my chains, the two guards came in the room. They injected my neck with something that made me unable to move. "I guess that's enough. We should get him to his cell right now," one of the guards said.

They did precisely that. The two guards unchained me and dragged me out of the room. They kept dragging me until we reached a long hallway; it had five cells—two on the right and two on the left. One down the hallway, each cell was vast and massive from the outside with an entire glass wall for an entrance, they went to the 5th cell down the hall, the guard that was dragging me tapped on the control panel of the cell just for the glass wall to rise. They threw me inside and closed the cell. It was a one-way glass wall which meant that I couldn't see the outside only a reflection of the cell that I was in, it had one bed, and that's it, I was too tired to make my way to that bed, so I laid on the floor and closed my eyes hoping that all of this is just a nightmare "Please.....let this.....be...a dream".

"Good morning Kurayama," I woke up to see that the glass wall is not one-way anymore, and in front of it was Sasori, Katsuri, and two scientists, and two guards. I stood up and clenched my fist so hard that my nails were dug deep in my palm and punched the glass wall so hard that my arm broke completely. I let out a quick scream of pain "HAHAHAHA. I didn't think you'd still be mentally alive after everything that has happened to you. You seriously surprised all of us, but please don't bother with trying to break the glass because it's made of reinforced metallic glass, and trying to break it will only break you, even if you have superpowers."

"Should I heal him?"

"Not yet, Sasori. I want him to stay like this for the whole day, heal him when he is done from the experiments", he said with a disgusting grin on his face.


"Sir, should I activate the sleeping gas?" One of the scientists said.

"Yes, but don't KO him; he needs to be awake for the next experiment."

"Understood," the man said while he started messing with the control panel until a pink gas came out from the walls. I felt very sleepy and tired that I couldn't even stand up and dropped to the ground, one of the guards entered the room with a stretcher as the other picked me up and placed me on it. They tied me up to the stretcher so that I couldn't move. Sasori, the guards, and the scientists were taking me to the experiment room while Katsuri stood behind looking at me with a disgusting smile screaming out evil intents, it's as if he was waiting to see the results of this one.

They arrived at the experiment room, as they were untying me I heard some alarming screams of pain and horror coming for that very room, the large metal door leading to it was opened from inside. Two guards and a scientist came out from it while carrying a kid that looked one year younger than me in a stretcher, he had a bright yellow-orange hair, he was screaming and crying, and his situation was heartbreaking, but I was next, what the hell is in that room? What happened to him?

I was placed on an iron chair with straps dangling from it, and in front of it was a large screen. As I was being strapped on the chair by the two guards, a man placed a helmet just like the one from the past experiment on my head. In contrast, another man came up in front of me and sprayed my eyes with a chemical like substances, "Now you can't close your eyes even if you try, alright 30 seconds until the show starts let's get out of here" the man said, they all made they're way out of the room and closed the door on me. A movie timer came up on the screen, indicating the time left until this so-called "show" will start. 10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1.....0.

A compilation of videos and photos of brutal crime scenes, snuff movies, red rooms, murders, etc..., I saw things that no living human being must-see. I can't close my eyes. I actually can't close my eyes. They are stuck open just like that man said. The show is just starting to get worst and worst by the minutes. It is so utterly disgusting and horrifying that I puked while watching. Tears were coming down uncontrollably. I was mentally breaking to pieces and felt my humanity disappearing by the minutes.

"It's been 2 hours. The show has stopped, you can go ahead and enter."


Young Kurayama has finally gone insane. His soul, his mind, his will to live, all were broken. He became a mindless puppet who has no hope for life anymore. His life has practically ended.

The guard opened the door to see young Kurayama with his head bowed. Mouth foaming. He signaled one of the researchers to come in the room and injected Kurayama with those daily injections and then proceeded to take the helmet and straps off him, the guards put him back on the stretcher without tying him up and made their way back to his containment unit.

"Good morning Kurayama, it's Wednesday," Katsuri said while grinning, Kurayama stood up from his bed and walked up to the glass wall looking directly at Katsuri. "I...will...kill....you", he barely formed these words from his mentally dead brain.

"Wow, I am amazed that you're still putting up a fight, even though you went through the dehumanization experiment," he said while grinning.

"But trust me, this one will truly break you," Katsuri pressed the button on the control panel that released the sleeping gas. Still, he did not seem to drop down, that's when two guards came inside the cell and pinned him down and chained him up, but he broke out from those typical chains and sent one of the guards flying out of the cell. At the same time, the other tried to chain him up with a titanium chain that worked. The guards made their way out of the cell and into the experiment room.

One of the guards came up to what looked like a vault door and struggled with turning its valve to open it. When it opened, it revealed a very narrow white room with nothing but a white light in it, Kurayama was thrown into the vault as the door closed behind him, making him stay in a very lonely and quiet room that felt peaceful.

After three days:

"do you think he is still alive, Sasori?"

"Yes, that researcher told me that his last injection would last four days, I hope Katsuri is right and that this kid is finally stabilized."

"Did he put up a fight?"

"Yeah, he was the only one to put up a fight after that dehumanization experiment."


"Yeah and he also was going berserk in that vault for a day and a half, he is mentally strong, but I don't think anyone would stay sane after three and a half days of isolation with no food and water in a very narrow room."

The guard opened the vault door just to see Kurayama sitting in the corner with his eyes wide open and bags under his eyes, not saying a single word or moving at all.

"Sorry for not healing your arm three days ago, Full healing," Sasori said as the boy's broken arm healed completely, "Take him back to his cell." The guard unchained Kurayama and took him back to his cell.

Kurayama sat in his dead quiet room, in the corner, and gazed at the one-way mirror, completely dead inside with no emotion, just sitting waiting for what's coming next.

"Good morning Kurayama, it's Saturday."

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