《World Of Heroes》The Hero Test


"Are you looking at me? Weakling"

"The fuck you think you're talking to, Edgelord"

Kurayama and the archer approached each other as if they were ready to start a fight.

"The fuck you just called me", the archer said.

"I just called you an Edgelord, and what's up with calling me a weakling, isn't it way too cliché to call me that in this situation", The archer had an irritated look on his face. The archer clenched his fist as if he was ready to deliver a punch to Kurayama.

"Gentleman, can you please keep your problems to yourselves, we need to start the hero test", both men took a few steps back from each other and turned to see a man standing in the back of the hall, wearing a formal suit. The archer turned to look at Kurayama, "The name is Yazaki Hayase, remember it when we finish the test".

"Well then, ladies and gentleman, welcome to the hero test, I am sure that many of you are a bit familiar with it, but for those who are first-timers, please don't panic, we will explain everything to you. The hero test is fairly easy and it only contains 3 tests, the first being a written test, the second being a physical test, and the third one being a power test, the power test is obligatory for those who have evolvements, it's more of a power show off than an actual test".

The man opens the large double doors behind him, revealing a long hallway with 5 doors in each side, "We will start with the written test, in each one of these doors is a classroom with an examiner in it to prevent any attempts of cheating, anyone who is caught cheating will be disqualified from the test, only 5 people may enter each classroom when you finish I will meet you at the next examination room, good luck", the man walks down the hallway and enters another room". The people in the hall each enter a classroom, Kurayama and Hinotori enter different classrooms while Yazaki enters the classroom with Kurayama.

"Welcome everyone, to the written test, this test will be somewhat easy with only logic questions, simple equations, and your own answer and opinion on some heroic matters, the test duration is 1 hour, good luck", the examiner said as he passed a pen and paper to each one in the class.

The test was easy, especially for Kurayama who had no trouble answering all the questions in record time, after all, his own family that died credited him for being the smartest amongst them, except for his father. Kurayama stood up from the chair and walked up to the examiner, handing him the pen and test paper, "In only 20 minutes, that's a new record time", Yazaki looked up at them, "Hey sir, I think I saw this guy cheat at some point in the test", Yazaki said to the examiner. "Mr. Yazaki, I really admire that you're the best archer in Japan, but if you keep this attitude, then I have no choice but disqualify you", the examiner said as he looked at Yazaki, "You can wait in the next test room sir", the examiner said to Kurayama as he was walking out of the classroom towards the next test room.

Kurayama walked towards the next test room that looked like a very big gymnasium and sat in there waiting for 40 minutes, Hinotori was the second one to come out of the written test with only 31 minutes, while Yazaki was the fifth.


"Alright ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad that none of you has been disqualified yet, now that everyone is here, we can start the physical test. But beware, using your evolvements in the physical test will get you instantly disqualified. Now without further ado, let's start the test"

The physical test contained all components of a normal physical test, like rope climbing, rope skipping, ball throw, jumping height, push-ups, sit-ups. The last physical tests were the 100-meter dash and the punching strength, the 100-meter dash was first.

"Now everyone, one by one each of you will have to run 100 meters, those who take longer than 12 seconds to complete it will have -30 points, good luck"

Yazaki was the first one to take the test, "Get ready...set...go", Yazaki ran so fast, that he completed the test in only 6 seconds, "My god, that's an unbreakable record may I say, good job Mr. Yazaki", Yazaki grinned and looked at Kurayama.

Kurayama was the second one to take the test, he completed the test in 8.5 seconds and so was Hinotori, while all other applicants completed it between 9 and 10.

"Good job, everyone, now for our final test, the punching strength, the rules are easy, you just have to punch this punching machine here, there will be no punishments for this one, good luck".

Yazaki was first again, he punched the machine and after a couple of seconds, the machine showed the strength of the punch in Newton. "4500 newtons, that is pretty impressive Mr. Yazaki, I think you might be the best one in physical power here". Hinotori was the second one, with 3800 newtons, all applicants punched the machine while the lowest score is 980 newtons.

Kurayama was the last to come up to the machine, he clenched his fist and delivered an unbelievable punch to the machine, "13000 NEWTONS, THIS IS INSANE, Mr. Kurayama, are you sure that you didn't use any sort of enhancement?", "My power isn't super strength, and you can tell that I didn't use any enhancement because nothing showed up in my body".

"Right, excuse me for being rude". All applicants were utterly shocked, while Yazaki was giving him a look full of anger, "Well then, everyone, let's continue to the final test, those who don't have evolvements can't take the test, but you are welcome to watch", the man guided all the applicants to a room with a one-way mirror that is looking at a test room, which a little bigger than the one they're in, "Well then, everyone, for those who have evolvements, I want you to go into the test room and show us what you can do with it. You can use your power anywhere in the room".Hinotori was the first one to enter the test room.

Shit, what do I do? My power is too destructive, I can only combust my arm but that would be too weak.

Hinotori used his flame evolvement and made flames erupt from both of his arms, "Interesting, what else can you do with your flame power?", the man said to him from the other room. "I'm sorry sir, but that's all I can do for now". Yazaki almost died of laughter, "Wow, way to fucking go buddy, hahaha", Kurayama looked at him as if he was going to kill him. "I'm going next", Kurayama said as he walked towards the door and patted Hinotori on the back, "Good job, you did your best", Kurayama said as he looked at Hinotori.

Kurayama entered the room and took a deep breath, he turned to look at the one-way mirror and took a few steps closer to it. He closed his eyes while a dark aura was enveloping him, strangely there was no dark mist coming out of his body, "Dark Aura: Aura Of Rage", he opened his eyes that were now bloody red, everyone in the other room was horrified of the aura that he was giving off, some people even fainted because of the intensity of his aura, even Yazaki was completely terrified of him, but Hinotori was not affected.


Kurayama stopped as his eyes reverted to normal and his aura was suppressed, he left everyone speechless, even the examiner, he walked out of the test room, "Good luck beating that, Yazaki", Kurayama said as Yazaki's face went from a look of horror to a look of pure rage.

"I'm going next", Yazaki said as he entered the test room and walked to the wall that was on the left giving everyone that was watching him a side view.

He took his bow and aimed it straightforward, he wasn't carrying any arrows so it looked a little strange, he closed his eyes as he was aiming his bow. Suddenly, yellow energy started forming in his hand and becoming an arrow made of yellow light, he kept aiming it for 50 seconds, then he shot it straightforward. The arrow exploded into the wall leaving seriously damaged, it's as if 20 grenades exploded at once, making a shockwave that knocked the air out of everyone in the test room and knocking down Yazaki.

Yazaki stood up and walked out of the room, "How about that, weakling", he said while looking at Kurayama. After that, the test went normal with only 20 people taking the power test. The man guided everyone back to the hall they started in, "Well then, congratulations everyone, I'm happy to announce that all of you have passed, make sure you come here tomorrow to get your hero license, have a great day", the man said as he left the room.

Kurayama and Hinotori walked out and made their way towards the main hall.

"Kurayama, Hinotori"

"Oh, Kiode"

"How did the test go"

"It went pretty well, we both passed by the way"

"I'm so glad that you both passed, congratulations you two"

"Thank you Kiode, it wouldn't have been possible without your help", Kurayama said as he and Hinotori walked out of the HGA.

"Kurayama?", Hinotori said.

"What's up?"

"Are you alright?"

"I'm ok, why are you asking?"

"It's just because at the power test, everyone was scared of you and some have even fainted, but I felt nothing"

"Oh, that? It's because I didn't want you to be affected when I use dark aura"

"But how did you do it?"

"Matter of fact I just learned it at that very moment, when I concentrate on someone who I don't want to be harmed, my aura becomes ineffective against them"

"Thank you, for standing up for me"

"Don't mention it", it was silent for a few minutes.

"Hey, Hinotori"


"What do you say we grab a drink at Brubeck jazz café?"

"I would love that", Hinotori said as he smiled.

"Well then, let's go", Kurayama looked a little bit calmer now, he looked stressed since he left the hero test.

"Oi, weakling", A voice from behind them called. Kurayama turned to see Yazaki aiming at him with his bow charged.

"Fight me"

"The fuck? Are you retarded or something?", Yazaki was angry from Kurayama's insult, he aimed his arrow at Hinotori.

"Fight me or your friend here will get seriously injured"

"Oi stop that, you will actually kill someone, you shithead"

"I am no saying this again", Yazaki fired his arrow that almost hit Hinotori.

"So, you're serious. Alright, let's get out of the street, then we could actually fight. Hinotori, here, take the apartment keys and go, I will deal with this shithead", Kurayama said as he gave his keys to Hinotori and signaled him to go.

Kurayama and Yazaki both walked for 45 minutes until they reached a bamboo forest that was out of the city.

"Yazaki, I'm warning you, if you fight me you have to prepare for death"

"So should you. By the way, I know that you're not weak, I acknowledge your strength, but you pissed me off, so you have to face the consequences"

"Mutual feeling", Kurayama said while a dark mist was coming out of his body and covering 50% of it, but his eyes remained how they were.

Yazaki pulled out his bow and aimed it at Kurayama and charged 3 energy arrows, he fired those arrows at Kurayama, but he dodged them, Kurayama ran towards him with his fist clenched and tried to punch him in the face, but he barely evaded the punch. He tried to get as far away from Kurayama as he can while charging another arrow, he jumped high and fired the arrow, it managed to hit kurayama and pierce through his shoulder, then the arrow disappeared.

Kurayama let out a grunt of pain as he was slightly bleeding from his injury, "Hahaha, how do you like that?", Yazaki said as he was running in circles around Kurayama, "You know? You are seriously fucked up in the head, trying to kill someone who merely made you angry", Kurayama said, "Aren't you also trying to kill me for making you angry, you are contradicted", Yazaki said.

Kurayama tried to punch Yazaki, but he couldn't, Yazaki was fast and dodged almost every single punch that Kurayama threw at him. He charged up another arrow and fired it at Kurayama but he missed this time, he jumped back and was still dodging all the punches that Kurayama was throwing at him. He jumped back while charging another arrow, but this time it took him a little longer, he fired the arrow at the ground and caused an explosion that threw Kurayama back and blocked his vision by creating a wall of dust, Kurayama stood up and was trying to look for Yazaki, as the dust was slowly trying to clear, Kurayama found Yazaki aiming at him with a fully charged bow, "You definitely are the strongest man I fought yet, but I am still stronger", he fired the arrow and caused a big explosion that created a crater and destroyed many bamboo trees and also caused a wall of dust.

As the dust was starting to clear, Kurayama was now fully emerged in the dark mist, covering his entire body. He stood there looking at Yazaki who was completely shocked, while Yazaki was aiming his bow and charging another narrow, Kurayama revealed a dark whip that was coming out of his arm and used it to capture Yaziki with it and bring him closer while he clenched his fist and punched him right in his belly causing him to spit out a little bit of blood, then he grabbed his face and smashed him into the ground, causing him to lose consciousness and ending the fight then and there.

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