《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 25: Rowlan ( A Secret Revealed )
It had been weeks since the caravan had travelled through Welsh, the heavily forest enveloped land of Anglox. It didn’t bother him before when they were travelling before, but something had bothered him. Agnes had told Gawain to keep a look for any sign of trouble.
Trouble, what trouble could there be?
Ever since the failed attempt at stealing a wagon days prior Agnes had now been paranoid and stressed. Rowlan connected this incident to the stories he had heard back in Summit’s Chest about outlaws roaming the forest land of Welsh. It was the perfect place for outlaws to strike and raid travelling folk. Though those stories of outlaws were mostly old stories because of ‘The Rangers’ a group of rangers in Anglox hired by noblemen or even the high power in Union’s Rising to report or deal problems concerning the land.
It was months ago that a story gotten word out that a group of rangers had snuffed out the band of outlaws hiding in Welsh, they had caught them in a trap unleashing arrows from the hill top and fighting the ones who got close with a sword in hand. The sword of a Ranger looked much like Gawain’s sword but much slimmer, I wonder if Gawain might be a Ranger? Still the possibility of outlaws attacking was slim yet even Agnes was bothered by it, People were always respecting about his foresight of things and how wise he was but Rowlan couldn’t believe that an outlaw attack was still possible.
The reports of the outlaw’s death were proven, the rangers even had the bloody bodies to show the noblemen hired if the rumors were true.
Yet Rowlan remembered on how both of the men who tried to steal the wagon had talked about a leader, now the chances of an outlaw attack was more possible. Though how many people did this unknown leader had in his command? If it was small the caravan could have stood a chance though losing some lives in the run but if they had a good amount of numbers it would be a gruesome slaughter.
The caravan wouldn’t stand a chance.
“You seem bothered? Stressed and frightened like Agnes of all sudden” Beon asked Rowlan.
“It’s nothing, just having my head in the clouds” Rowlan replied not wanting to cause some dilemma around the caravan.
The caravan is now heading towards a town called Forest Haven. The brief history that Rowlan knows about Welsh and the town is that during the Age of Plight, Welsh was notorious for rebels that were against the king, they were undisciplined and had little sense of morality. When there was a time of civil war during the Age, they would side with the taking over the throne.
The rebels would raid a town or city; commonly the accounts that would happen is that the rebels would sell people for ransom like monks or priests, it was not uncommon that men would even rape women during the war times in that age, and pillage the area which they were assigned to attack.
The town, Forest Haven, is was a town surrounded by high brick walls. The town was built during the Age of Plight, located in the middle of Welsh providing travelers a haven for their travels through Welsh and it has slowly been renovated throughout the years. The small bit of history behind the town was to provide a protection from outlaws when a lord’s son had defended the town for years and none of the Welsh rebels could overpower the defense of it, thus it was dubbed Forest Haven for its safe place against the Welsh rebels.
It still likely for the caravan to be attacked. The man who betrayed his accomplice had been taken under watch by the people until he was dropped by Forest Haven to get him into a cell, but the other man whom he fought with Gawain had escaped.
He either should have taken the man back as a captive or… ended him.
The thought of ending someone life to save others, it was bugging with him. The man did say he and the other man was with a group, an outlaw group likely, that the leader’s character seems to be a violent one surely then his men must follow the same. Decided not to think of it in hindsight.
Rowlan left the thought of killing instead going back to the thought of a possible attack from outlaws. The man who had escaped from Gawain maybe manage to go to his leader…. Possible! Rowlan exclaimed in his head. The man had to go to a specific location in Welsh to bring the stolen wagon somewhere to meet their leader. Then it struck Rowlan straight in the head, the outlaw attack was even more possible.
Robbing the caravan was more likely to happen. The one bright thought that Rowlan could think of.
If the caravan were to offer no resistance the outlaws would harm anyone, no lives loss. It would be the best option, the wagons will be taken away for the supplies, robbing everything we have they seem fit, and violence was almost certain. They would maybe ambush us then some men would try to fight back but stop.
“We’ve made a stop” Beon announced as the whole caravan stopped.
The caravan stopped at the time of mid-day. The people would rest but this time Rowlan noticed how a few men had taken post like scouts. The travel to Forest Haven is near, about a few hours to get there.
“Aren’t you going to get some food?” Beon asked as he was heading off to get some food.
“In a while” Rowlan replied.
Beon turned away but quickly turned back, when he did Rowlan had observed some form of stress that Beon was in. He’s twitching, his hands is form into a fist: a sign of repressing the nervous feeling. Beon is a type of person who’d get the job as a scout for the lookout for the outlaws.
“Have you seen Adaline?”
“No, I haven’t. Your looking nervous Beon why is that?”
“It’s nothing. I would like to the caravan to get to Forest Haven as soon as possible” Beon replied in a tone repressing his tone.
“If you see her tell to see me” Beon added as he walked away.
After a short while Rowlan turned to get something to eat as well. He saw Cillian sitting on wooden bench eating a sweet potato which Rowlan got as well. Cillian was too acting nervous.
“What’s gotten you nervous?” Rowlan casually asked.
“It’s nothing” Cillian replied.
“Now c’mon don’t lie, I let Beon slipped out of lying because he’s probably as a lookout for the caravan. Now tell what’s been bothering you.”
Cillian was about to answer till he was cut off by Adaline who appeared eating a bowl of cereal.
“He’s scared cause I told him that we might be attacked by outlaws” bitterly answered Rowlan’s curiosity.
“Does that answer your question, Meddler” Cillian sharply said to Rowlan.
Ever before the attempt of stealing the wagon, Cillian insult to Rowlan. Cillian took notice of Rowlan’s character, Rowlan had solved some small problems which weren’t his business. One time there was commotion where even the rest of caravan had begun to think of Rowlan differently.
The young man whom had been the driver of the wagon that was almost stolen had accused someone of stealing.
‘You’re a bastard and thief! Give me back my money’ the young man shouted to the man whom had a bigger build than he, from what Rowlan had observed he was likely man build for hard physically labor though his character had proven to be cruel and vile.
‘I didn’t steal nothing, boy’ the man sharply responded.
‘Also you got no proof, you must have lost it somehow’
Young man was furious with anger and replied ‘You were always sticking near me and my wagon, always picking off my food!’
‘That’s all? Me going just hanging places and getting Also you got no proof, you must have lost it somehow’
The young man was furious with anger and replied ‘You were always sticking near me and my wagon, always picking off my food!’
‘That’s all? Me going just hanging places and getting my food from the bag I’ve owned. I even got witness to show that it was my own food taken from bag’ the man called his witness and agreed with him which made the young man more furious.
‘Go now before you embarrass yourself boy’ the man told the young man. As the young man left the man said something in a soft voice, Rowlan didn’t hear it but the young man did and rushed at man giving him a punch but before he could even connect his fist into him the man punched him in the face. The young laid on the ground with blood coming out of his nose.
That was when Rowlan had stepped in, he knew that the man was in fact guilty and with him was the proof that he did stole the man’s money. Another reason was that he felt a rush and thrill whenever it involves someone committed a criminal act, like a game or puzzle that needs to be solved.
‘Alright since this matter is done. Does anybody claim ownership of these items’ Rowlan held in the air in his hands was a fine made shirt, a knife, and a flintlock.
‘That’s mine!’ the man angrily shouted at Rowlan trying to snatch the items from his hand but didn’t when Rowlan stepped back.
‘You didn’t have these items until quite recently, tell me how did you manage to get these items?’ Rowlan questioned the man who was now very enraged.
‘I’ve bought it naturally you idiot! Give it back!’
‘Yes but how? You didn’t have any money the days before and you were off just eating what the caravan had supplied you in return of physical labor. Please do tell how did you manage to get items like these? This fine shirt had to be worth about 5 sovereigns, the knife about 2 sovereigns which I might say is high quality, and flintlock… I’d say about 15 sovereigns or more.’
The man was infuriated with anger replied sharply ‘that is none of your concern, what your doing is stealing my property’
‘But you did not have this property till recently we left the last town? And now this young man has lost his money’
The crowd of people began to murmur in agreement. ‘Horseshit!’ Mikhael Rullex announced. The man whom Beon hated and warned him about. ‘This proof of his new clothes to this young man’s stolen money is a bunch of shit, the man could stashed away some money!’ the crowd then began to agree in what Mikhael was saying.
Rowlan had not expected Mikhael to defend the man, the crowd could turn against Rowlan’s side so he knew he had to make the man break. Anger was the notable trait of the man who had been accused of stealing the money, a weakness Rolwan needed to exploit.
‘I’ll could be in an agreement that might have some money hidden maybe I was wrong’ Rowlan ended as he saw smirk in Mikhael and the man. The crowd began to whisper things about Rowlan.
‘I mean a person like him couldn’t have the ability to steal, he could just rob and kill the victim’
Rowlan’s plan to exploit had worked too well. The man came up to him with a threatening glare and said ‘Unless you put a fight you worm, don’t talk anymore’
‘My good man, I’m admitting that you didn’t steal. A man of your character couldn’t have been capable of silently stealing money, no I’d suspect that you simply, rob a person and kill them off in a violent manner. That helps your case!’ Rowlan said in a serious tone.
‘Besides a fine shirt, a knife, and a flintlock. With prices on items like these I’m sure you could save up money… say about half a life time’
In an instance the man punched Rowlan in the stomach, he suspected he would try an attack so he dodged the kick but got a punch in the face. The man was purely in enraged and quickly pinned Rowlan to the ground, he got the knife which was originally in Rowlan’s hand.
‘Curse you! I’d admit it! I stole the boy’s money but I’m stealing your life!’ the man finally announced his crime.
Rowlan was thrilled that he got the man to admit it but was trying to stop the man trying to kill him. The man did managed to get a cut in Rowlan’s left check but before anything could happen any further, Gawain and Agnes had arrive. Gawain had removed the man from Rowlan and Agnes was now asking everyone what happened. Rowlan knew that the man was a sensitive type of person, from he could observe from him he was insecure about his abilities and character and that was the thing Rowlan exploited, by insulting about his earnings and character he denied wanting to prove him wrong which is what he wanted.
“Besides aren’t you nervous about an outlaw attack? How did you feel when the attack of Summit’s Chest happened?” Cillian asked Rowlan.
“Remained calm so I can live another day”
“See just remain calm now” Adaline said as she sat on the wooden bench with Cillian and Rowlan. “Gawain made lookout scouts to make sure that we’ll all be warned” Adaline added.
“Fine let’s say that the scouts did warn us, what then? We’ll all be surrounded with nothing to defend ourselves?”
“If you’re so certain of death then why stay with us? You’ll be better of leaving.” Adaline said bitterly, she wasn’t kindly to Cillian of his arrogance when travelling. She would still try making friendly conversation but it would result in Adaline being annoyed and bitter to him. Cillian would in turn find her as a person who doesn’t know anything.
“Because the things I need to sell are in the wagon, you’d expect me to haul all that to Union’s Rising?”
“Yes” Adaline answered simply.
Cillian was annoyed now.
“If the outlaws had small numbers and the caravan was warned then best chances is that people are injured or one or two lies dead. If they have the numbers best chances are to run so I’ll say to you Cillian is to keep close to that wagon carrying your goods” Rowlan said.
“I’ll agree on that, Meddler” Cillian agreed.
“So you’ll leave people to die” Adaline bitterly said to Cillian.
I’m not going to be in the middle in a heated argument between these two. Rowlan stood from the wooden bench and asked the two where was Agnes and Gawain hoping to talk about the outlaw matter. Adaline pointed in the direction to a small trail into a forest. I could use another peaceful quiet walk.
“Adaline, Beon told me to tell you that he’s looking for you”
“Did he say where he’s at?”
“He’s one of the scouts it’s very obvious, I’m actually thinking of proposing of hiring him as a worker in my business” Cillian said.
“If your family was wealthy why did they kick you off? Or why didn’t give you a huge amount of sovereigns or supplies to start you off to make a better start as a merchant?”
Cillian was taken back at this and replied “They told me that start small and build up from there”
“Oh” was all Adaline could say as she left to find where Beon was at and Cillian turning to the direction of a wagon. He thought of two amusing as if watching a play in a theatre where two characters banter on with one another.
Rowlan followed the trail into the forest. It felt nice being alone in a quiet tranquil place where he could wander in his mind and think, he looked around the trees of the forest to be reminded of all those myths and legends about places in Anglox.
It was the most common thing he did when he was back at Summit’s Chest: Reading the books in the library which were mostly myths, legends, and history. And the other was looking up the crimes committed in Summit’s Chest, Rowlan find it interesting.
He recalled the legend of the witch of the woods that would devour children and sometimes people, the Black Anis, her description were of an ugly old hag with pale blue skin. It would say that she would only appear at night and hunt for unlucky victims to either devour to satisfy her evil cravings or curse them for her amusement. The story was most likely told for children to warn them about going out into the night, Rowlan thought.
Another one he recalled was the story of the Vengeful Hunter, a story about a man betrayed by his companions while hunting in the woods. Instead of dying the man returned as a spirit, now sporting a helm with antlers and riding a stag. He would roam the land to hunt down his betrayers. It would say that if anyone were to look upon the antlers on his helm he would then hunt the person who looked at the antlers.
Rowlan then recalled a grim one he remembered; it was a story about a lord, his brother, and the lord’s two children who were a boy and a girl. The lord’s brother wanted to be the lord instead of him and luck was on his side because the lord had gotten terribly ill, the lord’s brother rejoiced but he struck with the fact that his nephew and niece can inherit his title. Because of the uncle’s greed for wanting to be the new lord he ordered two of his men to take them both out into the forest and kill them. Two took the children into the forest but couldn’t find themselves to kill them, instead they left them out to die in the forest. It was said that children become spirits who now hunt to kill their uncle.
He followed the trail and keeping sure he was being mindful not to stray away from the trail to not get lost in the forest. He suddenly caught his eye, it appears to be a page of a book, the texture and quality of it appears to be very old. Working as a librarian in Summit’s Chest, Rowlan noticed the way how the words were written in the book weren’t common in the books he read.
Rowlan picked it up, the page says:
“If one could align themselves with a stable mind, able body, and concentrate. He could then forth could be able to call and feel the surge of the high mysterious force that has been in the world for ages. But caution should be observed, this force that has been with us since early history could account, it is like fire, useful for oneself and a danger as well.
There is a difference on how starting to become a vessel of the energy. It may either be small or large but nonetheless it could be potentially be hard for the person trying to be a vessel.
When someone has connected with the mysterious force, it’s like how lighting strikes the top of a high tree, the tree burns because of it. The person must be able handle the surge if not damage to oneself would be to the body or one’s mind, the best of luck maybe that the damage was not permanent that would be mean only a short amount of the energy had back lashed on you, this could be possible for a large amount of energy but only rarely, the likely reason is the person manage to close the door between him and the surge of power.
But if should not be so lucky, here are accounts from history of what likely happens: insanity, deformation of the body, change of one’s character, combustion of the body, fully awaken conscience while dreaming that makes the dreamer experience either horrifying, traumatic, vivid, or very surreal dreams, voices that the person manifested in one’s head, and other numerous accounts.
Now when someone has managed to control the surge, he would be able to do things that someone could call other worldly.
There is a difference is there between using the energy now and during time… ”
The page ends in a cliffhanger….oh you damn authors constantly pulling this off.
He flipped the page to see if there’s a continuation, but all he found was a fine drawn pencil drawing of a landscape. The landscape showed a castle surrounded by a moat with the drawbridge up, above it on the stone walls stood a man wearing a combination of the color black and red fine clothing. His Stature gives a feeling of being a high lord of a county and leadership. Beside the man’s right was a beautiful woman wearing an elegant long dress holding the man’s hand, from what the picture could depict someone can say she was a beautiful maiden.
Behind were knights wearing the usual chainmail and plate armor. But beside the man’s left was an elderly man, about roughly in his forty years, wearing brown robes, and holding a wooden walking stick. A small detail Rowlan could see was a necklace, he didn’t recognized the necklace but from what he could gather from it he could either be a priest of the Hierarchy or a plain monk.
Below were the town’s folk looking up at them with houses in background.
The Age of Plight was the timeline the book was referring too from the picture, the age in world were knights fought against one another, serving someone in the position of power to defend or to usurp. A time were great buildings were built in the world, such marvelous design of architecture could be compared to the ones in the Ancient Age. And where it begins the advance of technology to help better humanity.
Interested and curious, Rowlan now was. What could the page be referring to? Rowlan could think of books about the laws of nature which explains how things were to be.
He folded the page, stored it in his satchel, and continued finding Gawain and Agnes. But something again caught his eye and it was a towel beside where he found the page, Rowlan examined the towel and from what he recalled while travelling it was Agnes’ towel. The direction which he found the towel and page were east of the forest trail, both the page and towel could belong to Agnes. It made Rowlan trying to find them much easier now, He now went east of the trail.
I need to be sure not to get lost.
He went forward east not going left or right so he could just turn around be back on the forest trail. He further deeper into the lush green scenery of the forest, where all he could hear was the breeze of the wind blowing the leaves on the ground, the insect’s noises added to the atmosphere, and the sometimes the chirping of birds heard from the distance.
Rowlan had to admit it brought a scare to him going out in the forest, having no idea where he was going but he still continued on. When he had travelled a considerable amount of distance, he was admitting to turn back. But then he heard people talking and recognize them as Gawain and Agnes. He followed the which was at his right going on but also making sure to remember the way back into the trail if in case he were to not find where they are.
He then heard a faint sound, it wasn’t a sound that he was familiar of. From what he could think of it sounded as if the sound of air swirling and water rushing in the river, also hearing the voice of Agnes and Gawain from that direction. Rowlan had a decision of going into the unknown source of the sound with Agnes and Gawain or turn back.
He weighed the odds but he decided on following the source.
Maybe Gawain and Agnes are checking something? Perhaps they’re in trouble? But even it’s not those two I could always take a look at what’s happening and go back like nothing happened, keeping what I saw in my head.
Slowly, he walked towards the source of the sound, emanating a few distance away. He would eventually hesitate on taking another step urging to go back, but he continued till he found himself continue moving while crouched down. The sound slowly becomes getting louder; a strong wind of a storm is what Rowlan was now hearing, not strong like a storm but almost like a storm in a forest. He stood behind a tree near a bush, and what he saw is hard to comprehend.
Agnes in sitting down both of his hands clasped together, his eyes closed, and his whole body was twitching as if he was struggling to prevent a scream of pain that he was experiencing. That wasn’t the only thing Rowlan was noticing, swirls of air circling around him while Gawain was standing there looking. Agnes was struggling letting out a few grunts and clasping his hands harder while the swirls of air around him becoming more and more strong. There was a book in front of him that laid open before him.
Then from what Rowlan could describe, blueish flames erupted from Agnes’ body then swayed away from him floating before him. The flames shaped into a sphere, motioning like a whirlpool in the ocean. The sphere of blue flame began burst out a little, spewing out embers on the ground.
“Steady it Agnes but don’t overdo it” Gawain warned.
Agnes’ body tightened as he let out a grunt of pain, the sphere of blue flame began to calm down.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he was confused and awed at the same time at this thing that Rowlan couldn’t describe. It was something that could be in a story for children or some old folk lore but now he was witnessing it. The page he found gave him answer to what Agnes was doing but wanted to know more about this phenomenon. Rowlan inched a little closer to get a better view.
The blue flamed sphere glowed even brighter then Agnes opened his eyes, his eyes were unmistakably pale white when he opened it, staring at the blue flamed sphere as it grew even brighter.
“I can see something…I see..”
“Go on continue”
“Chaos invading tranquility, a knife looming over it, and..” before Agnes could the last one he stumbled on the ground, the blue flamed sphere burst out leaving flames on the grounds. Gawain rushed to aid Agnes as he was tired and exhausted.
Rowlan moved back as to not get caught by Gawain.
“I’m alright…..I’ve been doing for a lifetime but I think I’ve overdone with this.”
“Clearly” Gawain replied as he gave him his canteen of water. “Don’t you think you should retire of doing this? It’s bad for your health and it can kill in the future”
“You’re right, for so many years I’ve done this. Keeping travelers safe from harm’s way back and forth”
“I’ll help you get up, we can rest at Forest Haven for while till you’re ready”
“Thank you”
“What was the last thing you saw in the flames?” Gawain asked as he helped him stand.
“A Void, that’s all. It’s just probably that my body couldn’t handle the intensity of the ritual and I passed out”
Rowlan slowly retreated back as to not make any sudden noise that would attract the attention of two. Once both of them were out of sight we began to walk in a fast pace back to the trail. He couldn’t believe what he just saw! Flames erupting from a man’s body was not possible, floating flames forming into a sphere was just ridiculous and bizarre.
I wonder if I could manage to take a quick read at the book.
His mind was racing with ideas about what he just witnessed, questions wanting to be answered, and much more. He was finally back the trail and hurried his way back to the caravan to go about unnoticed.
It was something out an epic or legend.
It dawned on him that the ritual he just witness was like the some stories he’d read. Sorcery, the practice of the ancient art called Magick. From Anglox’s history about Sorcery were commonly witches who practice witchcraft to scare the town’s folk and even lords but there were also about wizards who made themselves home hidden in somewhere in Anglox awaiting to be confronted by lords or the king, and warlocks who run to terrorize the kingdom and even in one story a warlock aided a usurper.
Gawain and Agnes suddenly appeared before him coming from the forest side. Agnes was still looking exhausted by the ritual he did and Gawain give a suspicious glare at Rowlan.
“What are you doing out this deep into the forest” Gawain said in a commanding tone.
“Just taking a nice lovely stroll, always wanted to experience the ‘mystical’ forests of Welsh.”
Gawain’s suspicious eyes still glared at him while Agnes was still breathing heavily.
Rowlan tried to avert the suspicion, “Why are doing the middle of the forest?” sounding clueless. Gawain gave a mild scoff at the question, Agnes on the other hand composed himself and said: “Just looking for some herbs or fruits”.
“By any chance have you seen a page of a book? It’s from an old’s children book” he added.
Instead of lying about the missing page he decided to give it back and sound clueless. Gawain would probably search his satchel and belongings.
He showed the folded page of sorcery and the towel of his. In a quick motion Gawain took it, still giving him a suspicious glare. He gave to Agnes how in turn inserted into the book he was carrying.
“We should get back to the caravan, I’m longing to get to Forest Haven.” He said sounding exhausted as he walked away. Rowlan began to go as well but Gawain was with him. He could that Gawain was still suspicious of his whereabouts.
“How far into the forest have you gone?”
“I followed the dirt trail, on the way I found the page, then just continued walking then when I had enough I turned back”
Gawain stopped Rowlan from walking any further, and said in a very threatening tone: “Don’t lie boy”
“I’m an expert ranger, and a knight of lord once. I can tell when someone is hiding a tree and a bush. But answer this why were you there?”
The commanding tone of Gawain made Rowlan a bit angry inside, he didn’t accept someone’s authority easily. But nevertheless he answered: “I’m about to say the absolute truth, I stumbled upon the page and towel, noticed the direction it was heading was east and continued walking towards till I found you and Agnes there going about some ritual of sorcery”
“How do you know it was sorcery?”
“I worked as in a library, of course I know things”
He replied in a serious tone: “Do Not Tell Anyone”
“I swear, but even if I did tell how would believe it”
Gawain merely scoffed at him as they both returned to the caravan.
“May I ask a question about the ritual?”
“Fine, about the outlaw problem? I assume that ritual was for the outlaw threat looming”
“Don’t even bother mentioning it, my lips are sealed”
Rowlan didn’t bother asking anymore. The caravan was preparing to leave, and Rowlan got to the back of the wagon and Beon was there with him. Though there was some development as Gawain and some men were somewhat from the looks of it guarding one travelling wagon. As the caravan began to move it was nearing dusk but from the distance there was a town with high stone walls, Forest Haven.
As the caravan approached the gates of Forest Haven, and settled the wagons outside the town’s walls there was a shout heard.
“WHAT’S THE MEANING OF THIS?” a man shouted whom Rowlan recognized to be Mikhael.
Beon quickly went to the center of the commotion with Rowlan following. He pushed through the people to find a Gawain retraining and tying up Mikhael with a rope all the while some men were pushing people away.
“Call the guards of town and bring in the one in the sheriff”
After a while the town guards and the sheriff came, when they saw Mikhael the sheriff gave a smile of joy and said: “I thought where you might have been”
“Who is this man sheriff?” Gawain asked
“Mikhael Rullex, part of a band of outlaw’s months ago. He was second in command in the outlaw band”
“You mean the one that was slaughtered by Rangers, I heard some escaped but was quickly hunted down”
“Clearly not, but it’s luckily that he’s once again caught”
“I’ll be stepping on your corpse” Mikhael said to the sheriff.
“That’s what your brother in arms said to me but look who’s lying in the ground dead”
Mikhael remained silent and glared at the sheriff. As the guards took him away the crowd of people quickly dispersed, and some went to the town to spend a good night’s sleep at an inn. Gawain looked relieved but as for Agnes he was still stressed.
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8 156 - In Serial6 Chapters
Reaching for One's Desire: Kane's Ascension
After living most of his life as a worthless orphan, Michael Kane only desired for the chance to make something of himself in this world of monsters and magic. In a world where only wealth and power mattered, he was literally at the bottom of the food chain. He fucking hated it. Always having felt that he was destined for something greater than what was essentially a beggar’s life, Michael held hope that things would change with the arrival of the Day of Gaia’s Gift, which happened exactly halfway through the year. It was the day in which everyone that was fifteen years old was given access to the System and was given a ‘Class’ depending on your aptitude, two if you were exceptional and lucky. It was his hope that he was given at least one class worthy of becoming an Adventurer, which would help him start his path to a life of wealth, fame, luxury and pleasure. Being an orphan that never knew his parents and having no one that he cared for nor that cared for him, it was not surprising that these were Michael’s goals. Little does he know, that he is destined for even greater things.
8 136 - In Serial75 Chapters
Reduced to Stardust
゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚ For many, death is the end. For Lorenzo, it is only the beginning. Lorenzo, the highest-ranking player in MMORPG Battleshift, is murdered in real life as a result of his virtual crimes and sent to the afterlife. There, he encounters God and finds out his soul is tainted, barring him from the pearly gates. There's only one way he can prove himself - by being transported to a fantasy world, where his second life lies in a realm of magic and swords. Only catch is, he's 10 years younger and dirt poor! Guided by his greed and experience as a pro MMORPG gamer, Lorenzo must navigate this strange new land as a 12-year-old version of himself and survive the dangers that await. As he encounters slum dwellers, church plots, and shattered unmentionables - his chance at redemption looks bleaker than ever. New chapters every Friday, 9PM PST! ゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚ Story by: Bonbocchi Art by: God Complex ゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚・。+☆+。・゚
8 139 - In Serial34 Chapters
The Vagabond King
World peace isn’t as great as most thought it’d be. On the continent of Moravia, eight empires have united humanity into a coalition of kingdoms that killed the world’s gods and have sworn to uphold peace amongst mortals. But sorcerers prevail among the ruling class and the only way to subvert power is through duels and tournaments, which common people can never hope to win. Even the right to create an independent nation is locked behind a tournament. Mattiew and Adriana Nikoliades try their best to live a settled life as a former pirate and a runaway heiress. But despite their efforts, Adriana’s father inflicted his daughter with a debilitating curse that would end in her death. He threatens Mattiew to fight on his behalf against the world’s most powerful sorcerers and nobles in the Bellirex, a tournament that acts as the world’s pathway to kingship. But as a man without a drop of sorcerous blood, Mattiew has to get old partners in crime on board with a near-blasphemous lie. The young couple have to decide to either save themselves and hand a corrupt noble more power or stick to their principles and try to overthrow one of the most entrenched noble houses in the world. All before Mattiew gets turned to ash by the Sunkiller, a favorite to win the Bellirex, or Adriana's parents catch on to her conspiracy. New chapter everyday at midnight EST.
8 93 - In Serial27 Chapters
Coding His Heart // dreamnotfound
Two students struggling to keep their grades and pants up. Will this Florida man survive university in England?(DNF)
8 107