《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 24: Captain of the Seaway (Task Given)


“How’s your arm feeling” Preston asked as he and Thomas made their way back to the fort. Preston looked at the swelling. “Get it looked up by Julian at the fort immediately, worst scenario would be you won’t be using that arm of yours”

“I’ll get it checked by Julian. I’m thankful for saving me back there, how did you find me?”

“The tavern you visited, I manage to overhear the tavern talking a young lad. Said something about luring a man wanting to smash in the fat bastard’s face in. I waited till the boy was out of tavern and told him I’ll give him 20 sovereigns if he told me were he’d taken you.

The boy denied it saying ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ then I threaten him to take him to a cell in the fort if he’s working with criminals. ‘I don’t told I don’t know nothing’ the boy still denied. Then I saw a few guards from the fort having a break. ‘If you won’t tell then I’ll just call upon those guards there. Enjoy a good year in the cell’ that’s when the boy cracked and told me.

I rushed to the place quickly hoping they hadn’t already killed you.”

“I’m in debt, I’ll return the favor maybe by fixing the cannons at your ship or repairing some metal plates” Thomas offered.

“A good offer, maybe in the future you’ll join a trip could use a good blacksmith”

They’ve arrived at the fort and Thomas went to find Julian in the fort’s building. Preston went as well into the building to either find Monroe or Cormac about the matter he found. Who could it be? This wouldn’t be the first time Preston had encountered traitors and deceivers before when he was still working as a crew mate for a ship. He about a boy when he joined the ship “The Regent of Sea”, working as helper around the ship. As years grew by he know has a significant amount of knowledge about sailing, sword fencing, and experiences he learned from growing up mostly at sea. Preston earned men as he travelled from place to place around the world earning their trust joining his captain’s ship, the eventually he did earned the captain’s respect and made him a quarter master by the captain.

The eventually took down a rogue ship which was a brig type, It was Preston who lead the boarding party and taken the ship before the crew members even got to fire a canon at The Regent. The captain was grown to respect Preston for his dedication and skills shown out throughout the years eventually gave Preston a reward. The ship they had taken hold off, the men whom Preston had earned their respect eventually joined him along his new ship, The Seaway Doumum.


Preston made his way to the officer’s room.

The room was fitted for the main officer of the fort, Cormac. There were shelves by the side of room, a small simple chandelier hanging from above, swords and firearms displayed behind the chair and large table laid out and on top of the table is a map of Anglox.

Cormac and Monroe were there and surprised by Preston’s arrival.

“I’d appreciated if you would ask permission to enter first” Monroe said in irritation and Cormac as well did show some harshness.

“Oh please, you’re a militia leader. Wait no you’re a high ranking officer of Summit’s Chest.”

“How did you know that” Monroe questioned Preston harshly.

Preston in turn gave the papers he found at Waldren’s house, Monroe looked at these papers and were shocked as well as Cormac.

“How, this was confidential”

Preston explained on how he got the information from the house of Waldren.

“Only someone from the inside of this fort could have gotten hands on those papers, that or a very sneaky thief” he added.

“Those criminal bastards could have probably raided supply ships or cargo by now” Cormac said grimly.

“I’ll leave you two officers to the matter then” Preston said as he proceeded to leave.

“Wait, Captain. I may need you, a man of your skills may be useful.”

“If you’re asking to investigate who’s been leaking out the information, I’m not suited to that task. I’m a captain of a ship. I was pretty lucky to hear that piece of information, I might accuse a wrong man”

“Leave the investigation to me” Cormac said strictly.

“I’ll first interrogate the prisoner that the guards brought in from the Waldren house” Cormac added as he left the room going to the cells.

Monroe looked at the papers again and he began looking frustrated.

“Are your men prepared to leave? ”

“Why, are we leaving early to the capital?”

“No, not until we’ve dealt with these pirates”

Immediately Preston knew what Monroe was suggesting.

“The criminals were dealing here are pirates, the criminals who fled from Anglox came here. The prisoner who was captured said there were five of them; him and Waldren the fat bastard are the escapees. I can only assume that among the other three of them has a connection to these criminals.

Cormac calls them raiders and they’re known to target supply wagons, ships, and if they’re bold enough they would even attack warehouses.


The raiders have gotten an information about the supply runs, and we are lucky that you have found them. There is a shipment of weapons and other battle related items that has set to arrive in Black Pool within about two days from now. I would like if you will to intercept the enemy vessel, save the cargo, and capture some hostages for interrogation.”

A shipment of battle related items.

“Wouldn’t a ship carrying that kind of items be sufficient enough to defend itself from pirates?”

“The pirates or raiders whatever you’d like to call them have taken on ships of that type, numerous times in fact but wouldn’t dare to attack with a proper escort. The ship that’s coming here in two days’ time doesn’t have one. So there is a chance they will attack the ship.”

“Will you take on the task, captain?”

“Is there any other ship under your or Cormac’s command?”

“For now two frigates are available, if you need them they’ll be under your command captain. From your experiences and skill they could use a good captain to look to and follow.”

2 frigs and 1 brig, It’s a good chance if the frigs manage to hold and obey.

But he wanted to more about the enemy before charging into the battle.

“Normally how many ships I am expecting?”

“Three to four ships from the survivors”

My ship would bring down two ships under heavy fire, leaving the frigs to focus on the others. Preston would want something in return.

“Raise my pay. My you’re asking me to risk my men’s lives. I’d want my men to have a good pay for dealing with pirates as well as aiding you in this matter.”

Monroe twitched at Preston’s bargain, He asked how much Preston want would in return.

“500 sovereigns for this task”

“Done, the ship will be coming south to here” Monroe agreed.

“Done we have a deal, I’ll leave now and prepare my men and tell the frigs to meet by the docks tomorrow”

Preston made his way to docks to tell his men about the job. They’ll all probably be glad to have some pay. As he was exiting the building he saw Thomas back in forge, he was going to apologize to him for almost getting him murdered. He walked up to him while working on something, Thomas glanced up and said.

“The arm is healing up nicely”

“Good to know, I came to apologize for almost getting you killed back there. I shouldn’t have let you join me.”

“No need to apologize. Though I am wanting to get Waldren the fat bastard at cell or get a few punches at him”

“I’ll make it up to you, once I’m back I’ll teach you how to fight” Preston offered Thomas so he could properly defend himself.

“I know how to fight-

“Proper fighting” Preston cut Thomas off.

“Alright, I’m interested so next time I won’t get by arse handed to me. When you do we start?”

“After two days, I’ll be gone for a while. I’ll teach you when I come back” Preston said while leaving.

“I’ll try and make a firearm as payment !” Thomas shouted

The captain made his way to his ship with all of his men on board. Everyone one of them had respected Preston for his character and skills at sea. They gathered at the main deck while Preston went to the quarter deck to make his men so his men could hear him clearly. Preston began explaining the job at they were about to be facing and reward for it. The crewmen were scared or anything.

They had fought alongside Preston before and would do so again. One of the men shouted “We’re with you captain, we’ll even follow you to battle a Man of War!” the rest of the men cheered on.

They had put a lot of fate in Preston as their captain and he felt grateful for their loyalty and respect. Preston felt inspired and said bravely.

“I hope none of you are scared, I mean four ships! We took on that Galleon all by ourselves! Remember that lads!” The men responded in a glorious laugh.

“Now get yourselves ready, prepare the cannons, load up your firearms, and sharpen your swords.” Preston ordered them as they followed it.

“Were going to scare these pirates from the oceans and seas till they’ll never want to set sail on the oceans ever again”.

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