《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 23: Thomas ( Discovery )
“What are you working on?” Lea asked Thomas as he was busy concentrating in his work.
“Working on making my firearm” Thomas said joyously.
“Since when did you make firearms? I thought you were a blacksmith not gunsmith.” Lea replied happy as she looked at Thomas busy in work. Thomas enjoyed to have her around while doing his job in repairing and making in the forge for the fort. But when he had the materials of his own and the spare time he would want to make another firearm. Thomas had bought a codex of a firearm from the shop Lea had worked in. He found it an old design but never the less he tried to do it.
It was rather hard without a proper teacher to help him work on the second firearm he wanted to own. Only a few days prior it was hard, he ended up wasting materials which infuriated Monroe. But soon enough he was slowly getting better as he was once again working on it. Managing to read a bit of a few books he luckily read about how gunsmith create and repair firearms.
“Alright, I’m getting stiff by working long” Thomas said stretching his arms. He had worked for hours on end to finish the work needed for fort then finally to his own wishes to continue improving his skills in smith work.
“You have good knack for being blacksmith work, and now being a gunsmith work. I’d say they could use you in the army” Lea said.
“I actually did wanted to join the army in Anglox but my parents wouldn’t really allow me. They said I could be more help as a blacksmith which grew on me”
Lea picked up a sword from a corner in the forge and picked it up. She examined the fort owned sword and pointed at Thomas’ neck as if to threaten him with his life.
“Are you even capable of using a blade” Thomas asked with a sense of humor.
“If your handling with drunks at the bar then yes to some knowledge” Lea fiercely replied but with humor.
Thomas smiled at the thought of seeing Lea throwing drunks outside the bar. He felt someway attracted to her. He took a side step and swooped his flintlock located closely to his side. She was shocked at the sudden movement and the firearm pointed at her face but she retreated and continued to point the blade at his throat.
“Firearm, face. C’mon we both know the outcome”
“Us both dead”
The banter was funny for Thomas as well as Lea. Thomas smiled but Lea remained unmoved. Thomas lowered his firearm and Lea did the same lowering the blade. Thomas turned around to examine the work he had done so far on his firearm, unfortunately he found a sudden pain from his back as he felt a jab. He turned around.
“What’dya hit me” Thomas exclaimed.
“You wanted to be in the army, so I wanted to see if yer not blind to attacks.”
“I wasn’t expecting it” Thomas exclaimed again.
“Something to improve on then” Lea smilingly said. Thomas returned the banter with a silly face he made to return but Lea scoffed it.
Thomas didn’t turned around this time instead getting the metal tube piece and small metal pieces.
“The tube piece is not perfect and I could say it would backfire when fired. And this” he showed Lea the metal pieces that make up the mechanism and trigger of flintlock. “Is the main thing I need to get right if not the gun won’t work”
“Couldn’t you just get one made?” Lea said as she was now suddenly holding the custom-made flintlock of Thomas. “I would cost low for a cheap one but if you’re looking for higher quality then I’d say just get some off the fort since your friends with them”
From time to time Lea would visit Thomas at the fort as well as Thomas would visit her while she was working in either the shop or tavern. Fierce, is what Thomas had liked to described her. He found her interesting. Lea would often scoff him yet bring a smile once and a while. He was enjoying his stay at MagnaTerrainian. Thomas managed to begin learning the gunsmith works, he was doing alright for a blacksmith but soon he could be hired by the army in repairs and creation in firearms and canon by improving on his gunsmith skills, and Lea always made things interesting. Thomas liked the idea maybe after reuniting with his friends he could maybe stay in Magna.
“Whelp, I’m leavin.” Lea said.
“Really, this soon” Thomas asked.
“I’m workin two jobs as a girl who kicks off drunks from the tavern and another for making sure valuable antiques aren’t broken in the shop. Another time then”
With that Lea left the fort leaving Thomas happily drifting into his thoughts. I could be hired by the army, make a good profit out of it, and maybe even won my own forge after all this is done. Then it went to about his gunsmith work. I’ll even make my own musket, or blunderbuss. If I get the materials. Then to Lea. I’ll see if I can ask her about travelling beyond the city and out in plains, just talking. He pictured in his mind.
His state in his happy thoughts were suddenly interrupted, he found himself suddenly back into the forge of the fort. Preston had snapped him back into reality.
“Hey, I was having a really good idea” Thomas said.
“If it’s about that girl that just left a while ago there a better times for that, instead follow me I heard from my men something about the criminals Monroe was after. Says that some of the men Monroe was after are hiding near the market area”
“Alright, good news”
“If this turns out well, we’ll sailing back to Union’s Rising faster”
Thomas frowned when he had said that, Preston took notice of Thomas’ frown.
“I’ll give you a sail back here in the future if you want you’re really interested in that girl”
Thomas lightened up with the offer and thanked Preston for it.
The market area of Black pool was admittedly busy, people going around buying from the wooden stalls that were set up or travelling merchants. Carts of goods containing whatever the people need it be; Foods, tools, or clothing the people would surely need. Thomas was about to enter the market area till Preston.
“Alright captain what do we do?” Thomas asked Preston.
“The man were after is named ‘Waldren the Fat Bastard’. The name already give you what to look for. I’m heard he frequently visits the market, for whatever reasons I don’t know but I’ll take a guess of the sin of gluttony”
“Good, if you spot him call for me” Preston said as they both entered the market area. Thomas and Preston looked in different areas of the market area saying it was easier to find him. Thomas looked around the area trying to find the fat bastard.
Thomas was getting nowhere, he continued circling around the market but to no avail. He wished at least Rowlan were here to assist him since he was suited in type of work in finding people. Thomas continued his search then an idea sprang, he could ask the nearest tavern nearby to boost his search. Do I even have the money to pay? He looked into his pockets to find 6 crowns, one crown is half a sovereign. It would be enough Thomas thought.
He left the market place hoping that once he got the information he would find Preston still wandering about. It was fortunate that there was a tavern near the market area, Thomas went to the bar area and sat down. The owner of the tavern came up to him; the owner wore a dirtied apron and clothing suited for working in a tavern, he was a bearded fellow, and particularly stout. Could this be Waldren the fat bastard?
“What will you having son?” the tavern owner asked.
“How much for just a cup of ale? The cheapest if you please”
“Black Salt Water is one crown”
Thomas was hesitating in buying because of that name but nevertheless he swallowed his resistance and ordered it. The tavern owner came with a cup, Thomas looked over the cup to find the ale black as the materials that said to be lying under the sea in Black Pool. He took a sip out of it but it was a sip that all he needed to know he wouldn’t want more of it.
The tavern owner laughed “Shouldn’t have picked the cheapest”
Thomas now decided to ask the tavern owner a question about Waldren.
“Taste like shit like that fat bastard Waldren who screwed me over and took my money” Thomas lied distastefully hoping that the Tavern owner would retort or offer his location. The tavern owner did react to what Thomas said and gave a retort.
“So how did he get yah, robbed you or stuck a knife to your throat?”
“I was trying to buy something off him, gave him my money, and the next thing I know got me corned in an alley threatening to cut open my stomach” Thomas continued to lie this time sounding angrily.
“I’d spill his stomach and throw his body into the sea next time I saw him” Thomas added.
The tavern owner looked amused by Thomas’ story. I can’t believe he bought it.
“You’re either really strong or stupid if you want to cut of Waldren’s stomach”
“He’s just a fat bastard, what’ll he do cry to his father? Mother? Nah he’s a bastard maybe to his whores to father more bastards” Thomas harshly talked about Waldren.
“I see you’re quite piss at Waldren, wouldn’t blame you. The fat bastard comes here messes up my bar every time he gets piss he destroys the tables, chairs, hell even the god dam windows if he’s really piss he’d even break down my door. He pays at least but it turns down people to enter my tavern”
“Do you where the fat bastard is hiding, because I’ve got a hammer ready to fix your problem” Thomas said threateningly. Thomas still wore his blacksmithing attire but not with the apron, he had a satchel with him containing his hammer and as well as his flintlock. Thomas showed the hammer to the tavern owner, showing in a very threateningly manner as if he truly wanted to seek and kill Waldren.
The tavern owner looked at Thomas in disbelief at what he was suggesting. He then thought about it then he said. “The bastard hangs usually in the market area but he hides in a house just west of here. The house looks neat and clean. Might as well pay me up for that”
Thomas gave the tavern owner the 5 crowns and left but not before bumping into a young boy about 12 years of age. “Sorry, there”
“Ah boy your back, get here I need you to delivery this wine cask”
Thomas went west in the city. Finding the neat house the tavern owner described which didn’t take too long. The house was exactly as the tavern owner had described, it neat and clean which wasn’t common in the city of Black Pool. Its brick walls were clean as if it was being scrubbed daily as well as door and windows. All I need to do is to inform Preston.
He turned to return to the market area but he found the young boy he had bumped into at the tavern carrying a large cask of wine which he was struggling to carry.
“Hey mister could mind helping me with this?” the young boy asked.
“Oh, where are you taking the cask?”
“Just a bit north up the city but it’s near”
Thomas agreed in helping the boy out in his task. But he also in a hurry to tell Preston about the location of Waldren, so he told the boy to hurry up. They went passed through an alley way leading up north.
It was then men ambushed Thomas, the young boy ran away from the scene as about four men had taken Thomas out of nowhere. Thomas was taken back by this and found himself on the ground tackled by the four men.
“Take his hammer and anything else on him”
One man took his satchel taking away his hammer and flintlock. They then dragged him into the backdoor of the neat house.
The interior of the house was clean and neat as well, from the looks of it could pass as a nobleman’s property but Thomas thought it was all probably stolen. They held Thomas in the middle of the center room of the house. The man who held his hammer and flintlock closed the windows with drapes. From the upper floor of the house, he heard heavy footsteps coming down. Must be the fat bastard.
Waldren the fat bastard had shown himself. He wore nobleman’s clothes, as well as walk like one. He was fat but in a nobleman kind of way. His hair color was a mix of grey and black showing age as well as the beard. He was rather a large fellow. Thomas could now imagine how a person like this one would be able to smash through a wooden door. He was also carrying a nice fancy cane.
He looked over at Thomas.
“I hear you wanted to smash my head with a hammer? Well come on boy let’s see you do it” Waldren asked in a calm tone. He nodded to release the hold of Thomas and one of them toss him his hammer. But before Thomas could catch he was slapped in the face with a mighty blow to add to injury Waldren had rings in his fingers that made a scratch mark on Thomas’ face.
“C’mon lad. You say could smash me, get up” Waldren said as his temper was rising.
Thomas was lying on his front, he tried to get back up but found a swift kick to his back and implanting it preventing Thomas from getting up.
“Get this to your head boy before you die, you’re bellow me”
Thomas managed manage to flip around on his back, with this sudden force the weight of Waldren had brought him to the ground and with this opportunity Thomas managed to get up and bring a swift kick to Waldren’s stomach. Thomas tried to kick him in the face as pay back to his slap but he found leg caught by his hands and thrown him off balance. Waldren was the one who’s standing up now, he returned Thomas’ kick to stomach with his own causing Thomas an immense pain due to his weight.
Thomas breathing heavily because of the immense strength.
Waldren went over to pick up Thomas’ hammer while Thomas struggled to get up. The next thing Thomas knew Waldren was kneeling before him holding his hammer.
“Called me a bastard who put his prick into whores to father bastards won’t yah”
“Whores, lonely wives while their husbands are gone, and maybe even ugly wenches like yourself” Thomas insulted.
Waldren brought down the hammer on to Thomas’ face but Thomas blocked it with his right arm but not say at least the pain was still immense. Thomas held back a scream of pain, he felt his arm numb for second.
Before Waldren managed to strike again there was the sound of a shot of a firearm. Thomas saw Waldren’s right shoulder bleed. He saw Preston taking the shot and drawing his cutlass. Waldren fleed away as his arm got shot. There were six men in the room and all of them serving Waldren the fat bastard. They brought out their knives and two of them had actually had swords.
From what Thomas knew and heard Preston was an experienced captain in his travels around the seas and lands. Hearing his crewmates talk about they fought off pirates and even a navy vessel, the stories weren’t just made up as Thomas was watching Preston slashed at one person’s neck ending him quickly. 5 men.
Two men wielding knives came at him, Preston had kicked one making him stumble while he blocked the arm of the man trying to stab him, then thrusting his cutlass into his chest. 4 men.
The two men who had swords attacked him quickly as well as a third man. Preston was quick as he drew from his holsters Thomas’ flintlock and shot at one of men wielding swords in the chest, the man fell to the ground dead. 3 men.
Preston’s blade had clashed with the man’s sword but as soon as the blades clashed he used the momentum of it to bring his blade down as well as his attacks down and gave a swift head butt to the forehead staggering the foe. And then turned his attention at the last man wielding a knife who was coming at him but Preston managed to grab the man’s arm and swiftly thrust his blade into his chest. 2 men left.
The man with a sword managed to land a cut at Preston’s back but Preston had countered with a punch and slashing at his throat. 1 man left.
The last man was on his knees begging. “Please let me live, I’ll turn myself in”
Preston reloaded Thomas’ flintlock and gave it to him. “If he moves shoot him in the leg”. Preston left to the upper floor of the house while Thomas was pointing his flintlock at the man who was pleading for mercy. Don’t move, just please don’t move.
Preston in moments later returned down with papers.
“What’s that?” Thomas asked.
“Its documents about Black Pool’s shipping schedule and supplies as well as other information concerning trade in other cities in this country, this is bad”
“We have information that the gang is targeting supplies ships and wagons, I don’t see what’s bad about that soldiers could stop them”
Preston turned grim for a moment and spoke.
“This information could only be obtained by very high people in Black Pool, mostly in the Black Eye Watch were this information is held. Thomas, As well here is some files that only in high authority in fort could see; names of people and their information are here including Monroe who is actually is a high ranking officer of Summit’s Chest as well as other things like the location of companies that supply the country. And I have seen that Cormac and Monroe had kept this information at the fort which is guarded heavily”
“This means that among the people in the fort there’s someone deceiving everyone” Preston said grimmly
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