《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 16: Elis ( To Judge a Person )


FINALLY a quiet travel, at least for now. Finally Paco and Jin stopped making some noise for a while. Elis thought as he and the other two weren’t sitting in the travel carriages that his family were in but inside a travel wagon because it had more space and it felt nice feeling the blowing wind.

The Colony man said that they were nearing Brimhood, yet when he spoke Elis couldn’t stop to think of what happened in Stoke’s Crossing, the dead man found only a few hours when they’ve stayed there. Elis just never bothered thinking about what happened to Stoke’s Crossing, he already had what happened back home to haunt for a life time. Though Paco was always sparked a conversation with the Colony man time to time. Paco often asked about stories from Averigo of the life there, The Colony man told him about the life there about the cities and towns there and the frontier part where the natives resided, and beyond that there was still unexplored lands where caravans of people would venture out into the unexplored. Then at times Paco would ask about any battles that happened there, he was always interested in military tactics.

When the topic of different places occurred he also asked Jindagee of his home country, Ishnia. He would reply in the most times he lived in a mansion but Elis really didn’t believe that. Most of times he told he lived up north part of Ishnia and some little things.

Tricia and Alisa where mostly quiet during the travel, Elis had noted that Alisa was writing stories or something with Tricia helping her write. When Elis had approached them asking what’s Alisa was writing about shed often quickly hid the notebook she was writing “Nothing it’s just a story” she nervously replied one time. Elis thought the writing was about him but that idea quickly faded when Paco wanted to know, Alisa gave the same reaction but Tricia said something into Paco’s ear, “It’s not about you, even I thought it was about us but it just a story she and Tricia working on”.


This moment Jindagee was happily sleeping along with Paco, Janiah was with his mother, father, and sister as well as Tricia and Alisa in the carriage. Elis took the quiet time to relax as well. He was eager to get to Union’s Rising, stay and get a time off along with his friends and family, and also wondering where Rowlan and Thomas is at this moment.

It had been an hour when they’ve finally reached Brimhood. It was a large open country side city with towns composed of few buildings that composed of districts.

Edman Frank booked and payed for rooms at an inn, Jindagee and Paco stayed in one room with other members of the caravan and Tricia and Alisa were in another. Elis had stayed in a commonly room with his family; Rachel was reading a children’s book, the lost wanderers. Janiah was resting on the floor.

“What does everybody think of the journey?” Edman asked

“Amazing, fun travelling and I get to see new places” Rachel said energetically.

“It’s a nice trip” Janiah said.

“Definitely, it’s a nice change. Can’t wait to get to Union’s Rising” Elis said with energy.

“It’s wonderful that you’re all enjoying the trip, oh the family all together like this” Eliza warmly said as she’d to Rachel’s, Janiah’s, and Elis’ side and hugged them.

“It’s absolutely nice that your enjoying, how’s your friends Elis are they enjoying the ride as well”

They are, but in when Jindagee starts talking it’s all non-sense.

“You should see this part this is where the group escapes stone cold monsters” Rachel said as she shows the book to her family, all of smiled and continued to talk about the past, present and the possible future till they all sleep.

Morning dawned, Elis woke up then the rest of his family woke up as well. After Elis fixed himself he went outside and stood there feeling the fresh country air blowing at him. He stood there enjoying the nice relaxing moment, then a hand tapped his shoulder. “Alright then who are you waiting for?” Jindagee said arrogantly and jokingly but Elis knew most of the time he was joking though at some times when Jindagee does speak it results in some conflict that occurred.


“For you to disappear” Elis replied in the same joking manner.

“Then I’ll disappear into the shadows”

“You’re not a god, you’re arrogant but that doesn’t make you a god”

“That’s what they all say” Jindagee said again this time more dramatically. I’m starting to get tired of this.

“Where’s Paco, still sleeping?”

“I woke up before him and woke him up” Jindagee said that with a smiling face.

“I’ll not ask”

“So tell me when are we leaving Brimhood?”

“About give it about three days more or less”.

The door behind them opened and out came Paco looking early risen from bed. “Alright before I say anything first: Jin you can disappear now, and second what’s been going on out here?”

“How did Jin wake you up” Elis asked smiling

“Slapped five times in the face to wake me up, I yelled ‘WHAT THE HELL’ ”

Jindagee smiled and laughed at that.

Out of the door came Tricia and Rachel, Rachel was holding her book from last night and talked about the story. Rachel wanted to go and explore about the country city and asked Elis, Paco, Tricia and Jindagee to tag along as well.

They roamed around the nearby streets and houses, sightseeing the country side, seeing the carriages and wagons go by the roads, and all around enjoying the nice morning breeze. Peaceful.

Elis enjoyed the scenery and being with his little sister and friends along the journey.

After about walking around the nearby area, exploring. Rachel wanted to take a rest and eat as well as all of them, Paco spotted a nearby inn in which Elis volunteered to buy to which Jindagee said he would.

‘Breezing Wind Cave’, the name of inn. All of them ordered small beverages and snacks. They’ve drifted into a conversation about things: About back at Summit’s Chest, the memorable moments that happened.

The inn door was opened and poured inn other people but one caught Elis’ eye was the Colony man. He went to the inn keeper along with the people who entered, talked to the inn keeper for about a minutes then the inn keeper left, he returned with a pieace of folded paper and food. The Colony man took the paper and food and packed it all in his backpack and left the inn.

Elis was still eyeing all of this time till he left his sight.

“You know he’s a criminal” Jindagee said bluntly

“Seems like a decent person” Paco replied

“Decent, Paco” Jindagee said as he slightly raised his voice “When we were in Stoke’s Crossing a man was murdered, then suddenly the next day he was leaving. Add right now with him leaving the inn like that then he’s truly got something to hide. My bet he’s a criminal”

“Point there, I’ll tell you” Paco said as he finally considered Jindagee’s answer.

“Me too. I’ll agree that it is edgy that he left Stoke’s Crossing just after the death of that one man, his face expressed that was somehow guilty”

“I can’t argue with the evidence, but can’t there anything else, any other reason?” Tricia said.

“He’s nice, I’ve seen him helping the other members of the caravan, and he talks nicely” Rachel pleaded for the man’s innocent.

“Rachel, look sometimes you can’t just say a person is like that” Tricia explained to Rachel.

They went back to meet up with Elis’ parents. All of them were now cautious of the Colony man except for Rachel who still believed he was still a god man, innocent child.

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