《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 17: Tricia ( Predicting the Story )


“Are you enjoying the travel? And aren’t you just as excited to get to the capital city?” Rachel said with high energy. She hurried across the caravan wagons and carriages, getting everyone she passes by. What a sweet girl. Tricia thought.

The wagons and carriages where placed near the exit of Brimhood, some people who were fortunate like Elis’ Family had accommodate an inn inside the city or payed for a stay in a house but others were camped near the wagons and carriages setting up tents.

The looks of it, it would look like a celebrating joyous fair that would take place yearly back in the Age of Plight, the time the conflict of knights and lords against one another. Tricia told Rachel stories during that time when she wanted stories to hear.

“It feels like in the Age of Plight doesn’t” Rachel told Tricia, she smiled.

“It does, doesn’t it”

“How about you, are you enjoying the nice country side. The cool blowing air is definitely soothing.” Tricia added

“Absolutely” Rachel said with an energetic tone. “It’s nice but I’d like to see my aunt’s place in Union’s Rising, I’d heard from her that she has antiques and other things. And some of things are a knight’s sword and armor.”

“You’ve suddenly got interested because of that story didn’t you” Tricia replied.

“I’d definitely love the story of the Pure-Hearted Knight, Sir Garthyin. that’s one my favorites out of all of the stories you’ve told me. Faced perilous trials on his quest, even when the odds are against the brave knight he manages to face e’m all”

Alisa told the story of the Sir Garthyin to Rachel. He supposed to be the resilient of the knights in the legends, fought bravely at his king’s side; The envious mist of the knight, the story he was known for fighting in the mist of the a forest fighting against a mysterious knight that people whom village near the forest was said to be ravaging the people and travelers whom entered the forest.

It doesn’t matter if it was ten or more men that entered the forest to slay the mysterious knight. It always ended in the death of those men, their bodies lay on the cold dirt ground, their eyes shot wide open, the wound inflicted on them but the notable feature of the deaths was the valued items of the persons, it was either a amulet of a love one or something else; Insanity was also part of it the story in which those who were unlucky enough were to be driven mad and serve the knight.


Sir Garthyin rose to battle against the mysterious knight; The Tempting Knight. He and along with a group of knights along with their squires went up to an abandoned church located somewhere in the forest where the Tempting Knight and his band of lackeys lies.

When Sir Garthyin and his band reached the church, they found a local village nearby. There in the village was people bruised, their clothes torn and ragged, their skin lightly pale, and broken. Broken to the point yet they want to help but to serve the Tempting Knight. The Sir Garthyin tried to reason with them, telling to snap out of it and that he and his band were here to rescue them.

But they did not listen, only the screams of calling the Tempting Knight was their answer to Sir Garthyin’s call as well his knights. The people lashed in a horrifying scream grabbing anything near them and using them as weapons. Sir Garthyin and his knights went on the defensive, raising their shields to as not harm the people.

Sir Garthyin and his knights backed away from the crazed crowd, their eyes deep green that horrified the squires as well as their figures looked as if their very souls very sucked the life out of them.

They backed further till they had been corned.

Then a scream came.

From the forest nearby stood the Tempting Knight.

His armor cladded in shiny black.

Along with him were his lackeys wearing looted armor from dead knights as well as weapons.

The Tempting Knight laughed at Sir Garthyin, a laugh that echoed and pierce Sir Garthyin and his group as if a chilling luring wave was drawing their hearts.

Then the Knight waved at his men drawing forth a woman and her child. Both of them were now being dragged into the forest with the cries of the woman and child being heard aloud.

This forced Sir Garthyin and his group pushed aside the crazed crowd. And went unto the forest where the sought to kill the Temping Knight.

The crazed crowd went after the knights when they pursued the Tempting Knight.

The forest they were led to was with little light and a chilling mist that covers it.

Some of the knights were killed off by the lackeys or crazed people yet some others were found with pale skin and green deep eyes.

Yet in the end Sir Garthyin had defeated the Tempting Knight in the village church where the Knight battled with Sir Garthyin. In the end it was only Sir Garthyin, his squire, the woman and the child survived.


“Tricia do you remember what wagon, the bag we’ve forgot is still there?”

Tricia didn’t and asked the people nearby. Most of them didn’t know where the wagon they’re speaking is but finally someone did answer and took them to the carriage.

It was a woman with ordinary clothes. She appeared to be a common folk in her thirty years but still having an attractive face.

She led them to the wagon. Rachel had gotten and taken a bag out of the wagon. They both thanked the woman for the directions.

“Can I ask you something as well?” the woman asked.

“What is it?”

“Well…. Do you know perhaps where Johnathan Douglas is?”

“I’m sorry, who’s Johnathan Douglas?”

“Oh I was thinking you’d knew since I saw him and your friend; the rather big one talking to him while travelling, He’s the man from Averigo.”

Tricia’s mind now went to the idea of the suspicions of her friends that the Colony Man, Johnathan Douglas, had killed that man from Stoke’s Crossing. She didn’t made the conclusion that the man did indeed murder the man but she was cautious.

She was conflicted if the man did the murder.

“Oh, I don’t actual know where he is”

“Oh that’s okay, I was just asking. I’ll just find him if I manage to spot him.”

Tricia and Rachel went back to the inn. Tricia had now known the Colony man’s name. She now thought of telling the others about it. I could give them the name yet if I do it’ll maybe cause more trouble; They’ll confront him with it. And the possibility of getting the officials involved, Oh. Yet still I’m not sure about he is innocent or not.

She thought on this for about hours in her room, when she had enough of the disclosed quarters she left and took for a walk. She still believed that Johnathan was a good person by which Rachel vouches for him seeing him helping others and is actual nice most of the times. Still, maybe he was deceiving everybody.

He would act the nice upstand person for to avoid suspicions but as soon as he gets his wanted goal he’ll turn, getting rid of people in his way.

Tricia would continue to walk and think then when she’d pass by a nearby general store to find Alisa. Alisa noticed her and went out and asked what’s happening. Tricia for a moment began to not say what she found out but it was Alisa, her dearest friend.

She told Alisa on what she found out and her concerns on telling the others.

“It could be safe to tell the others, I mean what if he’s really is a criminal but then on the other side the possibility he’s not.”

“If I tell the others they’ll probably going to make a bigger deal out of this”

“I’m sure that if that woman knows who he is, there’s a high chance that most of the people travelling with us knows his name.”

“Your right”

“Now that we got that takin care off, help with the “thing” I’m writing”

“Alright let me see” Tricia said as she takes the notebook that Alisa is holding but fails as Alisa dodges it.

“Not here, Its too revealing”

“It’s just a story you’ve wrote”

“It’s an embarrassing one, It’s a bit too predictable and generic”

“Fine you can show when were out of view of the general public”

They went to the same inn where they’ve eaten before. Alisa showed her the story she’d been writing. It was a romance story centered on the lost wanderer and a woman she’d met along the way.

“What’s your thoughts?”

Your right it is a bit over too generic and predictable but It’s be nice

“It is good, it can make up for a good story. I’ll support you in this”


“Though if I may add something or a suggestion”

“What is it?”

“Add something grim, like an overwhelming shadow comes upon them, you know something evil turns inside out”

“Sounds a bit too grim”

Then Alisa pointed outside the window to see Johnathan Douglas and the woman from the wagons together. They’ve both seemed happy.

“Take inspiration from them” Tricia said.

“Maybe I’ll turn the wanderer into a potential criminal where he turns from his wicked ways and becomes a good person”

If the man was a criminal turned good, then hope so, I don’t want another troubled event to happen.

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