《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 15: Ciana ( Plans for Goal's End )


“Ciana you’re here! What’d brings you here again? Something about thugs ruffing about the alleys muggin’ a person or something else cause I’ve heard some rich person came about a day ago asking about poison when he’d finished with his checkup” said the young boy serving doctor in Wight Hollow Street.

Ciana entered the Doctor’s building wearing a normal dress attire. She smiled and said “I’ll hear the poison story later Freddy for now something else, a notebook, Is Dr. Wilther there and able?”

“He’s returning any moment with Darin, bringing back some supplies he says”.

Dr. Henry Wilther, a man of his thirties years was a common doctor in Wight Hollow street. He was a stern ( face too ), prideful of his doctorate skills, and hated of how he was perceived from the other doctors, even some nobles, as lowly treating the ill-thugs to health so they could go back and fight or mug another day, but he didn’t care because it brought him his living in Wight Hollow street which he couldn’t leave because of the low pay and can’t find any other place of work in the other parts of the city because of his reputation as the Lowly Doctor. And since he was the only doctor there he was treated with care by the local people which he found friendly and the people would kindly help him.

After a few waiting minutes Dr. Wilther appeared wearing a black coat and leggings, with a white shirt, along with him is Darin another helper of the doctor whom he’d taken as a sort of student. “Freddy help me with these and do be careful with those, we’ll be fixing and re-organizing some things here. Ah Miss Blaine! What have the doctor of Wight Hollow have the honors in the presence of a daughter of the prestige Blaine family of Galrance! , He spoke joyfully as he began sorting bottles and medical supplies across a table.

“Just a visit Dr. can’t a lovely lady friend visit here, and my family isn’t prestige as it once was” Ciana replied joyfully as well but the part of speaking about her family had change her tone. Home haven’t thought about that in a while.

“But since I’m here, what’s been going around here? I’d heard Freddy talking some about a rich fellow asking about poison.”


“OH that, nothing just speculation I tell you though Freddy says otherwise. He explains something about that rich fellow hating on somebody and plots some murder…. um the surname is Travels if I remember correctly.”

“A murder ploy, we’ll be seeing that somewhere in in the future” Darin spoke. He was a young fellow of twenty years, a helper and ward of Dr. Wilther.

“Oh it’s just speculation, besides Darin if that fellow ever intends to poison someone he’d already told the Dr. and maybe Freddy as well since he overheard it, We can tell the guards about you two know” She joyfully said

“Execution, imprisonment, or the murderer escapes”

“We’ll I’ll help you sort things since I’m where” Ciana began to help around with Darin, helping her too while Freddy helped the Dr. Darin made small talks to Ciana about some things happening around the city and infamous attack on Summit’s Chest which he and Ciana were surprised as well is still relevant.

Both of them still continued talking but when Darin asked of Galrance and how was like it be raising there, Ciana’s paused, and stayed silent for a brief moment before answering him.

“Being born into a noble family, being high class. Normal actually there’s dinner the occasional dinner with my siblings; Frian Blaine my brother the eldest of my family favored by my father since he was to take charge after the family. And there’s my sister Elisa Blaine the youngest and you’d be right she’s the wildest out of us three. Oh I still remember the times she’d get into trouble inside the house, and outside which made father angry and mother worried.”

Ciana’s voice filled with joy when she talked again about her family yet there was some sadness and bitterness. There was an awkward pause, even Dr.Wilther and Freddy stared, it was shattered when Freddy accidentally made a glass jar drop and breaking hitting the floor. “Freddy! Clean that up” Dr. Wilther shouted.

Once they’ve finished helping Dr. Wilther, Ciana asked “Dr. Wilther remember the notebook you mostly written down about the nobles’ information, If I recall you even sighted down additional information about them as well as your strong angrily opinions against them”

Dr. Wilther turned realizing “I see there was a trade for helping me organize my stuff, Understandable yet you need to be convincing that helping a person do a chore to get what you want Miss Blaine”


Use their deepest thoughts and intentions against them, I’ve read that before in a book. “Thank you for the advice Dr. , I’ll just borrow it for a short while”

“Short while, means a week, month, or about a time when I’m no longer aware when you’d borrow it” He entered a room coming back with a dark brown notebook “Now please don’t let Madame Florence see the page where I wrote about her, I really made some strong… Let’s just say a paragraph on everything wrong with that woman! Always nagging like a common wife but instead a husband she does it with everybody!” He continued on rambling Ciana made a face and laugh as well as Darin and Freddy laughed.

He gave Ciana the notebook, she flipped a few pages containing noble’s small background information, medical conditions, small personality notes, and the ever opinions of the Dr. which made Ciana laugh and awe at the same time.

She stayed a little while at Dr. Wilther’s place flipping reading through the pages till she noticed the time.

“I’ll be going now I’m about to be late, and I can’t leave this gentleman waiting”. Freddy made a face at Darin which gave a look back at him, “Tell me Ciana who’s this gentleman you’re going to see” Freddy said in the sweetest teasing voice, “Yes tell us, who’s the daring gentleman” Darin asked as well though his voice was contained in humiliation. “Would you two stop asking the lady is about to be late” Dr. Wilther interrupted, As Ciana left Freddy whispered something into Darin’s ear, Darin immediately began to chase him around as Freddy laughed while Dr. Wilther was shouting at them to stop.

Ciana took a carriage while also flipping through the pages of notebook, the carriage headed toward a park in Crahvalley. She asked the coachman to stop and wait. The park was mostly occupied with children and their parents and common folk, If I’d dress normally I’d been noticed, dressing in common average clothes is an advantage. She continued to walk down the path till she sat down by a bench with a gentleman wearing a middle class clothing.

“Well Mr. Cedricstan, you’ve asked to meet and I’m here”

“Well Miss Blaine I’m thankful” He raised his hand for handshake which she accepted.

“What is that notebook you’re holding? Information I guess”

“You’ve asked for some information and I’d brought some, there also comments there of the informer.”

Arthur read through a few of the pages and nodded in approval. “You’ve been helping in these past few days and week, Miss Blaine. I must say whenever Eldrian were to hire they’d about leave but you’d told about almost one fourth of the common folk’s information and plus the nobles with this notebook. I’d say I had my doubts but I’d like to formally take the first few steps to join me and Eldrian”

“Well that’s an honor, Mr. Cedricstan. , I can say your being generous of picking me up from my life under Madame Florence and giving me something that interest me and teaching me a few tricks and lessons” Ciana thanked Cedricstan.

“Much obliged Miss Blaine, now I’m about tell something or well I’m sure some curiosity might arise since you’ve first met us”


“Well then, do what’s myself and Eldrian goals. Why did we call for a party in Dawning Light’s chapel, why Eldrian tasked you to do some errands while I’d observe you? Either making sure you’d succeed or fail in which case we’d abandoned you?”

“Something to do with blackmailing nobles into submission?”

“Something else in mind Miss Blaine” He said in mysteriously “Eldrian and I are planning to take over the city, all the nobles support, wealth, and power to make a stronger capital city and the country as well, you’ve heard the attack on Summit’s Chest of course. A betterment for everyone you could say that, Well Miss Blaine what can you say to that.

Ciana just smiled and replied “Well then how do you and Eldrian plan to do it and how do I fit in and join you two” she said in a sweet and deviously voice.

“Excellent! I’m about to meet with Eldrian, he’ll be joyous to know about you joining now come along Miss Blaine” He arose and extended an hand to help Ciana up. They both took the carriage in which Ciana used, meeting up with Eldrian at a shop. “Welcome aboard Miss Blaine, I’m hopeful you’ll be a part of the people I trust just like Arthur here”

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