《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 10: Thomas ( A Theory Thought for a Journey )


The caravan were now lined and ready for to leave. Two days passed since Elis and the others left, now it was for Thomas and Rowlan time to depart.They will be departing in an hour and planed on passing by Creekpool where Thomas will be traveling onto a ship with a militia crew, Thomas had gotten accepted to join the ship ride with the militia when The Smith had told Thomas of it, He had overheard that a militia battalion heading to Union's Rising by means of ship travel and they been needing a blacksmith could when they stopped at the ports. Thomas now seeing the opportunity had inquired to apply for it.

He went to the nearby Post Station in the town region where the bonfire event took place and there he talked it over with the battalion leader, William Monroe, a fitted man of his early thirty years, pale nice that showed he wasn't either scad in a fight or hardly in a fight, finely combed brown hair. of the attitude Battalion leader when Thomas had talked to him; polite and humble person. Monroe spoke in way that his voice was calm and voice a person would listen for advice. Monroe's Battalion was assigned to travel to Union's Rising and there he would report to council about the said attack along with other militia leaders. The Battalion leader had accepted Thomas' offer of his services along the ship ride to the City, Monroe had been relieved that Thomas showed for the offer and assuring him that he would be paid for services, with that he hurriedly happily returned to his parent's telling them of it.

Thomas' parents had been calmed down with his company being there for them when the the horror of the attack still plagued their minds, they had approved of his choice of going to stay at the capital city. Thomas had bid his farewell to them when the caravans were about to depart. The Caravans were mostly of trading sorts with supplies, the other ones were guards bound on protecting the Caravans on their journey to city, and then there was the Militia transport that was bound for Creekpool. The caravans now then departed on their route exiting through the main west side of Summit's Chest just like Elis' and the others' route.

It been an two hours since they departed, still it was long trip to Creekpool. Thomas had ridden in the caravan Rowlan where it was only two caravans behind the miltia transport where William Monroe and his men were at. Both of them sat at the back of the wagon. Thomas had kept his newly gotten flintlock at his holster to his right ( given to him by the General store owner as a gift ), He was silent for the since they departed, looking at the places they passed along the way, He found quiet travel calming, to help forget the night of the attack, and eager to travel by ship and get to city to reunite with his friends, After a time they were almost to Creekpool. Rowlan now with his faced expressing a thought asked "Remember the during the night of the bonfire, we overheard the conversation of the attackers, What can you make from it?".


"The attackers were arguing whether to leave, they saw what they've plan failed and left to save their lives while the others were scared of the people who hired them.".

"The part of being hired by people, that part was on my mind, Who did it, and Why?".

"I really don't have any guess to that".

"I've have some guesses, tell me would you like to hear some it?".

"Go ahead, I've like would some answers to why it happened". Thomas said wanting some light upon why the attack happen, The answers he might give me may only tavern rumors, but there at least be something true of it. maybe even finding about who hired the men and planned the attack.

"To begin shortly after the Bonfire Attack; two days after, I've went to the other Bonfire locations in the other town regions and even to the center part you know Summit's Chest. There was this one instant where while I was walking down the streets, a stranger was being chased by the militia men, Fortunately one bystander managed to block his path then quickly the militia men got on him restraining him. As you now bystanders were now crowding to see what was going on when the Officer of the group said in a clear loud voice 'You thought you could have escape from the heinous crime you and your assailants did on the horrid night !' The stranger looked terribly horrified, mumbling to himself then he spoke pleadingly 'Please I'll tell you everything that I know!, Oh please have mercy on me-'

He was cut off by one of the bystanders 'YOU SPEAK OF MERCY, HYPOCRITE, MY BROTHERS ARE SEVERELY INJURED BECAUSE YOU AND YOUR FELLOW CRIMINALS' then shouted 'GALLOWS ON HIM', with that the whole crowd started to shout gallows. I couldn't really hear what Officer was saying but in a few moments the stranger was now being dragged off while shouting 'PLEASE I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE, THE CROOKS WERE HIRED BY SOMEONE IN THE LOCAL GUARDS, PLEASE I'LL TELL ALL DON'T PUT ME TO DEATH' with still the crowd demanding on the stranger's death.

Following that me still being filled of energy try and form a theory on the matter decided to the center part of Summit's Chest.

I didn't know if you'd been there but if you didn't you should find yourself lucky, It had been an even worse situation there with tons of more damaged. continuing I found a clear yard in the city where there hanged four individuals, which from my opinion had been there for about a day or more because now three individuals are now standing on the gallows. The officer now read out loud their crimes charged at them, one individual said something the line of he wasn't a part of the attack that he was framed, with that the officer began to question him which he replied with each question thrown at him. The officer then turned his attention to the other two individuals to question them also, they replied in line of the chief crook was associated with an unknown people who made then made the auction of with the local guards who were a lined with them. The two individuals were set off back somewhere with an escort while the first was publicly shamed while he set off in a different direction with the crowds shouts of anger on the poor person. I now went to a tavern, sitting there in the front bar acting casually when I overheard two Local Guards talking, 'We've cracked several crooks and traitors but all we got is nothing but the same' the other guard replied 'although the traitorous guard they were talking about wasn't found either, maybe some of them will tell where is the bastard' they continued to ramble on with nothing to get me interested so I went home"


Thomas had listened very interestingly of his friend's story "Alright, now what's your guesses on who the unknown people are"

"From what I've gathered the Local Guard who was the traitor had found some consort with highly dangerous people who gave him a deal to turn some of the local guards to his side while the unknown people had consorted also with the gangs of crooks, then the Bonfire happened. It doesn't make any sense a few traitorous local guards and gangs of crooks to take on the militia forces that's really stupid"

Impressive, it all adds up and left some questions answered even if this is just a crazy theory. "Nice, that's a well made out theory. Just to ask why did the Local Guard had agreed to do the crime with these unknown people? I understand the crooks being easily consorted"

"The possible reasons are: Might be that the local guard be black to the core or the unknown people had convinced him"

"A nice formed theory, makes me wonder how I ever got to be friends with a person of your understanding"

"Well remember the training Thomas, remember the time the whole batch of us got punished because of me" Rowlan jested

"We'll stop at that part, but the theory you formed was nice, congratulations to you"

"Thanks, and that's a nice flintlock, can I have a look?" Thomas handed him his flintlock.

"So on the matter of the bonfire, do you think that the people who did it will be found?" Thomas asked.

"In time maybe, I don't know" Rowlan replied as he held the flintlock in his hand continuing to examine it. The ride now become quiet again as the journey went. By the time the driver of wagon had shouted that they were now at Creekpool and they were calling out for Thomas. "I'm Leaving take care Rowlan try not to get into some trouble", "You too Thomas I'd like to see who gets there first" Rowlan said jokingly as he gave the flintlock back. "We'll see take care now" as they shook hands and hugged like brothers. Thomas had now left the wagon joining Monroe's battalion as they went for the docks of in city.

Creekpool was as not as large as Summit's Chest though it was similar to it in terms of building layout. It was the only city nearby to Summit's Chest if people would like to have a ship ride. They reached the docks to be greeted a young fit sailor lad who told them were the their ship was and directed them to it. The docks were filled brim with sailors at the sides having a conversation, merchants selling products from distant countries, and the workers carrying off supplies off the ships into either places in city or off into the near the roads where the supply wagons are at. The sailor showed us to to the ship called The Seaway Doumum. The ship type was a brig from what the group was told it was a hired transport ship. They all got onto the ship and began settling their supplies in the lower part of ship.

While everything was settled Thomas had gone up deck while some of militia men were up deck while some were down. Monroe had been talking over with the Captain of the ship; Preston Orbris, A fine looking man with long short hair of the color blue black, wearing fine captain's outfit made of leather. Monroe had noticed Thomas and introduced him the captain who gave him a strong hand shake "Welcome to the my beautiful fine ship, isn't she a fine vessel she ran all over to Pheuropa and even to the colonies with such speed." he said with a strong voice. "It is a fine ship, maybe the finest ever though I'm doubting the fastest part" Thomas replied. The Captain gave a laugh and patted him on the back "Why so?", "My friend told me it all depends on wind", "Well I'm going to show you that your friend is wrong" the captain said energetically then turned his attention back to Monroe "Well to continue we must make a quick stop at Black Pool's bay in MagnaTerrainian".

"How long do you think that'll take captain?" Monroe asked.

"About only a three day trip or more, but we'll get to the city about a week or more"

"If that's the case, the militia did sent a courier to the city so the information would still reach but not my report, still I cannot do anything about it so if that's the case when shall we leave Captain?"

"Right now, my friend" The captain said as he gave commands to his sailors. The ship had made it's way to open sea and onto a visit to the country MagnaTerrainian. As a hour passed night settled as Thomas was in the upper decks of the ship looking onto the ocean, smelling the ocean air. My uncle lives there maybe by chance I could meet him. As for another hour he still on the top deck with a lantern keeping light until a few minutes he began to go down lower deck and began to sleep thinking on meeting up with his friends at the capital city. His mind began to drift onto a dream a hot pursuit of the speculation on what his friend told him, If there was so much a truth to what the guess of my of my friend, I would pursue the people who organized the attack. with that one concept in his mind as he slept.

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