《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 11: Elis ( Another Luggage )


Stoke’s Crossing a town known for trading wagons that crosses there from the path from Summit’s Chest to Brimhood and to Union’s Rising, merchant’s coming from Creekpool to sell, barter goods and off to join a wagon going places, and for it was the nearest stop from the occasional inn it had inn’s and supplies to sell for travelers. The town itself was growing rapidly with new structures being built for expansion from the small town it once was many years ago. The town had always been a busy type of place with merchants going about, wagons dropping and going by, supplies being carried off into town and out.

Elis and the caravan had now stopped and stayed for a while at the expanding town where the whole caravan's crew including his family and friends had stayed in a large wooden inn made inn that can hold up to a ton of people, the inn was specifically made for resting the weary travelers coming and passing by.

It was mid-day when Elis along with Jindagee and Paco were walking around town. They had now been in the center part of town where they've seen the merchants in the center part selling their products along with workers of Stoke's Crossing going about of their supply runs. Paco had turned his interest in a merchant who looked who came from the Colonies across the sea by the strange items for sell, one of it was a strange item that appeared to look like a musket that made from a fine light wood material though the bayonet had been made from a what appears to be made of bone. The Colony Merchant took notice of Paco and asked if he's curious of the strange musket which he replied with the absolute curiosity and asked of it's origin.

The Colony Merchant had now began to explain "Well as you know now fellas that I'm from Colonies across the sea where there lies Averigo which I originated from. I had acquired this strange designed musket from a abandoned house near over a mile away from city of Bolstone. When I've nearby I saw the town near the abandoned house gathering as it's owner had died recently, I heard stories of the man who lived in the house, apparently he was a huntsman and a scout for the Anglox Army, He was also a friend to the natives around the deep forest where the town's folk said he had become friends with one of natives as he had saved one of the natives from dying of an injury, they become close like brothers even befriended the tribe the native came from. The musket origins came from the native giving the strange materials to make this musket your now looking now, it's wood is made from a tree in the deep forest and the bayonet is from a bone from a large animal, a mammoth, you will. As to getting me getting this native musket, I can tell that the man had no relatives from my knowledge after a week when I spent in the town, so everyone was looting the belongings."


The Colony Merchant ended the story of the native musket with Paco being very interested into the native musket. Come on, You know you can't afford the weapon and why would you want a musket and where is there any instance where you would use it, we're going to a city.

Paco somewhat knew of the possibility of not retrieving the weapon and just thanked the Colony Merchant for the story origin of it. Though a man was staring at them while The Colony Merchant was telling his tale to Paco, Elis, and Jindagee.

All of them continued to see around the town; seeing the expanding town as the buildings were being built near the edge of towns, resting for a while in one of multiple inns and eventually continued to explore till they eventually returned back to the large wooden inn where the caravan is at.

Inside of the wooden inn was full of people they were travelling so they decided on sitting outside by the wagons sparking up a conversation till dusk was settling in. Since the caravan had resupplied in Stoke's Crossing they decided on spending the night and leaving at morning. Still outside of inn Jindagee had requested to go to a nearby inn for a place to stay and be back an hour later.

The inn they entered was named "Herd's Rest", they've sat in a table near the windows and started to drift in a conversation of their travels.

"In your view, how long will it be till we reached Union's Rising" Paco asked

"Still a long way, there's the Brimhood to pass through then the long road to Union's Rising. I say two weeks or less".

"Don't worry if you just dream of being there, you'll be there" Jindagee said in a deep sarcastic tone as Paco replied in a blank face with his mouth open, He can't ingest the amount of nonsense he could take from Jin, he does that so often in boredom.


"I can't believe I'm stuck with you for two weeks, two weeks of total non-sense in my head!" Paco sarcastically shouted at Jin.

"Speaking of non-sense look outside" Elis pointed outside the window; It was town's folk gathering at a center of something.

"Come on, let's go see what's happening" Elis said as he got up with Jindagee and Paco following outside. There the town's folk where gathering on the center, They managed to get in the front of the crowd to see a man laying on ground dead because of a shot through the head. The Stoke's Crossing's guards and other armed men were at the scene of the corpse. " An officer of the guards had said this "Nothing to see here folks, move along now!" with that the crowd was gone with the only people remaining there was the people to be questioned.

The news of the dead man reached the caravan as they returned with Elis' parents relieved of them not harmed. They now all began to sleep in the room where Elis, Jindagee, Janiah, and Paco are at. Dam another problem, Oh why o why, Elis thought as he drifted into sleeping then dreamed of having a good nice relaxing time at Union's Rising.

They all woke up readying their selves to leave Stoke's Crossing till the Colony Merchant had been gotten into the wagon. What's he doing joining us, he could be bargain to join us for a ride. The Caravan left shortly after with guards and armed men standing watch over the roads exiting the town thought Elis had caught a glimpse of the Colony Man getting nervous.

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