《Age of Enlightenment: Deception of Misdirection》Chapter 9: Tricia ( A Route to Travel )


The horrid event passed. The aftermath of it slowly began to disappear the broken properties are repaired, people who occupied the side walk of the streets diminished due to the some what still little chaos still affected by the aftermath math, yet a gloomy feeling still aired the town region. Leaving the town region seems to be a blessing for me and my companions.

The time to leave the town region for the Capital City was now today; weeks prior to this day the preparations to leave was delayed for days until everything was settled with Elis' Family. Tricia was on her way to her closest friend, Alisa Fratini, for the departure. When she gotten the opportunity to join the trip to the capital city she and her parents had to think of the matter, the choice was simply leaving the town region for a stay at the Capital City for a time, the discussion on the matter was confusing for her family about the leave for a time they discuss the matter at home to finally they made up their minds. Her parents decided on allowing Tricia to join the stay but it was all up to her if she wanted to go. The choice of leaving was a bit of stir on her, It was a chance of a nice offer being able to visit the capital city, a nice stay at the city for time. Seeing the exploring places and leaving the town region to forget about the night of the attack.

She decided on going for the reasons: escaping the town region because of the attack allowing some to be relaxed at a new environment and great opportunity to experience a new place. She knew in herself that she could move past the event that happened and this chance might be it for some change.

Tricia was now at the door front of her friend. The place was as much as any other place in the town region a wooden built house apartment, the house it self and others were not as much affected by the attack since the attackers never made it this far out. She knocked on the door to be opened by Alisa's Mother, Camilia Fratini she was a woman of her forty five years kind and caring person who Tricia had known for a long time, "Oh, Tricia's here Alisa !" she shouted, "Oh please do come in Tricia".

"Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll wait outside unless Alisa will take a time"

"I'm almost done ! There" Alisa shouted as she hurried down the staircase, Alisa was merely the opposite of Tricia in their appearance while Tricia was thin and short, Alisa was large and slightly taller than her with longer hair than her. "I trust you two to be careful in the City, Do please not to get separated if anything happens "


"I'll keep that in mind Ms. Fratini" Tricia said promisingly as they both left.

Elis' house was their destination to meet with their companions. Outside Elis' house was three travel carriages painted black with roofs, there beside the carriages was Paco, Elis, and Jindagee waiting."Wait where's Rowlan, Thomas, Nicholine, and Katherin?" Alisa asked.

"Nicholine and Katherin couldn't join us while Thomas and Rowlan. I've got no knowledge of those two but they kept on saying they'll join" Paco replied. "Both of them won't go now, they'll late we're already going" Elis said, "We're just waiting for my Mother and Father to prepare somethings". After a time everything was set and they've all got into the carriages on off they were to the main road exiting the town region and Summit's chest territory, they stopped at the main road near the exit to have other travel carriages, caravans, and even miltia transport there too, Elis said that were going to be travelling with a them for a safe journey but they have to wait a little longer for everyone to get ready.

Shortly after waiting Paco suddenly spatted out "Oh look, who's here" pointing to Rowlan and Thomas arriving. Why a nice farewell since they can't go. "Alright, I'm here, what I've missed" Rowlan said energetically "Yes, what did happened?" added Thomas also energetically.

"Nothing, never missed you two; paid we are to be your friends" Jindagee said in a deep voice with a grin on his face. "Same to you" Paco said with Thomas smiled and gave a small laugh at that. They all exited the carriage, Paco again spoke "Are you two going, because you can't everything is settled, sorry, but the least we can do is give a gift when we return"

"The time it takes to get to Union's Rising, time spent in city I really doubt you would remember getting a gift for us" Rowlan said bluntly causing Paco to have a look upon his face with Thomas giving laugh and complement to Rowlan's statement.

"Besides were joining you but from a different way" Thomas said.

"You two are going to city but not along with us, How?" Tricia asked.

"Thomas had his own route to go and I also" Rowlan replied.

"Wait before I forget, Paco look at this" Thomas pulled a flintlock out his satchel, The old flintlock that Hickey told me, nice present given to him. Paco was amazed and curious of the weapon as they drifted into a conversation about it. Alisa stepped in asking Rowlan "So you were saying on your own different routes?"


"Both of us will be leaving for Union's Rising, Thomas will take a militia ship to the city while I'll join a caravan to there, so likely it's more on your group or Thomas will be arriving at the city before me. which also where's the location in city to stay?"

"It's in Pathford district in of the city, in the middle area; Harrow you'll be looking for north shire street." Tricia said.

"Great, everything is settled then we'll all be leaving the town region, having a break from the horrific event. I wish you a safe journey and do please watch over Paco, Elis, and Jindagee, Tricia, they can be spontaneous to a point that some idiotic things happen along the way that'll some accidents." Rowlan said smiling.

"Same to you, you may cause some accidents" Tricia replied in a happy tone.

"Oh please, me causing trouble that's very unlikely"

"Numerous times I can recall you cause trouble" Tricia said proudly

"Impossible, Alisa tell her that I never cause trouble most of time"

"There was that one instance with you and Paco trying to get Thomas into a tavern" Alisa said.

"Alright, note taken. I'll accept the piece of the advice. though I can say the same to you, don't cause some trouble as well"

"I never cause a high amount of trouble" Tricia shockingly replied.

"I only know four times where trouble occurred just recently" she added

"Forty times she caused trouble just recently see" Rowlan jestingly said to Alisa, "But it appears that your about to leave now, farewell". They said their farewells, Tricia gave a hug to Thomas and a handshake to Rowlan, The person I know who appears to display no human emotions in normal instances. They all gotten back into the carriages and now they were off to Union's Rising. An hour passed since they left nearing the city Creekpool the nearest city where if a person would want to travel by sea. Tricia kept on staring outside passing by the fields and places, just thinking. Finally left. This break from the town region would just maybe help move forward from the bonfire night, the screams of horrified people, the mourning of the lost loved ones, and the fighting that happened, the shots fired from the both side's muskets and swords clashing against another sword, or slicing and stabbing a person. She decided on kept thinking of better thoughts to move past the horrific memory. "So how long do you think we'll reach Union's Rising?" Paco suddenly asked.

"About weeks till we've reached the city" Elis replied. Tricia paid no attention as she was in deep thought, Maybe I'll learn something visiting and staying in city, finally returning home with maybe a thing learned from the high society there in city. "Tricia, are you sad?" Paco asked.

"No, of course not why"

"You looked like you were thinking something sad or tragic by your face"

"No I wasn't, I was just in deep thought of something nothing to worry about"

"You sure, just tell if got something troubling you" Paco said in a tone of caring.

"I could tell when something troubling you Tricia, please tell it I'm here" Alisa pleaded.

"It was just about the night of the attack, I pity for the loss of lives and mourning of people who lost someone dear. I was thinking how could I help them" Tricia sad in a voice of sorrow.

"Not only that it was the after math, that made it worse. The people on the sidewalks mourning on what happened, and several dead bodies being taken off streak me deeply". Alisa place a hand on Tricia's shoulder making her reassuring her from the thoughts that plagued her mind. "I'm here, Tricia. remember we're like sisters alright" Alisa said reassuringly. Tricia felt better with her friend's compassion.

"I'm here too, if you need some help with any problems I'm here to help" Paco also said reassuringly with a smile.

"Thank you Paco, just don't yourself, Elis, and Jindagee into some trouble"

"What made you think we'll be in some sort of trouble, Jindagee I can see getting into trouble and maybe Elis but me?"

"Oh Rowlan said to keep an eye on you three, he said you three might do some idiotic things that'll cause some slight trouble"

"I'm owing that bastard a gift" Paco said deviously.

Tricia felt better from the reassurance as they continued their journey to the capital city.

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