《The Hushed Weald》Forge City IV


Tarex prepared himself as the opponent in front of him was not someone he could take lightly. There was something strange with him as well. There was a nostalgic feel and then a sudden pain. Through years he learned how to ignore pain, but this was very odd.

The man jumped at him and began striking him again and again. Every blow was strong and accurate. It made Tarex tremble as each hit felt like it could be the last he could take on.

As soon as Tarex tried to hit back, his opponent blocked his punch and hit again. He tried to get some space, but his enemy did not hold back. With a fast leap he kicked Tarex in the helmet and sent him flying into a building.

By sheer luck he managed to hit him back and create a gap between them. For once there was someone he couldn’t beat with sheer force. He couldn’t use his abilities either. Everything started to fade away. A image appeared in front of him, two people inside something that looked like a coffin.

"What is the matter your 'highness' I thought you will be stronger."

"I'm just having some fun… Alright, my loss."

He was trying to buy himself some time.


"O ho ho, then I'm sorry, do you wish to continue?"

"So you still have it in you."

The truth was Tarex did not have it in him. He thought for a moment, maybe this is was his time. Maybe he could finally embrace the angel of death and be free of his immortal shackles.

"Who do you want to fight?"

"I see nobody else. Please stop trying to buy yourself time, you disappoint me.”

"Well there is me...And there is also me... Uhm, yes."

From his armor black ooze started to drip. It was clear as day he couldn’t be faced alone in this state. His opponent realized that. Even though he appeared weak something was off. His enemy couldn’t be careless now, he managed to push him into a corner.

"I am in no position to fight you in that state. It was my loss all along it seem. For now at least. Keep in mind that there are people far stronger than any of you. Until then, stay safe."


“Mocking me like that. He was strong... Too strong… Good that I managed to pull out this stunt. He thought I was entering some kind of rage mod, he… he he…”

As Tarex was debating in his head who that man could have and how to make all the pain go away the next thing he felt was agony.

In that moment he began coughing and spitting blood. It was dark. His blood was burning the ground.

"That guy... Ah, he really hit me hard... ARGHHHH! What is this… This is not death… IT’S… so far away… Who were they… Were are they… Why…”

A few moments later Kojirou got back on his feet and returned to Tarex . He was still a bit dizzy from that hit. Once he managed to arrive Tarex was on the ground burning in a black flame.

"Hey, stop sleeping in the middle of the street. Get up already."

As he said that, Kojirou threw a bucket of water over him.

He rose up and started to look around. At that point he realized he nearly died.

"Ah... another one. Why can’t everything just end."

"What do you mean? Stop sulking around and let’s go."

"Nothing, it’s nothing, I need to get a weapon. You should start searching for those people, take the box and search for every single one of them."

"Sure thing, but what will you do? OH MY, you mean all of these…"

"I... I have to find someone around here. Also yes, all of them."

The two of them split up and so Tarex began to roam the city.

♦ ♦ ♦

In a far corner he found a shop. The one who was taking care of it seemed a bit strange.

He looked rather young. His hair was light blue and he kept it tied. His eyes were black and dressed much fancier than any of the other merchants in the city. Much fancier than everyone he knew as well. For Tarex it was really disturbing. He never liked colored and pompous clothing.

"Hello… May I ask you name?”

The man took a quick glance at him. He had a big grin on his face for a second then reverted to normal.


"Hello, Hello, Hello! I am Nephogram, how may I help you master Tarex?"

"I suppose you know me somehow or from somewhere. I won’t put any questions, but keep in mind I am not fond of people like you so let’s get down to business."

"Oh no, we never met, but I knew we will. You see, time is rather abstract sometimes. There are so many threads to follow, number one somebody lost everything and in number two he got everything. I really can’t say for sure what the future has for them as there are so many choices they have."

"Oh, I heard about people like you. You can see the future. Well then guess what will I ask."

"I know what you want. I can give it to you, free of charge. There is a thing you could do for me in exchange though. You will say either yes or no. The problem is if you say no, I still win something."

"So… you have a weapon for me?"

"Oh, this is no normal weapon. I like to call it Coelum Ruptor. The handle and the double axe head are tied with a chain which makes it an excellent weapon for someone as strong as you. It also gives you enough range to reach those annoying opponents."

"And that favor you ask for this weapon?"

"You will simply adventure into the world. That is all you need to do... and you will do it not because I asked. You will do it because you believe it's right. Your actions are right, but the overall outcome is war, famine... It is a delight watching everything. Also you should be careful, people watch you."

"You... You are no human, what are you? Also who is watching me, what is that supposed to mean."

"If I asked you the same you wouldn't know what to say. The only thing we both have in common is immortality. Ah, but your body and soul are cursed. I will let you ask me one question just because you look like a nice man. Also I am not telling you who is watching. I might get into trouble, that damnable human making me look like this."

"Ah, that means you don't know what I'm going to ask."

"Well this is a tricky one. I saw you ask many things already, but I don't know what you will truly choose."

"Tell me, what will become of me?"

"Oh... That one... Your life will be miserable. You will lose everything and everyone, you will lose your memories and roam the land for hundreds, thousands, millions of years until you collapse. You will sleep and wake up in a darker age of the world where you will meet friends and will experience true happiness. Yet that won't last forever as you will once again move forward in time."

"How will it all end?"

"There will be a girl, that will bring you so much pain. You will endure, you will sacrifice whatever is necessary and... you will live happy with her? WHAT? Now this is a new one. Might have miscalculated something. Ah you bring tears to my eyes."

"Not what you expected?"

"This is rather intriguing. To see you live happy. It sickens me, makes me want to puke. I will look again, but you won't remember me. The thing with the future is that it always changes. The past however, you can't change that."

"I think I'll get the axe and leave now..."

"You will meet many people, just as many will die. I suppose you already knew that. In the end you are immortal are you not?"


Tarex left without saying a word. At this point he managed to get a weapon, the only problem was finding the ones who caused trouble around.

"Ah dear Tarex.... If you would only know the truth about yourself, then again that would spoil all my fun. Roam this world, meet new people, make friends it will bring so much joy to me, so much pleasure. I guess if you refuse to meet my expectations... You were disposable."

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