《The Hushed Weald》The Order II


Lefric, lord of war for the order of the Acolytes. He used to be a cheerful person once, but everything comes to an end. Since he put his hands on a sword, he could never let it go any longer.

“Kana, are the new machines ready?”

She got closer to him. The council had a golden rule. Nobody must show their faces. None knew who they were or how they came to be. With the hood and the silver mask covering her face Lefric couldn’t say for sure, but he asked anyway.

“Why are you worried?”

“You are going to fight Jackal… I beg you, don’t go.”

“This again, ah, listen here… There is a time when we will all die, if this is mine then you should be glad. I get to go and scout ahead the afterlife. We might not be there together, but maybe… just maybe there is a chance. Don’t cry for my death, don’t shove it down on the other members. This is my choice and mine alone.”


“Listen here little girl, I brought you into this, I raised you. Keep on living, fulfill your desires. Leave the council, leave the order if needed, but don’t waste your life like me.”

She held back her tears. Kana clenched her fists and turned her back on him.

“We have fifty desert stalkers ready and we also managed to secure thirty crates of desolator crossbows. We found their special arrows as well. We had the blacksmiths enhance all the equipment and potions are produced by our alchemists.”

“Tell me about these desert stalkers. I saw them while they were put together, but I can’t imagine how they can move through all the sand.”

“They are spider like machines which can hold up to two thousand soldiers. The legs will generate a special field which will solidify the sand making it stone like. They can do the same thing on water as well as lava, but I doubt any soldier would survive the heat of a volcano. “


“This will surely give us an advantage. They ride those giant scorpions and use those sand boats to raid the west, but they can’t hold a siege in the middle of the desert, he he…”

“Do be careful, while they are similar to a walking fortress, they do have some flaws. This desert stalkers rely on the sun to charge and can keep going while there is light outside. During the night you should hold your ground and preserve the energy they gather.”

“Understood, anything else?”

“Don’t die.”

Kana left, but couldn’t accept his departure this time. They used to be together through thick and thin. They managed to defeat stronger opponents than the warlord Jackal, but that was because they were together. Now nobody can cover for him… only his soldiers.

As she walked down the palace stairs three other Acolytes were waiting for her.

“Kana, we have a special assignment for you.”

A glimpse of hope. Maybe they decided to send her together with Lefric. Her disappointment was even greater for thinking that.

“The order decided to send you far in the north. This is only a recon mission so do not be reckless. A rare occurrence of the red plague has appeared there. Or should we say, it existed there for a long time, unnoticed. Find out more about that place.”

“As the order demands it, I shall see it done.”

“Be careful little one. We shall send with you two Black Hounds.”

“Then I am more than safe. What made you decide to send two of the elites with me?”

“Do you know what the red plague is?”

“I don’t know, I heard about the green plague that became the fall for the Nephilims. I also remember some records of a black plague, but the details were not quite understandable. Those scrolls were extremely damaged.”


“Hmmm, you really did some research. While the black plague is dangerous, we have the means to keep it at bay. The green plague… Is a great calamity, it can’t truly be stopped the only way is to burn the vegetation in the area and hope for the best.”

He was silent for a moment, then he glanced towards the exit. The hounds were coming.

“The red plague, is just as dangerous as the green one. It forces people to drink blood and exposes them to demonic energies. They are cursed just like the last Nephilim to never die. It is important to see how far is gone since we only recently heard about this place.”

“I never heard of such a vile plague.”

“Vile indeed, but don’t be scared. Keep your distance from everyone who might seem infected and stay near your guards.”

Through the main gates two tall figures entered. Their armor was ashen and their hoods were black. They looked more like wraiths than anything else. On their gauntlets were tied twelve throwing daggers. On their waist they held scimitars and some pouches.

The two hounds kneeled before the members of the Acolyte council.

“We have arrived.”

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