《The Hushed Weald》Forge City III


In the end Tarex let the titan to get back to his work . Now his search began. He went inside an Inn close to the titan's district. Kojirou went ahead during their conversation and was now waiting for him.

"Say, got what you needed?"

"We got more work to do."

"Well then, let me finish this drink and we go."

"Nah, get another one. I want a drink as well… Know what make it two."

"So, we have more work… I suppose it’s not just any work."

"I... I have to meet Nova..."

Kojirou nearly chocked with his drink. Then he looked at Tarex in awe.

"You will get back to that woman!?"


"Well then, this might be your last drink so let’s make it count."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

Both of them drank until morning came. The inn was closed yet the owner couldn't do anything to them. In the end who would approach two warriors like them?

"Ah... I fell asleep. Gonna put the money here and go meet with... Nova..."

He let the money on the table and moved outside. Tarex walked alone through the city towards the fourth district. Even in this city filled with strange beings, Tarex was an outcast. Everyone was looking at him in fear and some with curiosity.

The city is closed to the outside world and only a few are chosen to enter. Even those are rare. In the last few decades more people began to arrive inside the city… adventurers, bounty hunters, blacksmiths, soldiers, monsters and many others. It’s believed that a group is controlling the access gate and are gathering a small army to take the city.

Tarex arrived at the brothel were Nova was working. He went in and asked her about these new ‘intruders’ from the city.

"Alright I understand up to this point what's happening. So any actual clues to where I should go and search."

"Oh come on Tarex, you hate me that much? Why do you wanna leave so soon?"

"I... I can't say I hate you, especially after the last nights. My problem is that you have no limits. You nearly killed me, not once, not twice, but five times in but a few nights."


"Well, you did enjoy it. You are a strong man Tarex, that much I realize. From my perspective, you like to brag about how much you suffered... ."

"Tha-... I guess I do that...huh, couldn't say I realized it."

"Well then, you should go and check the north district. I heard some guys were making trouble."

"I'm going out then."

"Wait. Can I see your face? I mean we know each other for a long time, but I never seen your face. Only that damned helm..."

"You can dream Nova, you can dream."

"Can you at least describe yourself? I felt your pain, I know you don’t really brag with all your suffering. You need someone you can rely on, let me understand you."

He stopped for a moment. Tarex was glad, this woman, even though she was vicious she actually cared. For a moment he really wished to talk about everything, but something stopped him.

"Goodbye Nova."

"Awwww... Jackass."

As he was leaving the pleasure district Tarex felt somebody watching him. From the shadows a few people were stalking him. Everyone went inside and it made everything even more suspicious.

At this moment in time the disctirct should have been crowded. Full of people and merchants.

From behind a man hit Tarex with a blunt weapon hoping to knock him out. Unfortunately for him, the armor was too thick.

Right after the hit the armored juggernaut turned and took a look at his assailant. The man had second thoughts about his action upon seeing the beast face to face, but now was not the time to ponder his actions.

He signaled the others and twenty more came to his rescue.

They all got close and started to hit Tarex with swords, knifes and magic attacks. They changed formations and let the second group attack again. One attack after another without pause.

Everything was covered by dust. Nobody could see a thing.

They waited for the dust to settle and there he was.

Standing. He did not move an inch, there were no dents, no scratches on his armor...Nothing.

"Wha-What are you?"

"I was hoping to be entertained by your futile attacks. Maybe to learn something new. It seems I was wrong. Only weaklings... Tell me who sent you and I might consider leaving some of you alive."


A man from behind the group felt the need to ask him about that arrangement.

"Hey, uh... If we tell you, can you let us all alive?"

"Hmmm, I suppose I could."

"Oh thanks, there is a man here in the pleasure district in a warehouse. He keeps stolen goods and other stuff there."

"Good, good to know. Now any other things I should know?"

"Yes... Behind you."

From behind someone used a concentrated spell and sent Tarex flying.

"Ah, that hurt for a change. I won't ask who you are, I won't put any questions, but damn. That spell really packed a punch.

"Thank you deer. It is a pleasure to meet yo-..."

Everything began to roll around. There was a strange feeling and then a sudden pain.

His head was cut clean off with one swift swing.

♦ ♦ ♦

"Hey friend, you know it's not nice to let others sleep at the table. Should have told me we had to move you know?"

"Ah, I wanted to kill that guy. It's been so long since I got some actual damage and not from Nova."

"So what did you find?"

"Wait a moment Kojirou. -Spectral Shift- "

The city bcame grey and from Tarex a dark shape emerged.

It ran through the city and started scouting.

"What was that?"

"My other self."

"In any case, were are we going now?"

"That warehouse might be a trap, but there could be clues as well."

"It's not like they can kill us, so let’s go."

They searched the place for a few hours. In the end there was only one building. It seemed abandoned and it didn't resemble a warehouse at all. It looked more like a shack.

"Lets see what's inside."

"After you, I don't like dusty places. I keep sneezing."

"You serious right now? Fine you little shit, I'm going alone."


There was nothing inside. Only old furniture and broken walls.

Tarex decided to go in the basement and check what could be there. He found what he needed. Round tones inscribed with runes. These were left after somebody entered the city through the main access gates. It was a method to keep track of the people entering the forge. Such a large ammount showed there were a lot of illegal trespassers.

The problem was there were only names, many names. He couldn't narrow down the area of search. He couldn't find anything about each individual besides the name. It was pointless to look any further He could take each stone and search around the city due to their proprieties, but that would take too long and Tarex is not as patient as others might think.

He got the box with the stones and went outside.

"Hey Kojirou. I found something, there are too many people so we are going to separate."

"Yeah... Wait. There is someone watching us."

"I hope there is not another ambush."

"Oh, but we are not doing things that way, Kojirou if you may let us discuss in private that would be best."

The man who appeared kicked Kojirou far enough to have a little talk with the Nephilim.

"Who might you be then?"

"My name is not important. You should stop what you are doing and give the stones back."

"I'm sorry, but after I take you cockroaches out, I'll get the armada. It would be a big help if you all died by your own will, but hey where would the fun be in that."

"What is this Armada you are talking about? I heard you talking with the titan about it as well. Is it that precious?"

"Heh, it's so much more. Enough of that, I suppose you want to fight?"

"Heh... indeed, I don't like fighting, but it was quite some time since I had a good opponent."

"Would you risk your life?"

"Oh, but how else would we fight?"

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