《Soul Status (HIATUS)》Chapter 3


I was now in the town but to be frank I am right now totally lost because due to many people just moving around the streets and the buildings around that look similar to each other, I was just too confused.

This map that the guard gave me also makes no sense to me since I don’t even know where the heck I even ended up and I look around to see if there is anything that would let me know where I am currently, but that finished as a failure.

At this result the only thing I could do really was ask one of the locals that live here in which at this prospect I could only release a deep sigh because I didn’t want to do talk to anyone due to me being bad at public speaking.

But there was no other choice so I tried to muster the courage I had deep inside of me and I started to shift my legs towards a young adult who was just leaning against a wall, and as I got close to him he began to stir.

He then proceeded to look directly to me and just asked lazily “What do you want kid?” at this question I gulped and I open my mouth saying in a barely audible voice “Um… I was just wondering if you could just give me some directions”.

When I finished saying this the man just scratched his head and looked at me in which with an annoyed voice responded with “Okay kid where do you want to go and please make this quick” at his response I felt relief washing over me.

I then started to ask him with a little bit of a shaky voice “Do you know where the Verona Magic School Academy is and also tell me where the Soldier barracks are located please?”. When I finish saying all of that the man snorted and said “Kid the school registration is ending today at 17:00 T. are you sure you can make it in time because when it ends you can’t register.”


When the man said this I could only show bewilderment because I personally thought that the registration would close at the end of the day not in the middle of the day and at this realization I quickly checked the time in which the crystal showed me that it was currently 16:38 T.

When I saw this I began to panic and quickly took notes about the directions to the locations in which the man told where they were. I instantly began to ran to the magic school academy looking at my notes about it because my life depended on this I needed to arrive there on time, and after running like a headless chicken for 15 minutes I arrived at the academy in which I hurriedly began to register.

Giving the documents to the person who is in charge to check if I’m at least 15 years old in which I am today I began to shiver uncontrollably because if I had arrived minutes later then my life would have ended without a doubt right now and I thanked to god that I had arrived in time.

After a few moments of waiting the person in charge came and told me with a infuriated voice “You now have been registered and I have to tell you kid that you have to thank your little stars that you arrived in time because if you didn’t then you wouldn’t have this chance of entering the school, honestly what were you thinking arriving this late!”

As I heard this I really couldn’t respond back after all it truly was my fault for not knowing that the registration ended at this time because of me being too excited finding out in the past that there was a chance for me a stateless person to live in the future and due to that I got careless.


“Well at least you’re reflecting on your mistakes and I guess i’ll take you to the auditorium right now as the entrance exam is about to start so come on follow me.” this is what the person in charge told me so as he commanded I stood up and followed him to the apparent auditorium of this academy.

After walking along the campus he came to a stop in front of a door and solemnly told me “Well good luck on your entrance exam you’ll need it.” He walked away after that and so I guess that this is the time for me to enter and after breathing in and out huge amounts of air I entered in which the scene in front of me shocked me.

The reason for this was the auditorium room was packed with many people and I think that there were at least thousands of people just here waiting for the entrance exam to be announced. This gave me a sensation of my legs turning into jelly slime and my whole body felt like it was about to break down into little parts right here, right now.

But I was somehow able to push down this sensation deep down into me until I felt like it disappeared completely in which made me feel much better than before. I then looked up and saw that for some reason everyone here turned deadly silent and stopped being restless unlike before and I soon saw the reason why.

There was a person up in the podium in which if I had to describe him he had really sharp and acute features and I felt like he gave a presence of dominance over everyone here after all he seemed really tall and robust with dark green hair and also with his green piercing eyes it felt like I was suffocating honestly.

After a while of the atmosphere being like the man began to speak with an ominous voice “Hello everyone my name is Dargon and I am the principal of this school and I will be the one setting up the entrance exam everyone here will be taking right now.”

After a slight pause he again started speaking again “The exam is simple if you want to get in to the school then bring me with the spatial rings I am about to give to you 300 worth common magic beasts corpses by the end of the day.”

At this statement everyone around me began to act outraged and were shouting at the principal about this request he was giving and as for me the only thing I did was have a thought of “How the heck am I supposed to get 300 worth of common magic beast corpses in under 7 hours!”

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