《Goblins :Rising》The Beginnings of Something Great 3


Gablin and her squad stood at the front of the troll cave waiting for her signal.

But first, she turned to look at her squad.

She was proud of them. One month of blood, sweat and tears had brought them here. They were about to have a fight for their lives.

But first, she felt the need to make a speech.

'' We have come a long way from our weak beginnings. We have achieved power and stand before the last obstacle to our freedom. I am proud of you''

She could see the pride in their eyes as she spoke. She paused to collect her thoughts.

'' Now we stand on the precipice of true freedom, from where we can make our own choices, decisions and live our lives THE WAY WE WANT!!!!''

Their cries of agreement spurred her to finish.

'' But we can't get sloppy. Even though we're all on similar levels with him, it's gonna be a hard fight''

This realization made their faces turn grim and they looked serious.

'' But if you follow my lead I'm sure we can all come out victorious. Now, who's with me?''

'' We are'' they all said with one voice.


We all rushed forward in formation. Ulgrig and Gringor at the sides, me taking the centre and Fehia at the back. Algorr skulked in the shadows waiting to assist.

We stopped before his sleeping hulk.

'' Fehia, would you do the honours?''

'' With Pleasure''

She sent an arrow into his side using one of her new skills Power Shot to increase its penetration.


He looked down to see us at his feet with weapons. It wasn't hard to guess our purpose even for a moron like him.


'' MINION. Do you dare rise up against your master? My chief of staff?''

His surprised tone pissed me off.

'' I'm not your chief of staff and after today I never will be. Guys let's kill him!!!''

With that, the battle for our freedom began.

Gringor nods to me and dashes forward his eyes going red as he activates Berseker's Rage. We all rush to back him up.

Our Boss didn't take this lying down and got to his feet with a roar. He grabbed a pillar of stone I had never seen behind him and swung it at us.

'' GUYS DUCK!!!''

I quickly skid forward on my knees and run towards him. I can see Gringor already bashing at him with a club but he's trying to swat him away. Gringo doesn't allow this and uses a new ability [Barbarian Roar] to stun him to his knees.

This doesn't escape my notice. I quickly use Mana Slash to attack him. He tries reaching out to me but Fehia suddenly starts peppering him with arrows and Algorr starts stabbing at him.


The force behind this pushes us back against the wall. I quickly get my wits together and check on the others.

''Guys you alright?''

'' Yeah ''

'' Present''

'' All good ''

'' Okay Boss''

Good. It seemed they were all still alive. Gablin took this time to consider their situation.

She used her Status Scan to check the troll's health. He still had 70% health.

That was good. She had actually been expecting it to be much higher.

Now she had to think of a way to bring him down successfully.

It took her a few minutes but she thought of one that might work and shared it with the others.


Their Boss was waiting smugly for them when they arrived.


'No. We're here to kill you '' Gablin said as she launched herself at him with renewed vigour.

He tried swinging the pillar at her but she ducked underneath and swung her sword at his leg. It went deep inside and made him roar with pain.


Suddenly Gringor jumped up like five meters and brought his club down with full force on the troll's knee.

His leg gave out and he fell to one knee.


They all attacked as one. Fehia peppering him with arrows, Grigor hitting him with his club, Gablin and Ulgrig swinging away while Algorr dealt death from the shadows.

He tried swinging at them with his club but they were all able to duck out of the way. Things became worse for him when one of Fehia's arrows took out his eye.

He raised his hand to his eye and this was when Algorr struck, burying his dagger in his neck.

The sweet smell of his blood almost drove Gablin mad with ecstasy but she kept a hold on herself.

Blinded, injured and outnumbered the troll began to go Berserk and this just sealed his fate.

In his rage, he didn't see Gringor lift the pillar of stone and swing it in his direction with a vicious roar.

The strike levelled him and let Algorr mutilate his body.

On his last legs, the troll opened his eyes and saw Gabnstanding over him, ready to end his life. The troll tried begging Gablin to spare his sorry ass but she wouldn't hear of it.


He wilted before her. Gabin couldn't believe she had ever been scared of this pathetic being.

''You are a useless excuse for a living being but you have taught me one thing'' Gablin said her voice dripping with disdain.

'' What's that ?'' the troll asked. He may as well go out knowing what had caused his downfall.

'' That masters rule not through fear but having the strength to enforce that fear. You lost because you no longer had the strength to enforce fear on us''

As he realised this, the troll lost all spirit he had left. He retreated into himself.

'' In that case, finish me off. A weakling like me has no place here anymore''

'' With pleasure'' Gablin said and ended his life with a single swing.

She couldn't believe it. She had finally killed the Bane of her existence. SHE WAS FREE!!!

She joined the others to celebrate and dance around for a few minutes.

Then they stopped to catch their breath.

'' What do we do now Boss?'' They all asked breathlessly.

'' WHAT DO WE DO NOW? Why we feast of course''.

And with that Gablin, leader of the Goblin Squad started feasting

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