《Goblins :Rising》The Beginnings of Something Great 2


After feasting on the manling's corpse, Gablin addressed her squad.

'' Guys, we need to talk''

They all faced her attentively.

'' I had been thinking for a while about how we could escape that moron but it seemed hopeless. It seemed ridiculous. But now we have something he doesn't have. Access to this System''

Her voice suddenly rose in tempo.

'' But now we can fight back. We may not be able to take him on immediately but soon we can end his pathetic existence. We can dance on his corpse and feed on his flesh''

Her minions let out cries of excitement.

'' But it will all depend on you guys. Will you stand by me?''

'' Always Boss'' Fehia said determined to help her boss rise to the top.

'' Will you fight with me?''

'' Us against the world '' Ulgrig said who loved a good brawl.

'' Will you be there for me?''

'' Forever Boss'' Algorr who was a major coward muttered.

'' Then if you are willing to pledge your allegiance to me''

'' Forever your minion ''

'' You're the Boss forever''

'' My allegiance is yours''

'' You're the boss, Gablin''


One hour of sorting through the loot left behind by the manlings and dragging everything to their storage chambers ensued. Gablin of course did nothing and bossed the other four around.

Then she took the four deer to her unknowing master.

''Minion this deer is very succulent''

'' Thank you, master''

'' Now go and let me eat''

How rude. But it let Gablin go and meet up with her minion and have a very good Dinner. After which they spent hours discussing everything they had learned about the System. Gablin informed them they would pick their first jobs the next morning.

Morning rays shone on Gablin's body and woke her up. After a hurried breakfast, Gablin called a meeting.

'' Last night I announced that all of us except Algorr would be picking our first classes today. I'll give you a few minutes to deliberate and then we'll pick''

After waiting a few minutes she did so.

'' Well Fehia?''

'' So Boss I've decided to pick Ranger as my first class''

'' Great choice. It will be useful in scouting through the forest''

'' Thanks, Boss''

'' You're welcome''

'' Ulgrig?''

''I've decided to take on the Warrior class''


''What weapon will you use?''

'' The sword''

'' That's perfect for somebody like you. It will help you very well ''

'' Thanks, Boss''

'' Welcome''

'' Last but not least Gringor ?''

'' I've decided to take on the Berseker class''

'' Good for you. Fits your violent personality.''

'' I know Boss''

'' Well I guess it's my turn''

All her minions looked expectantly at her waiting to hear the class she had chosen.

'' As for me, I have chosen the Swordsman class. I like the sword and I feel it will be a great fit for me''

They all seemed happy with her choice of class though she sincerely didn't care what they thought, only whether she liked the class.

'' Great. Now let's all choose our new class''

Gablin brought up the Blue Screen and got ready to confirm her choice.

Do you confirm Swordsman as your choice of Class?

'' YES!!!!''

There was a burst in her head as she felt something settling in. It felt nice.

Congratulations. You are now a level 1 swordsman. You have learned Basic Sword Mastery.

Gablin could feel this new information settling in her brain. he couldn't wait to test it out.

'' Guys let's form up. Ulgrig and Gringor at the front, me behind them and Fehia at the back. Algorr, you just sneak around and kill silently''

We quickly got into formation and moved out. With Fehia's new skills Scout's Eye and Hunter's Nose we were able to come across a pack of wolves.

We took a few minutes to discuss strategy and burst into battle.

Gringor activated Berseker's Rage and dashed forward swinging his club around.Gablin and Ulgrig flanked him and started dealing death while Fehia provided ranged support.

The wolves didn't take this lying down and started snapping at them. Gringor started losing some blood which increased his damage. With a delighted roar, he bashed a wolf's head in.

The wolves were dropping like flies and the Alpha noticed. He made for Fehia whose pesky arrows were disrupting their attacks. Ulgrig moved to support her and blocked the wolf's jaw with his shield.

'' Algorr back us up''

From nowhere a dagger emerged and stabbed into the wolf's side. It started losing blood which made it weak. Gablin and Gringor had killed all the other wolves so they came to help finish it off. It fell quickly after.

''So guys let's review what we've learnt''


They were standing amid the corpses and talking.

'' Gringor?''

'' I should have coordinated my dash with you guys. I left a gap behind me. I'm sorry''

'' That's okay. Algorr?''

'' I didn't contribute more. I was weak and cowardly. It won't happen again''

'' Good. Ulgrig?''

'' I didn't coordinate with Gringor very well. As a tank, I could have done more. Forgive me''

'' Accepted. Fehia?''

'' My shots on;y disrupted their attacks. I never shot to kill and that allowed them to injure Gringor. Sorry''

'' That's okay. We're all still alive. Now let's see what we gained''

You have gained levels.

You have gained levels.

You have gained new skills.

Danger Sense, Dodge and Mana Blade.

Hmm. It seemed Danger Sense helped her perceive danger, Bloodlust and enemies with higher levels than her. Dodge was self-explanatory but Mana Blade was a sword skill.

It worked by applying her mana to her sword and making it sharper. She tried her sword normally on a tree.

It went deep inside but stopped halfway. Then she tried it with Mana Blade. It went through the entire tree.

Gablin couldn't believe it. She saw her minions staring at her. It seemed neither did they.

'' Did you guys also gain levels?''

It seemed they gained XP proportional to the damage done as Algorr was still level 3 while most of them were level 5 with Gringor being level 7.

She was thinking of what to do next when her master's voice boomed through eh forest.


Ugh. That revolting word. She couldn't wait to kill him. She wondered how high his level was. She had never checked her status screen so she focused inward.

Name Gablin Level



Swordsman Lvl 5(Primary)

Hmm. If she could recall that Olivier guy had said she could have more than one job at a time.

'' Comin master''

Gablin raced to her master's lair and was surprised to see a new skill unlocked.

Status Scan

This allows you to see the status of anyone around you except those who have items to help them hide their status.

Perfect. This would allow her to see her master's level. But wait this meant anyone who had this skill could see her level. And Gablin didn't think this skill wasn't common. After all who wouldn't want to see the levels of everyone around them. She needed to get one of those items that could hide her status.

She went to see her lazing master and used Staus Scan on him.

Name Golzarrthor




Cave troll

Jesus. Level 25? He could probably crush all of them with one swipe. She would have to recalculate.Her plans didn't account for him having knowledge of the system.

Anyway, this was just a temporary setback.

'' Minion?''

'' Yes master?''

'' Those deer you got for me were good. Go and get more for me''

'' Yes Master''

As she turned to leave he called her back.

'' WAIT''

'' Yes master?''

'' Come back and stand before me''

As she stood before him, he bent down to look at her. For a moment she thought he had Status Scan and would realize she had knowledge of the system. She thought of making a run for it but dismissed it immediately as he was probably faster than her. She also couldn't fight him as he had five times her level. But what could she do?

And Gablin realized she couldn't do anything. She was powerless.

As she began to drown in despair and hopelessness, her master broke her out of reverie.

'' You can go. I thought you might have gained access to the System but it seems you haven't.''

'' Master what's the System?''

'' Oh, just something made for the Bosses like me. Not something a stupid minion like you would understand''

That's what you think she thought silently but outwardly presented a smile.

'' You truly are a wise master and I am just a stupid minion''

'' You are indeed a stupid minion and I'm a wise master. Now go bring this Great One food''

'' Right away Boss''

Gablin skipped away happily to get his food. She would get his food alright.

In fact, she would be the best minion in the world for the next few weeks. Because she knew something he didn't.

Which was that while she alone couldn't defeat him, with all of them working together he was nothing more than a buffet waiting to be served.

Over the next few weeks, the Goblin Squad alternated between practising their skills, cooking for their master and serving Gablin.

One month later they all stood at the entrance to his cave waiting in anticipation for Gablin to give the signal.

Because they were all now level 25.

And they were ready to feast.

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