《Goblins :Rising》Minion



Gablin so hated that name. It was so demeaning and undeserving of someone like her. I mean, look at her.

She had an amazing body. 3 foot 8 and with a lean muscular body, she was practically built for her job of being a chief of staff.

''Yes master'' Ugh. Look at this oaf bossing her around. A 7-foot tall behemoth, he was more muscles than brain. The only thing he had going for him was his regeneration.

''Minion. Take your minions and go find me some food''

''Okay master. But it is becoming dangerous for us to forage in the woods. Perhaps you could accompany us?''

''Minion, you are talking without brains. How can I, a boss sully myself with gathering food? No. That is for you, my chief of staff''

''I apologise master. We shall go and forage some food for you''

''Good minion. Bring at least four deer or I might have to do some downsizing''


''Yes. I will eat some of your sub-minions if I am not satisfied''

This bastard, this low born excuse for a boss wanted to eat her squad. Gablin almost wished she was serving a dragon. At least they treated their minions fairly.

'' I will ensure master is sufficiently fed''

'' Good. Now leave me be''

Muttering as she left, Gablin walked through a series of dark tunnels, her night vision letting her see clearly as she ascended to the surface to meet her group standing on guard.

As they saw her, they all saluted hurriedly. They could tell she wasn't in a good mood.

Here they all stood. The Goblin Guard.

Gringor. Ulgrig, Fehia and Algorr.

'' Trouble boss'' Fehia, her second-in-command asked?

'' Yes. Our submoronic boss has asked for four deer or he will have to do some downsizing''


''Downsizing?'' Algorr, their assassin and the most cowardly asked.

''Yes. Basically, he will eat one of you if he is not satisfied''

''What? That's bullshit, that shit-eating ashole


Silence descended immediately.

'' I know some of you are frightened at the prospect of being eating but I can promise you that as long as we work together, Not only will we not get eaten we shall escape this pathetic existence''

'' Now Ulgrig, you have the best nose. Smelled anything?''

'' Hang on, boss'' Ulgrig paused to sniff around.

'' Okay, I've got some deer by Kraken Pond. If we hurry we can catch them easy''

''Good. How many?''

'' At least ten''

'' Any other predators in the area?''

'' ''None that I can see-Oh fuck''

'' Did you smell any predators?''

'' Yes. A group of manlings are approaching from the Green Lodge. About fifteen of them. Hunting party''

''How can you tell?'' Algorr asked curiously.

'' Their hounds reek''

'' It does not make a difference how many they are. They shall either kill us or we kill them''

'' So pretty much, our standard situation aye boss ?'' Fehia asked with a grim look on her face.

'' Correct. Now let's march to Kraken Pond double-time''

And so Gablin and her loyal squad set off to face the manlings. They would kill or be killed

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