《Goblins :Rising》Hunt At Kraken Pond


The Goblin Guard marched in swift silence.

Algorr sneaked through the undergrowth ahead of his teammates. Gablin had sent him ahead to scout for the manlings.

''Stupid manlings'' thought Algorr as he sneaked around. They weren't anything special. He had seen way more terrifying species than them. Heck, even the troll terrified him more.

Hang on what was that he smelt? It smelt like...

Ugh. He had discovered the manlings' location. He followed their smell until he came upon a camp close to the lake.

The ugly manlings seemed to be preparing for the hunt. They were strapping on armour, readying the hounds and consuming venison.

Goody. Manlings may be a horrible species but at least they knew how to cook good food.

He estimated at least 7 of them were archers judging by the bows and arrows. The remaining seemed to be a mix between infantry and archers.

Well, he had seen enough. Time to go report back to Gablin.

He dashed back into the bushes and ran until he reached their base camp where the others were waiting for him.

'' Report'' Gablin said immediately she saw him.

'' At least seven archers seen and a few infantry''

''What weapons were infantry carrying?''

'' Short swords boss''

'' Hmm, better odds than I was expecting. You didn't see a mage?''

'' Negative. They wouldn't bother sending a mage out on a hunt''

''Good. That gives us less to worry about. Can we reach the lake before them? We could set up an ambush''

'' Yes boss, they are still preparing for the hunt''

''Good. Let's go hunt''

Gablin's POV

We had reached the pond way before the humans did and set up an ambush for them.

Our strategy was simple. Pick off the archers and then overwhelm the infantry.


As I hear them approaching, I turn to my squad who are waiting nervously.

'' Are you guys ready?''

'' Yes ma'am''

'' Affirmative''

'' Ready to go''

'' Okay. I know some of you are scared but as long as we stick to the plan we should all come out of this alive. Now move to your positions''

I watch as the others clamber up the trees and wait.

Soon the first humans come into view. It seems they are approaching Infantry in front, Archers at the back just as I predicted.

The archers seem to be carrying shortswords as secondary weapons. Great.

I wait for all the infantry to pass ahead before I gave the crow call signal for the others to begin.

Oliver Trombeau was nervous.

And why shouldn't he be? They were going on a hunt in Kraken territory with no mage support.

He wasn't a coward but he liked to live a simple life with no danger involved.

Small wonder how he got here.

He turned his horse to his best friend Daniel Argonaut.

''Hey Daniel, what do you make of this hunt. Isn't it a bit dangerous?''

'' Relax Oliver. With all of us working together, there's no way we aren't going to eat well tonight''

'' If you say so Daniel, I just-''

'' Hoho, what do we have here? Does Mama's boy Ollie need some words of encouragement?''

He turned to face my bitter enemy, Ulduar Monique.

'' Shove a plug in that trash hole you call a mouth. I ain't scared of no monsters. I'm just being cautious''

''Hmph. Seems to me like you're just scared''

''If you're so brave Ulduar, why aren't you in front with the infantry''Daniel asks as he comes to my rescue.

Ulduar says nothing for a moment then suddenly pushes his horse past us.


'' Ah screw both of you. I don't have to listen to this crap''

We both laugh at his retreating back.

'' Thanks, Daniel''

''No problem. Now let's catch up with the infantry. I would like to get some level-ups''

'' Agreed''

We both start turning our horses to face the main path but I hear a sudden oomph behind me.

I quickly turned my horse around and was stunned to see Goblins dropping down from the trees and attacking my fellow archers.

I was shaken out of my reverie when a scrawny goblin jumped down from a tree and landed behind sweet, nice Davis. Before he could do anything the goblin seized his short sword, pulled it out from the scabbard and stabbed him under the ribs several times.

'' Davis!!! Daniel let's go and assist the rest ''

I give my horse a kick in the side and spurred it forward.

As I came upon the scrawny goblin, I slashed at it with my sword. To my surprise, it managed to parry my attack and slash at my chest. I was forced to roll off my horse and fall to the ground.

I spat the dirt out of my mouth and rose to face the beast.

I activate one of my skills [Agi Up] and become faster. I zoom towards it and try to slash at its side.

To my chagrin, it spins out of the way of the sword and now has a clear shot at my chest. It launches a powerful overhead slash at my chest.

I raise my sword to defend against it but I am forced backwards.

Hmph. I activate another skill [Whirlwind Dash] thinking to take it by surprise.

I dash towards the beast. It would appear I have managed to surprise it.

My dash breaks through its guard and forces it to the ground. I kick its sword away and prepare to end its miserable life.

'' You're through!! This is what you get for killing Davis ''

I look up just before a stone smashes into my skull and knocks me unconscious.

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