《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》Chapter7: The Demon of Time!


“This is the principal office.”

James already got to the school, finished his morning classes, and now was the time for lunch. But as it seems, Luke had met him at that time and took him here.

“Yeah,” Luke said, “I took you to the right place.”

“Weren’t you talking about a local school thug?”

“Hey,” Luke took a step back, almost looking to feel offended, “I’ve got the 3rd highest result in the state for the last year. I was even shown up on local TV.”

“Wow!” James let, in mockingly, a surprised face, “should I ask for your sign.”

Luke could only click his tongue. He was 2 years older and he needed to act according to his age.

“Come in.”

Luke entered first, leaving the door behind opened for James, who made his way inside before closing the door.

In front of him was a tall bald man, 6.7ft standing and smiling. This was the principle, Caesar. He looked to be in his 50th.

“I was waiting for you,” Caesar had a warm smile and a gentle tone. His hazel eyes were scanning James, while the latter scanned him.

He had a grey beard, not thick yet not thin.

The principle was a fit person despite his age. However, everyone knows that he uses a stick to support himself.

“Waiting for me? I just got here yesterday,” James said.

Why would he wait for him?

“And you refused my invitation,” Caesar said as he gestured to James to sit on the couch.

“Please, pardon Luke, maybe he said the wrong words.” Caesar smiled warmly.

Luke rolled his eyes as he showed a bored expression. He didn’t seem to like the note he was getting.

The principal continued, “The truth is, I was waiting for you for a long time. One of the reasons why I stayed in this school for the last 10 years.”

‘That’s weird?’ James thought. If it wasn’t about what he had experienced yesterday, or that he wasn’t curious about Rakash or whatever, he would call the cops right now.

“I’m sorry, you may have got the wrong person.” James said, “I’m just an orphan here.”

“Oh please, the son of Maria and Sam.” Caesar said.” Those are your parents, I knew them, with their real names.”

James raised his eyebrows. Those were secret information. What Caesar said was only known to the government and justice leagues, as his identity as the only powerless from superheroes family may expose him to danger.

The fact that Caesar knew his parents made James’s interest raise.

“Your father and I were on the same side,” Caesar walked to his office, supporting himself with his stick, and sat down.

“What side?”

“I guess you, by now, figured it out.Demons.” he said, “Creatures that are known to be a myth. Not from this world. I believe that you know about their existence.”

James raised his eyebrow as Caesar continued, “I and Sam had fought with them. Before they take him away, we had seen the future. That’s how I knew you are here, and that’s why I am trying to stop that future from happening.”


“My father is dead,” James said, biting his lip.

As he remembers, when he was 7 years old, his house got the news of their father’s death. There wasn’t a body, but only ashes handed to them.

“That what they had told you,” Caesar said, looking down to the ground, “I’m not saying that he is alive either.”

“Who are you?” James kept calm as he felt his heart beating faster.

“I am someone who is trying to save the world. If the Demon come to earth, then, only the servants of that race are going to make it in a new hell; Earth would be just a previous name.”

“Isn’t that Heroes Jobs?” James said, “I believe they are more willing to hurt themselves and even their families if it came to that — Saving the world.”

Luke supported his chin with his wrist and stared at James. He let a small chuckle. “Only if you know why we can’t — “

Luke shut his mouth when Caesar raised his hand.

“I believe the right answer, yet question is,” Caesar said, “who are those servants.”

James was smart enough to get the hint.

“The heroes.”

But it still didn’t make sense. If you tell this to any citizen, they would kill you for being disrespectful. Heroes were symbol here. They save people daily. Protect citizens from villains rage, murders, rapes, and so.

“Partially, not exactly.” The principal stood up and walked a bit until he was next to the window. “The ones behind them. Who controls them.”

“What you are implying.” James stood up, extended his hand, as a gun appeared, “My father was a hero. My brother, Mom, and that… I know them. There is no way they would shut up and let that slide if that was true.”

There is no way his father would be a friend to such a person.

Luke didn’t react as Caesar raised his hand again. “Why do you think the two of them vanished. Especially your father.”

Then, he reached a picture inside his pocket and threw it. James caught it and looked inside. It was his father’s picture with Caesar. Looking very closely, he could tell that it wasn’t photoshop — as he knows how to use it.

“Your father tried to warn them when their authority wasn't that corrupted. But, because they knew that he stole something from them. You know the rest, the explosion who took a strong hero like your dad, and how they gave you his ashes.”

“You mean the government, the Order.”

Caesar sighed deeply, ”All of the heroes and the citizen are manipulated by them, not knowing why. Even some of our beloved symbols are involved with them.”

James found it somehow hard to believe.

“Those corrupted ass holes,” Luke suddenly said, disdain shown on his face. “I’ll never forget.”

Caesar continued, “Your father, secretly before your birth, exactly, took something from them, blood. But unfortunately, years later, they found out about him and not me.”

“What thing?” James felt that he was involved here personally. Still, his tone was cold as ever.

“Something that belongs to Rakash, one of the Demon Emperors.”


James suddenly opened his eyes widely. He didn’t know why, but he felt his heart beating widely. No, he was hearing his own heart beating.

“Just like there are Angels who are known for their abilities, such as the Angel of Death, the Angel of Lightning.” Caesar continued, “Rakash, one of the fallen Demons. He was known as Demon of Time.”

James started to breathe. He felt that his arm was quite getting hot. That tattoo must have appeared. But it must be activated.

Thinking about it. James had controlled time yesterday. Rakash is the Demon of time.

Yesterday that Demon said, ‘Rakash Blood,’

“Have you ever wondered why a 3rd generation hero born like you doesn’t have abilities? Even your twin has the ability to absorb power from the Moon. But, your DNA, is just without ability—” Caesar said.

“Blood…” James said, his face turning pale.

In his life, he had doubts that he was an adopted person. But he passed that test.

But, could it be that his blood was related to a demon.

“Well, there is a curse in your blood.” Caesar said, “You are the one who got Rakash’s curse in his blood. It was a kind of fallout for what your father did.”

“What did he do to me,” James shouted.

“The curse is beyond explanation,” Caesar titled his head, “When the times come, I’ll explain to you. For now, consider yourself, someone, with abilities from that demon.

“But it allows you to have the most unique ability, the power to manipulate time, not to mention Demon’s strength.”

James felt confused, as he was trying to connect dots.

Luke, from the corner, lit up a cigarette and said, “James, If you want a hint. The Demonic Power of Emperors gets activated once they pass their awakening ceremony. Or, they hold the blood of a Demon they defeated.” Luke continued after making a cloud in the office. “You, yesterday, I believe, reversed time after you fell down by that rock.”

James narrowed his eyebrows and looked at Luke. He had a feeling that rock was caused by him. But, still, how would he know as James had reserved time.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Luke said, “I have double abilities. One is Record, which allows me to record anything I want in my mind. You, yesterday, had avoided a rock that was going to fall on you, without seeing it or seeming to be aware of it until the last moment. I had a doubt that you had seen the future — but that impossible since you hadn’t touched the blood. Which only left me, the doubt that you touched it and went back in time.”

Caesar just glared at Luke.

Luke looked back at Caesar, “What! he can know of that, right.”

“Guys, what do you want.” James looked at the two of them.

He was confused now. But he didn’t show that on his face.

All he understood that his blood is cursed, and he has some demonic abilities that Rakash had. That explains his enhanced hearing and especially vision.

Caesar walked toward James, patted his arm and smiled, “with my power, and your ability, I believe that together, we can stop the World of Demons from invading.”

James lowered his head for a bit. He started thinking for a while before answering.

“What does this have to do with me. And what’s your power.” James still wouldn’t trust anyone.

“For the greater good. The bigger picture. Our society, and you, are fooled with the heroes and the system. If we don’t step in, then, in less than two years. Heroes will fall like flies. Imagine citizens with no powers; normal humans.

“You may wonder what our reasons are.

“I don’t like doing this, neither Luke nor the others around. But we all have our reason.”

Caesar seemed to be honest.

“Why do you think I’d accept.”

James said. But he thought again. His father. The curse in his blood. His mind just seemed that it won’t in peace until he finds about that.

“Once the Demon world invades, James,” Caesar said, “not the heroes around would be enough. Just think about it, not only the civilians would die. Just think about your sisters. They are good people. Both, I’m sure, would like to be in the front line. While the involved ones, the ones who like reputation, would escape, that if they aren’t involved with Demons.

“Not to mention, because of them, you have the curse of the Demon of time. Your father had hoped that with the power of time, we would stop the Demons from invading.

But Alas, you lost your DNA ability in the result. But you gained something better. A Demonic curse, and the most unique one.

“But with me, no worries, I can teach you. Help you reach the peak of the peak. Your blood would surpass any student I had thought ”

“Really?” Luke exclaimed, almost sounded offended.

James walked away from Caesar and rested on the couch. The part talking about death, and how two stupids sisters would stand in front lines, seemed to pock him.

‘It’s not like I care anyway.’ James thought, focusing at his arm.

What he understood, Caesar has some ability, like a trainer ability. It looked like he was confident to unleash the power in his blood.

“I may be interested,” James said, “but I haven’t accepted yet.”

‘Not to mention, I don’t do things for free.’ He thought.

That’s right. His bank account is crying.

“And I need to fix stuff, buy things.”

“Hoho,” Caesar laughed, “don’t worry… I’ll take care of you. I promised your father…”


Before James says anything, the bell rang.

“Later, meet me after school, I’ll explain my ability to you.” Caesar said, “ and no, you can’t miss your class.”

“Hey!” James furrowed his eyebrows. Isn’t that the principal? How dare he to put class first then the world second.

“As I said, go and meet me after. I have a meeting with some parents now.” Caesar said as he hit the ground with his stick and walked forward. He whispered. “I want you to think well, in my offer. It’s a life-death matter. You may want to know that you are too young for it.

“I want you to pick your answer. Tell me later if you still want to accept my offer.”

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