《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》CH6- Reverting Time


In Green Leaf neighbour.

Inside his house, James couldn’t help but feel some heartache when he looked at his bank credit.

If he fixes his motorcycle, he would be broke to make it to the end of the year. And there is no way that he would call Angelica for money or anything. He barely calls his sacrificial family.

His original plan was to survive on what he has until summer comes and he would find a part-time job.

But he just now had faced an unknown creature, and he had his first kill with a gun. And somehow, he reverted time. Now, he is doubting whether is that true or not. He determined to know to trigger that ability.

No, it wasn’t an ability like people nowadays are getting.

First of all, he had many tests that confirmed that his DNA has no mutation like his sis.

Second, there is no ability in this world that allows the person to do what he had done- rewinding time.

Since his head was full of many ideas, he decided to relax and take a hot bath.


“I see it now.”

James, naked and in the shower, staring at his arm, had, after one hour, found how this works. In front of him was a watch.

Looking up to the water drops that were falling on him, James could see them

‘Whenever I use it, that red tattoo appeared again.’

The watch in front of him was working reversely.

‘Is this happening because my body absorbed blood?’

After many tries and three hours, James reached these conclusions.

First: he can truly reverse time if he wished badly for it. And that red tattoo, which he suspected that it was weird even for his world, would appear.

Second: He can use his ability three times. Each time he can reverse time up to 20 seconds. And he can combine them all in once, allowing him to go one minute back.

Maybe he can combine the three with practice, but, he is out of his power and he felt a bit tired.


Which leads to the third point.

Third: after using all of his tries, he has a cool-down of one hour, starting from the first time he used that ability.

“What an ordeal.”

James let a sigh as he kept looking at the water.

For some reason, he is seeing every drop clearly. Thinking clearly about this ability, it’s not a very strong offence or defence. But, it exactly matches with his skills or the skill he hoped that he would develop.

Wearing his bathrobe, James walked to his room and sat in front of the PC. He decided to play that game, which had the same guy who fights monsters while running on walls.

Letting his eyesight slip to the window, James blinked twice.

For some reason, his eyesight was very good. James noticed this in the shower, but he thought it as the effect of the adrenaline.

Out of the window, on the street, he noticed. A small ant that was walking alone after the wind brought it here.

Suddenly, a car moved passed by that ant, very fast. James was opening his jaw, as he could notice its every movement clearly. Even the wheels movement didn’t seem blurry

“What the…”

Did this just happen when that blood got inside him?

‘Maybe this is a dream… Maybe this is real.’

But if this real, this would mean that his shooting would improve.

‘Or, something happened to my brain when I missed shots…’

‘I should google it.’

Unfortunately, there was no history of someone improving their eyesight after fighting with guns.

And again, no one would have weird blood absorbed into his veins in that history.

*Dang* *Dang*

His phone all of the sudden rang. It was 23:30.

This was an alarm he set to remind him to sleep, as he usually would be doing push-ups and stretching exercises, so he would keep his agility.

James got up, took his gun and hid it inside a special pocket inside his other coat.

‘I missed the marksmanship and the gym date. Now, I have to think about getting a part-time job.’


Although his ideas were somehow were negative, there was a wide grin on his face as he looked

He isn’t without abilities now. And there is a higher chance that he can achieve that goal

‘At least, when I meet that bastard, I’ll have a higher chance with this.’



James yawed as he got off his bed. He looked around. Great, Lisa didn’t come. He was really worried that she would be over-excited to talk about her day in school. But again, that heroic school is in another city, and she has friends.

He looked at the clock and found that he didn’t face any troubles about getting up. He, last night, despite lying on the bed, only slept at 05.00 PM. He was too excited with his ability to reverse time and seeing things clearer.

Giving the window a look, he nodded and was sure that it wasn’t a dream as he could see very clearly. Making his way to the garage, James blinked his eyes and got out after seeing his crushed motorcycle.

‘I’ll take the bus.’

Closing the door of his house, he made his way out, walking toward the bus station.

*Tit* *Tit*

Suddenly, James stopped when he heard a car horn.

He turned to see a handsome young man, wearing black shades, raiding a sports car smiling at him. It was more of a smirk in James’s eyes.

James remembered him; this is Luke, the guy from yesterday who explained some rules by the beginning of the day, and said that someone wants to meet with him

James had assumed that someone — ability user, hero or a villain — thinks of him as a thug and would make him join his side, so he didn’t care to talk to him.

“Hey,” Luke said as he drove next James, “you wanna ride.”

“No thanks,” James said. “I have no interest in meeting whatever person you are talking about.”

“Ha…” Luke let a sigh, “why are you, pale mate. You look like someone who just had fought with a Demon.”

James suddenly turned his face to Luke, made a quite amazed facial expression.

“How did you— ”

“Ha~,” Luke said, “I know. NOW, get in… I believe that you know that the road isn’t the best place”

James, at that moment, had realised that Luke may just confirm something out of his reaction.

Realising his mistake, and that there are many possibilities around, he focused. Suddenly, things started to move in reverse.

Now, he was back to the point where he had made that shocked face. But this time, he was more prepared.

“Why are you, pale mate. You look like someone who just had fought with a Demon.” Luke said, again.

“Demons! Do they exist” James said as he turned his face and looked at Luke. He focused very closely on Luke’s facial expression.

“I helped you a bit yesterday, injuring its leg and making it move slower,” Luke just let a smile. “I was going to blast its head… but, as I saw that you have a gun and that you are good at running on walls, I decided to watch.”

“I have to admit. For someone without an ability, you surely fought your way out. I respect how you made it alive.”

‘He knows for sure,’ James narrowed his eyes, looking at the blondie. His arm, the one who attacked him earlier, was really a demon. And this guy just let him fight it.

“Who is Rakash,” James asked, his expression turning cold. “I looked for him, but no many results.”

James thought about this a lot last night. ‘Rakash… blood.’ It was

“I don’t know him. Its records were removed when I was young. Both of us were. But, for some reason, He said, that there is a relation between you and him. A cursed one.”

“Who is he. Is he a local student?”

“Get in,” Luke said, offering James the car. “The Master wants to see you.”

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