《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》Chapter 8! I know Kung Fu


James Angelo’s school hours had been passing, quite fast. His thoughts weren’t directed to what that pretty blonde young teacher was saying. But well, who would pay attention when he realises that his life may be a lie; his beloved father had fought against the system secretly and Demons as well.

Not only so, but he lost his chance to have ability thanks to his dad.

Great, A Demonic curse, Rakash’s, the Demon of time, is all he has.

It’s a hard story to believe if it wasn’t for that he had fought with one of the Demons and had reversed time

And the fact that Luke knew that, the demon called him ‘Rakash, made it more believable, yet shady.

‘What a pain in the ass…’ James thought ‘and I haven’t even fixed my motorcycle…’

‘Not to mention, I have demonic curse… but did that one said Rakash blood instead of curse…

‘And the shit of Demon world invading. And our beloved system and heroes have corruption. Who would think?

‘But I really need strength. For Josh, of course.’

‘And that Caesar, said, in my blood, with his power, I may surpass the DNA limits. I wonder what that may be.’

“Mrs Angelo!”

James suddenly saw a pencil’s head flying toward him. It was so fast, but he could follow its movement. It was swift and blurry to the eye of the normal human. But he managed to catch it at the last minute.

He then looked at the one who shot it.

“What was that for?” James asked. All of the students turned their faces toward him since he sits at the last chair.

Mrs Goldsmith Lea was his physics teacher. Her class, you can say, it’s hard not to pay attention, especially from the boys' side.

She was a tall woman, with model’s standard, had a long blond straight hair that reaches her shoulder. She was the youngest teacher here.

Apparently, he was the only one who didn’t pay attention.

“Mm… can you tell me what was I talking about.” She scanned him with her blue eyes, pushed a strand of hair from her forehead and shot James a pointed glare.

For some reason, James felt some boys were looking at him like they stood in her side with no reasons.

James looked at the board, to see what she was writing.

An idea stroke him.

“Mrs Angelo, you can’t just pull your book now.”

“Wait for a second,” James said. Ha, he found the page.

Everyone gave him the look like he was an idiot, or, that he was mocking the teacher.

That would make him face some academic troubles.

James lifted his eyes from the book, to see that Lea threw her pencil toward him.

This time, it was really blurry, and hard to

> That what James called his, ‘Demon curse power’ that belonged the Demon of Time.


The pencil, which was just a couple of inches away from his head, started to move backwards until it was in Mrs Goldsmith’s hand. His book was shut again.

Combining two trials, James reverted time enough seconds to go back to the moment he caught the pencil and she asked him that question.

‘This could be considered a practice? Right?”

“You were talking about the equations used in calculating energy between movement and gravity?” James said, which sounded very natural.

“Right,” she said, turning her face to the board, making every glare — from boys — James had turned to the young teacher. They pay attention, really.

“Meet me at my office later…”

“Sorry, I have a meeting with the principal,” James said. ‘Maybe it’s not bad to use Caesar’s authority…’

“Fine, just pay attention.” She said, while writing, “there would be enough time in future.”

James lowered his head.

Very soon, he went to think back about Caesar offer.

‘Saving world, is a big job…’ James thought ‘ … I will ask for a payment.’


After classes were done, James went to Caesar’s office. The latter was waiting for his response to his offer. And James had already made his mind. Sure, it will be educated to stop demonic creatures from invading this world and going against the system.

But most importantly: James wanted more power. As a new door was opened for him, there is no way he’s going to shut it on himself.

“So, James, what is your decision.”

Caesar smiled as he was sitting. With his hand, he gestured to James.

The teen sat in front of him, lifted his head, and said, “what’s your ability. The one

“You can call it, the Master Ability.” Caesar said, “I’ll explain it. Now, tell me. Have you thought about my offer?”

“Yes, to the degree that Lea wants me to go out with her. But I told her that I have a date with you.”

James mockingly said. Why would Caesar ask such an obvious question?

“You mean the Blondie.” Caesar sighed, “You broke her heart I see.”

“Yep.” James sighed. “Jokes aside. How much I’m gonna get paid.”

Caesar blinked twice. “I offer you to save the world. To do something great, to save your nation, family, and you ask for money!

“Don’t you feel any gratitude for your nation?”

James blinked twice before pretending that he was affected. “You know, for my nation, it’s free.”

Caesar smiled. But James’s next words froze him.

“But we are talking about the rest of the world. How much…” James said. The whole world minus his nation’s fees. “Come on, a man gotta eat.”

“Hahaha!” Caesar busted to laugh “Like father like son, I see. Don’t worry my dear James. As your uncle now, here is this credit card, use it wisely.”


James accepted the card. Caesar talked, with a smile, “You accepted, why?”

“Curious, you can say,” James said as he put the credit card inside.

‘I can consider this my part-time job.’ He thought.

“Good,” Caesar stood up, as he went to the corner of the room before asking “Coffee?”

“No sugar,” James said, “I’m following a diet.”

Caesar mockingly said, “with your Demonic curse. The diet is the last thing you need. Your wounds would heal faster. Your body is no like it used to be.”

James suddenly touched his rib. It was injured two days ago due him doing a wrong parkour exercise. He didn’t feel pain. He then lifted his sleeves to his right arm. There was there a scratch, but not anymore.

“So, you mean, I don’t only have the power to revert time?”

“Demons, especially, the Emperors have superior physics and can use magic at some point. Of course, I don’t know how much that curse affected you.”

“Am I a Demon?” Asked James, as he had a doubt.

Caesar paused for a second and said, “No, your father did that test when you born. Your DNA said that you’re their kid. Just consider what you got a gift. “

James, somehow, felt relief. The doubts weren’t washed away. But he has nothing to lose if he believed Caesar.

Besides, his twin, Lisa, is no Demon. It must be just a silly idea.

“Eat as much as you like,” he placed the cup in front of James, “You won’t get fatter.”

“Mm…” James took a sip from the sweet coffee. ‘Terrible’ he thought.

“Now, let me explain my ability,” Caesar walked around the room, “as you may notice or not. Luke, despite having two abilities. Nothing works with his physical power…

“But, as you can see, after we met. He can perform beyond his limits.”

“You mean.” James paid attention as he stopped sipping.

“Yes,” Caesar nodded, “My ability, the Master, is the ability of the teacher. I can teach you by touching you. Not only so, But I can break your physical limits.”

“Physical limits?” James said.

“As you know, many athletes train for their whole life. But at some point, they won’t get stronger, or faster. That’s because of the limits in your genes.

“I can break them and let them reach a new peak. But that depends on the person I’m doing that to him. Usually, they would perform 2 to 3 times higher than their usual performance. It’s a good ability, especially for weapon users like you.”

James nodded.

“You, with your Rakash curse in your blood. I believe that the limits I can push are far away from what I can even imagine. Rakash, as I remember, was very scary. Scarier than the worse villain.”

Caesar lowered his head and paused for a while.

James thought. His heart was beating faster. For a whole year, he was training to get power. He learned tricks and some circus moves and he has yet to reach his peak.

Now, there is a curse in his blood. And as it seems, it will break his genetic limits.

“Wanna test it.” Caesar placed his hand on James’s head. James didn’t move.


Before James could say anything, he felt pain his head. His body started to shake.

As he felt, some memories, muscle memories were entering his body. A man performing a punch, a kick, a flipping kick and react.

He felt like he was doing those moves himself.

*Breathing fast.*

James panted as he closed his eyes and was immersed in the situation. He felt a slight pain through all of his body.

Caesar suddenly took his hand back. “I hope I didn’t put too much.”

Caesar thought of it. He usually takes his time. But this one is special. He has Rakash’s blood. An hour already passed.

James opened his eyes slowly, feeling the changes within his brain. He turned his head and saw Caesar and said, “I know Kung Fu.”

James now knew why Luke said the Master wants to see him.

“The Matrix. Good old days. Never thought you would have watched the movie.” Caesar chuckled. It had been a long time since Earth change.

That time, people didn’t have the ability, and the countries had a different name. But with the appearance of powers, and passing by another world war, the world changed and now was on its way to developing more.

“What a headache,” James frowned and got up. For the first time, he made a joke with Caesar. It was a friendly sign. But this master just killed it.

Standing in the middle, he lifted his leg and kicked. For some reason, the moves of the black belt were carved in his brain, like he had trained years for it. He squatted, put his fists next to his waist, and performed a flying kick as he got up

“That’s good. But is that the only martial art you know.” James felt that his legs stretched more. But as Caesar said, it healed on its own. ‘Luckily, I do stretching exercises.

“No,” Caesar said, “there are more. But your brain won’t handle the fatigue of learning everything in one day.”

“Now, can I know about your genetic limits breaker,” James asked as he didn’t feel changes with his body, except the Kung Fu.

“Yes, I forgot about it.” Caesar placed his hands on James's shoulders, “this is gonna hurt you."

“Wha—” before James could say any world, he felt a surge of pain running across his body.

“Aghh…” he clenched his teeth as he started to sweat.

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