《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》Ch5: Headshot, Time Rewind


It was dark inside this abandoned building. The sky was cloudy, and there was no light source inside.

The only way James could see what happened, to the dark demon, is by relying on the sparks released by the gun.

*Bang* x6


James heard the demon’s cry as he finished shooting. The shiny golden eyes suddenly turned and looked toward him. James, at that moment, realised that three bullets got its stomach and two got the arms. The last one had missed the head.

‘I need to practise my marksmanship more.’

The Demon let an angry growl and began walking toward James.

From the way it was walking, James could tell that he was moving slower.

But he knew that this Demon is strong enough to take his life with its super strength.

James, since he was by the window, decided to react fast.

He quickly turned his head to the window, kicked the ground with his left feet, allowing 6 bullets to fall to the empty chambers, by the same time he jumped out of the window. It was quick reloading.

‘Okay, I won’t ask for a refund for those books.’

James thought as he hanged to the edge, the gun was held by his mouth.

Looking to the left, James saw a near window with some bricks out of their place.

He had always practised those moves in a park, where he didn’t have to risk falling and losing his life.

Things here were different. One mistake and he is dead.

Taking a deep breath, James shifted all of his weight to the left, before using his arms to push himself to the other window. The distance was hard to make it with a jump. James found his feet kicking the wall, allowing him to approach the other window swiftly.

Quickly placing his hands on the edge, and driven by the crazy amount of adrenaline, James didn’t lose his momentum and managed to push himself again, running four meters on the wall.

*Drum* *Drum*

James ignored the itchiness in his arm. He was thinking about how to get rid of this station. He lifted his head, there were three worth stories for him to climb up.

He looked then to the left.

There, from that window, was that huge human, extending his head and glaring at him.

James took the gun from his mouth, as he hanged with one hand, and shot one bullet.

But as it seems, he gave that creature enough time to react and take its head back inside the room.


James suddenly felt that the building was shaking.

*Drang* *Drang*


A wall had fallen, he heard.

He quickly realised what’s going on. That monster is destroying the walls, making its way toward him.

James took a deep breath as he put the gun again in his mouth. Shifting his weight a bit to the left.

Holding his weight with his hands in small holes in the building, James started to climb up. The adrenaline didn’t seem to let him slip.

James quickly used his feet to help up going up faster. Very soon, he reached the 4th-floor window.

Placing his hands on its edge, he pushed himself up swiftly, quickly turning his body as his butt fell down on the edge.

*Drang* *Drang*

Sitting, he took off his coat, held it with one hand before picking the gun with the other hand.


He heard one wall falling. The demon was crushing its way toward him.

James let his coat fall down. He felt some sourness, it was expensive and he doesn’t have the money as he used a year ago. Not to mention how close he was from becoming broke.

As the coat fell and reached in front of the third-floor window a dark hand was extended and held it.

The coat was pulled inside before the voice of inhuman growl was heard.

James extended the gun down.

Here, outside, he can see very well. The lighting was just too good and the distance was so close.

After the coat was taken inside, a big head was getting out of the window, followed by a neck thick like a tree. It was pitch black, with long dark horns.

The head seemed to be facing the ground, looking for him.

Sitting above the Demon, James aimed very well that he forgot the world around him.

He can’t miss.

The demon, who looked down for James, moved its head left, not seeing him, before lifting it up.

At that moment, the demon’s shiny yellow eyes found the human that it was looking for.


James scoffed and pulled the trigger. The shiny eyes no longer scared him.


James took a deep breath as he saw the demon has stopped moving.

Usually, the people with the ability to have sub shape transform would regain their human form after death.

However, this one didn’t and kept the shape of the demon.

‘As I thought…’

James didn’t believe his eyes as he was still aiming at the lifeless head.

Ha Ha

James was panting, taking deep breaths as he placed the gun in his waist, as he no longer had his coat.


This was the first time he had ever killed.

But he didn’t feel any bad taste.

Instead, he had one idea, ‘I’ve survived… my arm.’

Looking at the purple blood, James felt some itchiness coming from his left arm.

It was like it was attracted to the blood or something.

He didn’t know. But that itchiness was getting stronger that it became painful.

“What’s going on.”

James held his left arm.

No, not his arm, but his whole body was itching this time.

James, the moment he was busy was pain, didn’t notice that a head-sized rock was falling toward him.


James felt his neck being hit by something very solid.

In instant, he had lost his balance and fell forward, to the ground.

Had he been in good condition and focused, he may hold up to something before hitting the ground.

But he had just got hit on his neck by a heavy rock.

As James’s faced the demon’s body, he unconsciously extended his left hand and held the horn of the creature.

It allowed him to hang for a couple of seconds.

James noticed during that time that the purple blood coming out of the demon’s head was heading toward his hand that was clanging on the horn.

The blood vanished in thin air and James felt that it was being absorbed by him.

He wasn’t in a good condition to freak out, but he felt confused.

Purple blood, it was attracted to him like iron would do to magnetic.

His arm, along with his body, in instant, shone in a red glow.

James’s hand slipped away and he continued falling down.


Seeing how the building was getting smaller, James extended his hand up.

He didn’t want to fall and die. Even if he didn’t die, there is a gun with him, and there are police outside. Not to mention the bad condition he would get into.

At that moment, James wished that he could go back in time, so he wouldn’t face this.


Upon hitting the ground with his body, he felt that he was hit by a truck.

James had expected that he would lose consciousness, but he didn’t.

The red glow vanished.

He, all of the sudden, found himself rising in the air, floating and flying up.

In a moment, his hand was on that demon’s horn.

The next instant, he found himself sitting by that window he used earlier to shot the Demon.

“Ha- Ha, what the actual—”

He found himself in the same position when he had shot the dead demon.

Not only so, but there was also no pain on his neck.

Looking at his arm, it didn’t feel itchy like earlier.

James remembered when that feeling vanished, it did when that blood was, or will get, absorbed inside him.

Was that blood meant to calm him?

James, unconsciously, jumped inside the building while looking forward.

He noticed that as he did, a heavy rock fell and passed by his original spot.

“Did I reverse time!” James didn’t believe he saw. But he believed what he felt.” Or, did I see the future”

In his whole life, he knew that, unlike his twin, he didn’t have an ability. Even the doctors said that.

Were they wrong… No. That was a result based on science.

His DNA test showed that there is no mutation that gives him an ability.

It must be something related to that non-human creature.

‘Rakash… blood.’

James thought and remembered what that thing was saying to him.

‘Who in the hell is Rakash.’

Lifting his arm, James observed it. There, on top of his arm, there was a red line extending all the way down. It was glowing like a laser.

Very soon, the red lines formed a tattoo of an unknown shape that it was hard to describe it by words. It was like a crest, to be more exact.

But before he could make out what it was, it vanished.

“My arm!”

James didn’t know what was going on. He was honestly shocked that he forgot about the motorcycle that got crushed.

‘My motorcycle…’

James closed his eyes and remembered that all he has left was 5000 credit coin.

It would only be enough for a year if his expenses were on the food and bills.

“What was that.”

James remembered the feeling from earlier as he fell. It felt like the time itself was being reserved. He knew it was the truth, as he avoided that fallen rock. But he wanted to know, how to trigger it.

Should he just wish, or focus on how to rewind the time. He didn’t dare to think of it now.

Now, he has to take his crushed vehicle and got out. He was sure that gun shooting sounds would attract the police here. Picking up his coat from the demon-like, he took his ride and called some service to ride him home.

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