《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》Ch4: Demon


James looked in front of him in disbelief at the demon-like creature that all of the sudden appeared in front of him,

The black scales, the 9 feet tall muscled figure, and the triangle face with shiny yellow eyes, a mouth full of white fangs, and two long white horns, like goat’s, on the top of its head.

This looked different from any ability that allows its user to transform. This basically was unheard of. James knew, felt, it’s not a human, not looking like one.

His arm called him here, was someone, or something trying to…But he didn’t have time to think of this now.

“What in the hell…”

James, for the first time in his life, found himself in this position. He felt that he was truly in danger, a real one that he forgot to withdraw his gun beneath.

*Bam* *Bam*

James’s left arm started to beat and give a chilly feeling in reaction. For some reason, his hair on his body stood up when his eyes met with the murderous eyes. He felt bloodthirsty directed to him, making his heart beat faster. But he kept breathing normally.


A dark, deep voice hit James’s ears as he was looking at this Demon like who just spoke. The creature spoke without opening its mouth.

The demon bent down and picked up a huge rock with two hands, it was almost 5ft tall in height and wider than that.

Upon hearing such tone, James was certain, it’s not a human.

James quickly turned his motorcycle and was ready to get out. He regretted that he didn’t stand by the entrance, and now, he has to drive out and see whatever to do.

But, as he turned and was about to get out, James pressed the breaks as the shadow of a huge rock looming over his head.


The rock landed at the entrance, blocking it, which only left James’ the walls, which he couldn’t get his vehicle out of it.

James turned his head, feeling his heart beating faster and faster with the second. Adrenaline was rushing at crazy amounts in his veins. Even if he had trained, he was still a 15 years old teen and he never he would have such opponent in his first fight.


“Rakash… Blood. Precious Blood!”

The black-scaled Demon said those words as he started walking forward.

James’s breathing rate was becoming faster. But he couldn’t freak out, even if he felt chill and fear. It’s, after all, an instinct.

He can’t fail, not until he achieves that desire.

Even not having an ability won’t stop him; that what he determined when he attended his brother’s funeral.

During his life, if there is one thing he hated about himself, is being the only weak person in his family. That feeling became stronger when he knew that the terrorist got away after murdering his sibling.

Extending his hand in a specific way that matched the movement of his back, the gun he hid earlier appeared at hand, aimed in front of him.

The Demon like creature was still walking and seemed not fazed by the sight of the gun. It started running and it was fast, and heavy that it shook the ground a bit.

James held his breath. He always had thought that pulling the trigger on a living being would feel harder than it’s on the training target.

But as he was facing a situation where every second he takes count in his survival chance, his fingers pulled the trigger faster with no hesitation.

*Bang* *Bang*

The gun shone as two bullets left.


The demon let a roar as it stopped and looked at James. Apparently, one of the two bullets missed while the other got its arm. The demon pinched that area and the bullet flew to the ground, followed by purple blood.

‘What the hell’

The wound seemed to be not so effective, but it cause it to feel pain.

‘Does this mean he should get the right spot?’

James raised his gun to the head of the nine feet tall creature. But, as he was about to shot, the demon crossed its arms on his head, covering it, and started running toward James. The bullet just landed on its arm and it couldn’t stop it.


James let a curse as he saw the bloody creature approaching him swiftly.

Turning his motorcycle, James moved quickly in any direction that may help him. The only thing in front of him was the building.


“Rakash’s Blood!!!”

The black scaled demon let a yell as it jumped toward James, with its horns forward.

James begged his vehicle to move faster. But unfortunately, the creature hit it at the right moment, stopping it. James found himself flying out of his seat before landing on the ground, next to the abandoned six stories building.


James flipped on the ground, as it was a reaction he gained from parkour training. He looked forward, his gun in front of him. Hearing the creature’s steps behind reminded him that he doesn’t have time to call anyone or wain from the pain.

He followed his instinct as he pushed himself up, ran forward, picked up the gun.

Remembering his parkour training — as he had been doing it for 9 months — he kicked the wall in front of him, climbing to the first window before entering the building.

He needed to catch his breaths before knowing what to do.

James looked inside. Here, the abandoned building was an unfinished project. No one knew why its building stopped, or not destroyed yet, as the mayor of the city was the one who made this decision. Many people thought it was to press Gentleman High School to purchase it. Just a commercial move.

Well, apparently, there is a Demon here. Maybe that’s the real reason.

James ran as soon as he saw the stairs until he reached the third floor.

“Ha…. Ha.”

James took a couple of fast breathes as he went and hid behind a pillar.


He heard a loud sound of rocks getting crushed. James assumed that the demon from earlier destroyed the wall. Why in the hell does it want his life. Could it be some psycho or a new ability user who turned into a monster and lost its mind?

No, that’s never happened before.

‘Think… Think, what to do.’

James looked at his gun. He still has four bullets inside it and 4 charges hidden beneath his clothes.

As he remembered, earlier, the bullet pierced its muscled arm and made it bleed.

‘He isn’t invincible, that’s certain.’

James put two bullets in his Colt-Python as it can only hold 6 shots.

The reason he missed one-shot is that he was freaked out by surprises and couldn’t aim well.

Here, it was dark. the light was weak, and he could barely see.

*Foot Steps*


James closed his eyes as he felt his breaths becoming calmer. But he could clearly hear his heartbeat as he could hear the footsteps taking the stairs up toward him.

He reached inside his coat and picked up his phone.

What should he do?

Should he call the cops, no they are slow? Should he call a superhero? they would figure out that he has a gun, which would lead him to more troubles.

Besides, Flower City was the city with the least number of available heroes.

Hearing the Demon slowly making its steps on the second floor, James leaned his back on the pillar and started to scroll on the number list. Angelica — Mom — Dad — Principal — Lisa.

‘Lisa, Angelica,’ James frowned and knew what he has to do. Lisa is still young, and she has a school, not to mention, she is annoying. Angelica is….

He quickly turned off his phone.

Terror Movies cliche number one: when the bad guy is chasing you and you are hiding, the person you never talked to in a year would call you right that moment.

“Let’s dance,” for a year, he was inspired by that video game protagonist.

‘I can do this.’ He thought in himself, focusing on his gun.

As he heard the steps ascending, he stood normally and looked at the entrance as he stood next to the window.

Relaxing his body, extending his left foot forward, he aimed while holding his weapon by both hands; James took the shooting stance and tried to breathe as calm as he can.

*Drum* *Drum* *Drum*

He ignored his loud heartbeat as he started forward, the creature was ascending.

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