《Blood Cursed: Demon of Time》Ch3- Strange Building.


“Riemann Carter.”


“James Angelo.”

James raised his hand upon hearing the teacher calling his name as she was making the presence paper. He was sitting at the end of the class while looking through the window.

The building, which he came across earlier, happened to be just next to his window. It was six stories cracked dark building, which no one would look to. Most of the people in the city were waiting for the government to do something about it, but nothing happened yet.

“Hope you know what have you done.” Someone closely whispered in James’s ear.

“Ha.” James only sighed as he ignored the fat kid who was next to him.

Earlier, when James got here in the class, he decided to pick up the last seat. Someone didn’t like it. What they call these type of guys, the ones who like to get attention.

“Don’t get cocky because you look tall.” The fat kid said, “I was the captain of the football team. I was the best. Ask about my name. Willy, they will tell you.”

“Just shut up,” James said. “You are annoying.”

Great, someone who thinks he can bully him was the last thing to cheer his day up.

“Why are you avoiding talking,” Willy didn’t seem to shut up soon. “Are you afraid? I know handsome people like you. Thought themselves something when they are nothing, you’ll know soon…”

James turned his head to that building again. For some reason, each time he glances there, his arm would beat like a heart.

Willy just kept talking and made some cheap threats.

James could tell that this fatty just came from an ordinary family, or he has some high place. Otherwise, only a cocky, or an ignorant would cause troubles here on his first day.

You don’t know who may have an ability or not, so it’s better to shut your mouth on the first day.

‘My arm…’ James thought as he looked to his left arm. Whenever he looks at that building, his arm starts beating. ‘Is it beating?’

“And if you add x to y,”

And the class continued until the bell rang. Then another class came.

“I’ll show you, James. I’ll show you what happens to guys who don’t sit in the first place.”



The bell of the second class came to end and James left his seat. Since it was the first day, the rest of the teens are trying to make friends with each other. It’s a new stage of their lives and they would need to make friends.

He had no desire. He just wanted to finish this long day before heading toward the marksmanship centre, where he can train his shooting. It may look like a weird hobby, but it was a part of his long term training plan.

James allowed himself to head to the WC during the break. He felt thirsty, and he wanted to smoke a cigarette.

Although he didn’t like smoking, living alone and having some kind of stress. If he didn’t eat some medicines, then he would casually blow a cigarette.

But as he was in his way inside, a shadow stood in his way. It was 6ft tall, just like him.

“Hoho, sneaking your way out,” Willy said as he cracked his neck. He used to do this, to the kids who didn’t have abilities of course. And from his experience, James would be either asking for mercy

But the reaction he got was unexpected. Instead of entering a conversation, James placed both of his hands on Willy’s shoulders, and landed a quick yet heavy head-butt on the chin, letting the big kid fall.

“Hey look.”

“ A fight here.”

“Puff, it’s over before it even started.”

“Didn’t have time to film it.”

Some people were in the WC for some reason. And they witnessed it. Willy put his hand on his nose, feeling pain and dizzy from the hit he got.

“Listen,” James said as bent down, behind Willy, and locked his arms around his neck. He looked around, seeing other students not wanting to interfere.

James knew that, after this, no one would mess with him. It’s all about the first impression.

“If you want to stay, you have to behave yourself. And I can tell, you don’t have a backing to keep you here.

“Shake your head if you understand.”

Willy seemed to resist, which forced James to make the lock stronger until Willy’s face got blue and he shook his head finally.

“You better hear what he tells you,” Some blond man smoking in the corner said to Willy, “you know, there are people here, with special… you know powers. In the past, some people acted in high profile. But that was the past.”


The others in the WC gave James a thumb up.

“You should join the wrestling team.”

“Not interesting,” James just continued chocking the other.


The bell rang again and the classes.

“I wasted a cigarette because of you,” James let him, “don’t get in my way, and I’ll do the same.”

“Haha.” Willy just held his throat and breathed. He just got chocked. If that went for longer, he may accidentally get killed.

James left the door and went to his class. He, inside, felt a bit sorry for Willy, but he thought he won’t be bothered this way.

The classes passed smoothly for James. Willy had changed his place. Some were whispering while giving him glances secretly. There was a girl who smiled at his face and waved her hand at him.

Until the end, James had only been focusing on his arm that was acting strangely, and the guns that were placed just beneath his shoulder, under the coat.

The classes ended very soon. And because James didn’t enrol in any club here, he could, of course, leave early. He had a shooting session and he doesn’t like to miss those, for the sake of his plans.

As he was taking his vehicle outside, someone stood on his way. He was the same blond man in the WC from earlier, one with average height, well-built body, and a scare next to his chin.

From his face, he seemed to approach his 18. He looked to have a bad smirk on his face as he made eye contact with him.

“What do you want,” James asked as he saw him smiling at his face.

“Nice ride there.” He said, “Luke Anderson, by the way.”


“Aren’t you rude not to introduce yourself, James Angelo?”

“Well, seems you had done that work for me,” James said.

“You know, what I told that fatty earlier, about people, acting low, and so,” Luke shook his head, “Apparently, someone wants to meet you.”

“Not interested.” James turned his face, “Not interested in the local gang or anything.”

“Hey!” Luke turned his head in confusion. James just had continued riding and ignored him without hearing what he has to say.

“I wasn’t going to invite you to meet some local villain fan-club.” Luke shook his head and murmured, “Was it my fault I tried to scare him to come. The Master wouldn’t like that I messed to invite his bloodline… Ha, and he was waiting for how many years”

“Whatever, he will get back on his own.” Luke shook his head. “I need to guard that place anyway,”


James got to the road and decided that it’s time to make his way to the marksmanship centre. He found that he was getting closer to that building from earlier. An uncomfortable feeling came from his left arm again.


James pressed the breaks upon hearing the same whisper from earlier.

Only this time it sounded more real.

He looked where he had stopped, and it happened next to that building from earlier.

He made his way to the entrance and stopped few meters, looking at the building. The feeling in his arm became stronger than ever. James had thought that it must be some bad feeling coming from this building.



The weather was getting coldly, and it seemed to be going to rain very soon.

James gave the building a small look. For some unexplained reason, he felt that he has some sort of curiosity or connection. He decided that he will come back here later, one day if he had time.

As he was about to leave, suddenly, a purple light flashed in front of James’s eyes.

After blinking, he could see a purple smoke covering the sight coming from nowhere.

‘What’s going on,’ he thought as he looked in front of him, to the veil of the smoke.

It was then, to his surprise, a shape, monster-like, appeared from that smoke.

It was at least, 9ft tall, full of muscles, and had two horns. Its skin was darker than dark. It’s long arms ended up with sharp claws. Looking up, to its triangle pitch black face, James felt his heart beating faster when he looked at the horns on the top of its head, before looking at its shiny yellow eyes.

Just seeing such a creature, James had no choice but to feel his heart beat faster. It looked super ugly, super strong, and scary.

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